KOTL Forums

Player Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Zylvyn on 05/24/07, 15:11

Title: Has to be done...
Post by: Zylvyn on 05/24/07, 15:11
Yeah.  First mortal to decide to post here.

*lounges around*

Now someone give me something to argue against!
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 05/27/07, 22:01
Now why oh why would we give you something to argue against? That'd be like giving Tsythor a displacer beast! ... By the way, get a bloody normal kitten, not a super kitten!
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Chalgyr on 05/29/07, 13:49
Super-kittens rule though! ;)

Hmm, something to be argued?  How about... Metroid games are far inferior to Final Fantasy ones?  That should get'cha going. :)
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 05/31/07, 12:44
Well, that also depends on which Final Fantasy games, too.... I'd take Metroid over FFXII for instance, but FFVI over Metroid. *sage* And super kittens would be too much for someone to handle... A normal kitten is all you'd ever need!
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Chalgyr on 05/31/07, 13:59
Also depends on which version of metroid you're talking about - for some reason I never got into the Metroid Primes the way I did the others.  And hey.. what was wrong w/ FFXII? :)
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 06/01/07, 16:14
It was -boring-. And I have yet to find the story-line even though I'm upto Marga Coast.... about then is when I stopped playing. *shrug* The prime games are the only metroid games I'm really familiar with, though, so... yeah... pizza's ready! *scoots!*
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/04/07, 11:50
See, I'm sitting here 2 hrs from lunch.  Pizza sounds good now...

I liked FFX and VII better than XII, but I did enjoy playing it. :)

I played all of the non-gameboy Metroid games.  For some reason, the first was always may favorite.  But then, back then I was easily lured to that, Legend of Zelda, Adventurse of Link, Kid Icarus... okay, I'm old. :)
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 06/06/07, 18:29
You're only as old as you feel! Sides, yer not -that- old. I mean, I'm only like, 7 years younger than ya! And Gilly-obaasan isn't that much younger than ya either! ... I'm going to get killed now, aren't I?
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Zylvyn on 06/06/07, 19:17
Yeah, but she's got nice ... pompoms.  More than Fuzzy can boast.
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Zelos on 06/06/07, 22:56
why are we talking about fuzzbutts pompoms?
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/07/07, 09:20
That is both a good and disturbing question....
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Zelos on 06/07/07, 21:46
*Posts pictures of chalgyr's pompoms on the internet*
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 06/08/07, 00:32
It's a good thing that such pictures don't exist! ... at least, not in your possession, anyway.
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Zelos on 06/08/07, 21:44
I didn't really want to know that there is a such a picture in existance, the only set of hooties I like to look at belong to my fiance. Looking at chalgyr's is just wrong on so many levels, no offense chal, I'm sure you got a nice set, but the ring is about to be put on my finger so I'm not allowed to look and judge anymore...
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 06/08/07, 22:16
I always thought the golden rule was, "You can look, but not touch."
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Zelos on 06/09/07, 22:23
thats the rule for men who aren't on a leash as short as mine. I would rather her not gouge my eyes out because I was looking. No pompoms are worth it man.
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Zylvyn on 06/14/07, 21:29
If you TOUCHED Chal's pompoms... I'd hope you'd proceed to grate those fingers off in the nearest cheese shredder...
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 06/14/07, 22:02
I'll provide the cheese grater!
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Zelos on 06/16/07, 00:31
I would never touch chalgyr's pompoms, I'm pretty sure my midget fiance could kick my ass and chalgyr's ass with ease. seriously, pissed her off one day and I went home with a black eye.
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 06/16/07, 13:33
Not our faults you're so pitifully weak and.... weak... yeah... weakling! Not that I'm saying women are weak, but really... you went home with a black eye? Weeeeeeak!
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Zelos on 06/16/07, 21:55
she threw a shoe at me, I'm not weak, just slow...well okay, maybe I am a little weak... but just a little.
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 06/17/07, 10:51
She sure missed when she threw that shoe, then. Your face is a long way off from her true target.
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Zelos on 06/17/07, 22:33
yeah, I'm lucky enough to have a girl that didn't play softball, so she throughs like a girl...
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 06/18/07, 08:42
Maybe I should pass that comment off to her... see if you come back with more bruises... >P
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Zelos on 06/19/07, 18:01
I thought she was joking about giving me a spanking one day, I cringe in fear whenever she threatens it now, even if she is playing.
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 06/20/07, 11:19
Somehow... I think she'd jump for glee if she got whips and chains as a present... What's her mailing address, per chance? *evilgrin*
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Zelos on 07/02/07, 20:24
god no, please...I'm serious, I don't think I could take it.
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 07/03/07, 15:06
Sorry, already mailed them.
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Zelos on 07/03/07, 20:08
well, I guess I'll be mailing out wedding invitations/funeral invitations...same thing really....
Title: Re: Has to be done...
Post by: Daklore on 07/04/07, 14:54
I'll pack explosives! Not that I'd go... so it's kind of a moot point.