So... we got any gamers in here?

Started by Chalgyr, 09/17/10, 15:39

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I see a lot of chatter on outgame from time to time, people talking about co-op Modern Warfare 2, Halo: Reach, whatever - I figured I'd start a thread where people could post their id info if they wanted to for friends lists, and maybe post up what games you're playing lately and so on.

Playstation 3 id: Chalgyr
Xbox live id: Chalgyr
Wii id: 0335 0073 6205 6088

Let's see... what have I been playing.  Demon's souls on my ps3, Limbo and Halo: Reach for my 360 and I just picked up Metroid: Other M for the wii
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


I dont have an xbox 360 :(
I do have a ps3

I play Mw2, Sacred 2, Castle Crashers, FF13, LittleBigPlanet and other misc games as I find them or get in the mood, (usually play two player games with wifey when im on)

PS3ID: lordsye

(If you see im always on, its because I use my ps3 as a media server, and im always watching crap so its always on. :)  Just send me a note if you want to do something on the ps3 I check them if I see them come in :) and periodicly)
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


Awesome - got'cha added - I knew there must be at least a few more of us out there. :)
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


I also got an xbox 360 now.  id lord bellingham   
play mw3 and uh fable 2 / 3 and other stuffies..  skyrim on ps3 when I have time. 
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


I play Xbox360 alot. everything from Dark souls to Modern Warfare3. Assassins creed  ya'know the good stuff.

gamertag: vxxsuperdavexxv


I play the WoW, and the League of Legends, and Civ V on Steam....

My IDs for those are:

WoW -
League of Legends - Imrielle
Steam - wtbsunder *or* amayaoscron
