Author Topic: Kingdoms - what's the right number, which is your favorite and why?  (Read 4857 times)


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As to your question, Chal, and your wish for input... These are murky waters to swim in, so to speak.  As Elendil stated, every kingdom has their own base group, aka type of people that they appeal to.  Myself, as any can see, I have moved to various kingdoms as my own character has developed from a young frightened cub to one who waged her own personal war with Mesi, and now to find her own path.  I can see the merit in each kingdom.  Mesilena is more like a vampire court, of sorts, one where cunning and intelligence as well as quick reflexes are necessary for development.  Murkwood is a peaceful, tree loving place.  Armenar is... actually... despite how I was there for a bit, it is almost unnecessary, as Klevnone serves the same purpose that it does, that of a pro warrior, disliking magic type of place.  Though I dare say that Armengar smells better.  *Grins*  In all seriousness, though, Calararian is a mage type place, one that is both strong and neutral.  Tolin... I agree with Daklore in that it has become a rather tedious area... one that is used as a 'lazy man's land' versus the original intent.  Lapis is more of a scholarly area, one that is more... suited, I would think, to mages and herbalists and the like.

That being said, roleplaying is important.  We do have a very small player base, as opposed to what it might be.  Questing has become the end all for many... even I do it while multi tasking.  It has also become, though time consuming, rather easy for those of us further along in our tiers.  Here is what I propose.  IRL, different countries speak different languages.  In KOTL, one has to have rpexp to be able to learn languages.  What if the different kingdoms spoke different languages (including the questmasters and the shops), such as Calararian and Murkwood speaking Elvish and Were, Armengar and Klevnone speaking Orc and Giant, Mesilena speaking Elvish and Draconic?  As far as Tolin and Lapis... well, the first one is a melting pot of the unsavory sorts, so it will be expected that they speak multiple languages.  As far as Lapis, it is a scholarly area, and thus it would be reasonable to expect them to speak multiple languages.  The bankers and healers are exempt, because to be quite frank, gold is gold no matter where you are and an injury is an injury no matter where you are as well.  Wooden tokens are good ways to get rpxp, but what if the ability to use them for rpxp were done away with?   It would also force rping.

Now, I do not know how much of the ideas that I propose are able to be coded (I have no idea about that stuff), but it is a start.
« Last Edit: 03/01/13, 23:46 by Laniara »


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Re: Daklore

Yeah you're correct, there would have to be the ability to quest in kingdoms where the player population was below some threshold. It would net out to people trading back and forth and interacting more... which could be a good thing. Harder to make customs? Good.

But its a fairly radical idea and definitely eats away at the one man army concept that KoTL perpetuates.
« Last Edit: 03/02/13, 07:53 by Tylon »


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Re: Lani on the different languages

Its a really cool thought but there would still have to be other communication channels in a common language still. I actually worked on a mud with languages and its sort of a double-edged sword. Either you have common tongue and no one really uses it, or you have no way to talk to each other and further stratify the playerbase.

On a slightly related note to playerbase stratification, I feel pretty strongly that along with the invisible additions there should be an easier way to become visible than striping off one's gear. Also it should just drop in player cities all together. Again this leads back to people crossing paths more often - there's some players I still haven't 'seen' with a fair amount of detect invis on my customs.


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Why is the blood mox shattering 'silly' exactly? I know one of te reasons it was added was a means of adding value to collecting them in the first place.
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The value to collecting them in the first place, is for the light resistances. Outside of that, yes, they're useless.

Shattering them gives you like 1000-1500 random quest tokens every.... how many BP is it, 10? hours. Which you can do between quests, of course. Since it takes multiple dozens of hours to fill out a few customs, in the course of time of a few bloody moxes, you probably won't even need to visit another questor, as you'll likely get the bits and odd ends from shattering bloodies.

They don't need additional value outside of their original intent, massive light resist(mainly for vamps).
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To get back on topic,

My favourite has to be Murkwood, since it does indeed suit my character's class race and temperment, my least favourite is Armengar because of how it was surveyed.  It is sad to say that while I do agree with the small player-base being spread out thinly as a result there is that need for a variety of kingdoms not to mention that the player-base is composed of many different personalities which I am sorry to say in some case are like oil and water and in some cases what some believe is rolplay others might few it as annoying.  I speak in this way because while I have not been in this game as long as Daklore's player I have experienced much more and so I can give somewhat of an informed opinion.

We are here to have a good time and roleplay or do what-ever strikes your fancy to do (quest hunt and the like).  But this is an instance where distance between certain players would be a good thing Chalgyr.


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What if there were 2 or 3 kingdoms, but each kingdom has 2 to 4 towns?

At the kingdom level, there might king, champion, and royal advisor, while each town might have a mayor and chief justice.

We could still have different questmasters in the different towns.  Each town could still act as a starting point for new characters.  Each town could continue to have it's own flavor and character and affinities. 
« Last Edit: 03/09/13, 14:13 by Thalia »


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The Lapis war machine shall engage in the conquest of Mesilena and Klevnone, in that case. Driechmor will have to be demolished, however, too much foot-stink.

Murkwood can have Armengar's ruins and Tozain. Caderon is a floating mass in the sky, make it bigger >P

Tolin needs to be more run-down and seedy.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
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"That's it, I'm outta here."


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I suspect that it's more likely that Mesilena or Klevnone would take over, giving us either King Sye of the Consolidated Mesilena-Klevnone-Lapis Empire or King Enthor of the Klevnone-Mesilena-Lapis Complex.

Unless Rovin manages to convince the inhabitants of the southern tier lands to rise against their abusers, in which case we might get Lord and Emperor Rovin of South Olerax.


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I prefer Emporer Daklore, of the Empire of Lapis.

With Klevnone and Mesilena as subjugated provinces of the Empire.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
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"That's it, I'm outta here."


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Yes, but Rovin may not ask for your opinion (wow, I just take for granted that Rovin character - I first designed that area for RCD like 15 years ago, lol)
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Yeah, well... Lapis has guns, and cannons. And siege tortoises.

Lapis renders medieval defences obsolete >P
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."