KOTL Forums

Player Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chalgyr on 05/29/07, 13:48

Title: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Chalgyr on 05/29/07, 13:48
Hey all - first off welcome to the boards.  I'm not going to push these down anyone's throat, but I think it presents a nice, casual place to post thoughts or discussion when we're not all on the MUD at once and let's face it, MUD format is not lenghty-note-friendly.

I'm hoping we can make some nice progress over the course of the summer and get some new things put in.  Simply put - Thalia's been doing a ton of work.  She's gotten those fixes in, new races, some new content and these boards.  I really do appreciate all the work, Thal - believe me. :)

Beyond that, I am sadly juggling about 30 things currently.  Still getting my groove at the new job - which for those who have been asking - it is going amazingly well.

We're also in the process of moving and won't be fully moved until probably mid-june.  I remember back when I was 19 and moving.  I tossed all my crap in the back of my buddy's van and moved in the same hour.  Bit more to it now.  However, when all of the dust settles, I'm hoping we can make some good headway before summer's out.  I know I have some zones mapped up and in-mind, and there's still more content that's been under discussion for some time that Thalia and Maya will hopefully impart on us soon.

Thanks for peeking in, being patient and most importantly - playing! :)
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 05/31/07, 12:37
Pfft. If I've been here this long, I've got more patience than I need! >P I mean, it took you... what... two, three years to get the Diamond questor in? >P I think most've us 'ave got more than enough patience, fuzz butt. No need to thank us for that! >P Mmkay, I'm done rambling.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/04/07, 11:55
Well, next weekend is the big move.  After that, we'll probably spend a day or two back up in our old home town, cleaning up the house and praying we get some security deposite back - boy kids can damage a place over a few years.

We won't have any internet once we start the move until probably Monday or Tuesday, so we'll be MIA a few days. :)  Try not to harass Thalia TOOOOO much *peers meaningfully at Daklore*
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zylvyn on 06/05/07, 23:37
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/06/07, 09:08
'cause we know that Zylvyn peep is always on good behavior. ;)


Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/06/07, 18:33
Gimme the jail, slay, and gecho commands all weekend, and I swear I won't pester Thalia anymore than necessary.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zelos on 06/06/07, 22:54
how about we just mute the crazy gnome for the weekend then it should be a pretty calm and quiet weekend. *ducks*
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Thalia on 06/07/07, 07:16
No... because then I wouldn't get my coffee IVs.

And there are other people I'd mute first.


Well.... a couple of other people.... hmmm....

Well... maybe just one other person...

Maybe we could mute both?
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zelos on 06/07/07, 21:48
........... (starts signing) I hope I'm not someone you wanted mute! *pats his voice box, signing to it, 'I love you'*
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/08/07, 00:30
And she certainly wouldn't want to mute me. Muting me probably wouldn't work... I'd find some other way to annoy Thalia. Then it'd just be plain dull, and she wouldn't get her special blend of genetically modified coffee, specifically engineered to Thalia's tastebuds to maximize the full aroma and flavour of the rich blend, and is aptly named, the Thalia blend.

That, and her day would be just plain dull.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zelos on 06/08/07, 21:46
yeah, most days do kinda suck without you around. well most days suck anyways, but you can atleast liven up the mud with a word or two, even if it's in a bad way.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/08/07, 22:15
Only doing my part to ensuring world-wide sanity is below the safety level of existance!
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zelos on 06/09/07, 22:24
hrm, sanity, I don't believe I'm familiar with that term, could you use it in a sentence?
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/10/07, 09:31
I don't really think I can... it's kind of... yeah, no I can't.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/11/07, 09:16
sanitary!  The thing Daklore is not.  That's not the word.  Hmm... Erm... no... the sentence would work worth that other word too.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zelos on 06/11/07, 12:36
Daklore and Magus both need to take baths I guess?
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/13/07, 18:44
I bathe daily, thank you very much! .. Also, I wouldn't recommend drinking from Murkwood's fountain.... Rynten bathes in that... and he bathes but once a century... and he's a Dracolich... and has a companion of a pickle named Dill. I think... it's been a while.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/14/07, 09:40
It was Dill.... thought more disturbing to me was the toilet seat he wore around his neck...
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/14/07, 18:48
Pfft. I think I'd be more worried about a walking, talking, psuedo-breathing pickle named Dill than a fashion accessory. Sides, it was better than Kavu's axe trying to seduce him.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/15/07, 11:21
I will agree... the axe thing's jsut creepy.  'course, the time I took a charmie of Rynten's and restrung it to Dill and would occassionally force it to do obscene things... *clears throat* anyways....
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/15/07, 11:41
Pfft. What would be worse? Sex with a pickle, or sex with an axe? .. I rest my case.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/15/07, 14:25
Which end of th... I can't finish. :P
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Alaunae on 06/15/07, 20:59
I can!

Which end of the axe was it?

Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/15/07, 22:14
I'm pretty sure it's with the head... cause butt sex is wrong. As one of my friends on AIM put in their profile: "Sex with AIM bots leads to backdoor trojans."
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zelos on 06/16/07, 00:12
dak, I think you broke my spleen with that post...owies...
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/16/07, 13:32
Not my fault you laughed your spleen into implosion.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zelos on 06/16/07, 21:58
can you live without a spleen?
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/17/07, 10:49
Not sure... hell, I always thougth a spleen was fake until I found out it was an actual body organ ^_^;;
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Leesil on 06/17/07, 11:53
Yes you can, but you will start bleeding from all bodily orifices so enjoy  :)
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/17/07, 13:38
Oooooers. Daklore shall have to start breaking spleens ICly then *shifty eyes*
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zelos on 06/17/07, 22:31
hey, that sounds like a good way to get out of work when I need to.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/18/07, 08:44
I wouldn't count on it. Most people probably think spleens are fake -anyway-
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/19/07, 12:35
Spleens are just figments of our imagination.

Like Odin.

And Canadians.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/19/07, 17:38
Suuuure. You keep telling yourself that Canadians are just figments of your imagination.... that'll make our take-over of the world that much easier.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zelos on 06/19/07, 17:56
eh? what are you talking aboot there daklore?
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/21/07, 11:20
You'll see.... You'll see...
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Calryc on 06/21/07, 15:25
Shush Dak.  You've already given away too much...  >:(
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/21/07, 18:12
Pfft. I've done nothing of the sort!
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Leesil on 06/25/07, 13:45
Canadians takeing over??? Dear God NOOO!!! There'll be maple syrup and cheap beer EVERYWHERE!!!
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 06/25/07, 19:01
At least it'll actually be beer and not water.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zelos on 07/02/07, 20:22
you only water down beer when you are going to overcharge for it, and laugh at all the people who make themselves act drunk, because they think they've had too much to drink, when in reality that 30 beers they drank over the past 2 hours, really equates to about 3...
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: azzan on 07/03/07, 10:52
I just have this funny picture of Daklore riding across the boarder on a moose in a mounty(sp?) outfit...
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zelos on 07/03/07, 14:19
funny, in one of his stories, he rides a moose... just to find him a mounty outfit.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 07/03/07, 15:22
That's because the Lapis cavalry uses moose instead of horses! Heck, Moose are nature's tanks, after all.
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Zelos on 07/03/07, 20:01
I want a moose, we really should have mounts in the game. *dreams of riding around on a tortoise*
Title: Re: Things in general coming up for me
Post by: Daklore on 07/04/07, 14:50
yeah... I can imagine a tortoise getting you from Klevnone to tolin in a week or two