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Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Jadyss on 01/27/15, 20:51

Title: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Jadyss on 01/27/15, 20:51
I don't know if intended and if it is the reason behind it--but you can't walk while blind. Even if you know where you are you just can't. Also that means you can't flee. I got firebreathed at the Demon Dragon and couldn't quaff potions (can't see them because not glowing) and could not flee. Luckily I had some good rounds and my rage meter filled up and I killed it no problem.

It's just that being blind does not mean you can't move.
Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Thalia on 02/01/15, 19:33
What if we added spells/skills that added hum or glow to items so you could be better self-prepared?

Also, is there *anything* low level that removes blindness?  Bay leaves are higher level.  Seems like there's a staff that's mid-level.    Seems weird that a builder has never put into some thing for low level, but not sure if there is something and I just don't know about it.
Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Jadyss on 02/01/15, 20:11
You can see glowing and humming things, but you can't walk. I'm blind my legs aren't broken. =)
Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Toar on 02/02/15, 21:52
Pleeeease add this asap. I don't mind the penalty to accuracy, or not being able to read room descriptions. But you should still be able to flee and walk while blind.

Maybe if you go a direction that has no exit, you take extra damage while blinded? Or make it so that every round in combat has a 10% chance to cure blindness innately.

We really don't have any way to remove blind, dirt kicking, or smoke (in combat)

Quality of life! PvP comes to a screeching halt once one player is blinded, and that's very boring. Maneuvering is one of the best parts of combat.
Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Chalgyr on 02/04/15, 10:56
I would be in favor of adding things that can remove blind status - but maybe can only be used outside of combat? Fleeing should be *possible* - but harder to do? I mean, if you don't know what's around you, where you are going - maybe a failed flee while blinded causes you to fall on your butt? :P
Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Jadyss on 02/04/15, 15:52
Yes falling is pretty standard in my opinion on being blind. Flee should be already harder because of lower stats from blind? Either way I just want to be able to walk. =)
Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Bartain on 02/05/15, 01:12
Quote from: Chalgyr on 02/04/15, 10:56
I would be in favor of adding things that can remove blind status - but maybe can only be used outside of combat? Fleeing should be *possible* - but harder to do? I mean, if you don't know what's around you, where you are going - maybe a failed flee while blinded causes you to fall on your butt? :P

This is great, just keep it as a combat thing. Once battle is over, let me do something simple to recover from the blindness.
Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Chalgyr on 02/05/15, 11:57
I feel like if you are blind and walking into walls, you should take a tiny bit of non-lethal damage too. It's one thing to see it in front of you and type 'west' if there's no exit. In theory you'd see that brick wall and slow down, but if you have no clue it's there.... :p
Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Elendil on 02/05/15, 15:03
If it is feasible to do it, codewise......why not, Chal?  It makes it more "realistic"
Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Jadyss on 02/05/15, 16:56
It is definitely feasible for this code base and yeah it adds a bit more of the realism. =)
Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Thalia on 02/07/15, 19:01
So something like
.... walking blind gives you a random chance of walking in the wrong direction &/or running into a wall/tree/something (or tripping), which causes some damage.

I'd suggest adding a LISTEN skill so you could hear noise from directions.  Sort of like SCAN but you hear noise from a/some/lots of small/medium/large beings/critters to the east/west/up/down.... or something like that.
Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Jadyss on 02/07/15, 22:03
Quote from: Thalia on 02/07/15, 19:01
So something like
.... walking blind gives you a random chance of walking in the wrong direction &/or running into a wall/tree/something (or tripping), which causes some damage.

I'd suggest adding a LISTEN skill so you could hear noise from directions.  Sort of like SCAN but you hear noise from a/some/lots of small/medium/large beings/critters to the east/west/up/down.... or something like that.

This sounds pretty good.
Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: sye on 02/08/15, 13:09
Maybe add a runestone... This is after all a magical world.
- Blessed vision

(this will prevent the target from being blind via spell or ability)

and another one.
- Darkvision

(this will give people an severe upgrade to attack chance and damage when blind and fighting, as well as being able to move around and see 'heat')

Title: Re: Being Blind and Why it's Ridiculous
Post by: Jadyss on 12/09/19, 01:59
Still an important issue in 2019! Almost 2020 haha.