
Started by Zelos, 07/04/07, 19:02

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But then who's going to blow up Klevnone and Murkwood??  But actually I like that. just make Underdark type areas in different level ranges and you just keep going down to get to harder areas.
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one.


guess I should just give up on the whole idea of an underground city to match the floating one we have. I'd still would like to see and expansive city built. Could even be a possible place for a new legendary mob, c'mon the god the drow worship would have to be pretty hard to beat. Also introducing the area could come as a possible storyline for the immies to implement when they need one, like there is a giant earthquake or the drow are beginning to attack the kingdoms, there could even be random drow throughout the lands attacking people (within a set range, or they could just be really super weak). That would be a cool thing to do. Just another random thought from me.
Tsythor <outgame>: '...  Lineer!  You freaking genius'


Then we can make the drow races auto-aggressive like dragons and kalchi... I dont know if you were going this way with this or not - but i doubt any of the kingdoms are going to take a Drow invasion laying down :)


There's plenty we could do to make it more 'kingdom-like', like Lapis and Tozain where, but include more areas around and beneath it, etc.  It's just a matter of time and builders...
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


What are the steps to see if one would be interested in Building? I've done quite a bit of work on other places but its been YEARS. :) anything to help would be sweet though.


Quote from: Azzan on 07/11/07, 08:42
Then we can make the drow races auto-aggressive like dragons and kalchi... I dont know if you were going this way with this or not - but i doubt any of the kingdoms are going to take a Drow invasion laying down :)

Yeah........ auto-aggro my race eh? ::punch:: Not quite liking that idea........
-please insert brain here-


:) i dont like it either - i have a drow alt :P - but just proving a point :)


well, refamiliarize yourself with the basics of OLC - we use it, but it's pretty heavily modified... seems like I gave Leesil some info on a site (in this thread or another?) that talked about those.  then when you think you have an understanding, I take you to builder, show you around, teach you a few things... and if tradition holds you log in for 3 or 4 days heavily and I never see you there again. :)  *grins*  but, I'm holding out more hope than that.

Let me know if yer game.
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


Hey now, I think that norm is different.  I know for a fact that I log in for at least a week before disappearing forever.

But the Underdark idea sounds very interesting to me, especially since I'm finishing up The Drow Legacy just now...
"Knights protect countries at all costs...
   ... Welcome to Kingdoms of the Lost"


Bah this topic is never gonna die have them build it under Meslina it makes since there. it can be the the underground level or Armengar
Sean Boggz
-Breaking the mold-


I have to disagree with all the ideas of 'secret' entrances to the underdark. Secret entrances to a subterrainous environment, sure, but to the 'Underdark' ... no. Darkelves and the like keep comming to the surface (hence the player populus), so the bloody entrance can't be all that -secret-. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Drows generally xenophobic? It would make sense for a true entrance to the underdark to be placed far away from any surface dwelling population... perhaps in the -vastly- unexplored northern Olerax? ... unless you intend for Tozain to be the northern most part of the continent, and the rest is just imaginary coast-line >P. Just my 10 cents... which is almost equal to 10 American cents now anyway. Ha! Take that America!
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I believe the idea of secret entrances was more of an idea of the drow attacking and destroying a kingdom and creating a storyline for the Immies to play with for a while.
Tsythor <outgame>: '...  Lineer!  You freaking genius'


That's what Calararian is for. Drow Central. Besides, Armengar is already in the process of 'falling'. None of the other kingdoms are likely to follow a similiar fate, simply on concept. No one cares about Armengar cause... c'mon, it's already empty as it is.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


Personally I agree this topic is not going go away to many people seem to be supporting it. Not all kingdoms would be adverse to a Drow invasion, I mean come on already pretty much run Mesilena, although I recommend destroying Murkwood when the great upriseing occurs, Armengar can bite it when the Otherworld Inhabitants breaktrough for their invasion. And Dak, your proud of being almost equal moneywise to a country run by retarded chimpanzee??? Talk to me you measure up to a country with a STRONG economy, like Mexico. 
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one.


Actually, they pretty much run Calararian. Mesilena is a more vampiric/undead state... always has been. As for Murkwood, we could do without it... but again... Drows are xenophobes? Why would they come to the surface? Any race evolved in a subterrainous environment would have an adversion to light, which would generally make the surface uncomfortable for them to begin with. Besides, Shaia would blow them all up... and if we're lucky, half of her kingdom too.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."