Author Topic: Perks for religions in the game?  (Read 2327 times)


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Perks for religions in the game?
« on: 03/14/13, 08:14 »
Should they have spells? We have long heard that spells are the reason someone picks a religion, not for RP reasons.

Instead of spells, are there different 'perks' religions could offer? Gear that's essentially the same regardless of religion, but themed by faith?

An innate small bonus (Sys'kee a -10 resdarkness or Dias a -10 respain)

Should they simply have priests in each temple that gives a small buff to their faithful and no one else?

Any other ideas - or are religions both in theme and their perks perfect as-is? Even if this wasn't for KotL - but just in general - what would you like to see as the benefits of being in a faith?
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Re: Perks for religions in the game?
« Reply #1 on: 03/14/13, 10:23 »
Should they have spells? We have long heard that spells are the reason someone picks a religion, not for RP reasons.

An innate small bonus (Sys'kee a -10 resdarkness or Dias a -10 respain)

Any other ideas - or are religions both in theme and their perks perfect as-is? Even if this wasn't for KotL - but just in general - what would you like to see as the benefits of being in a faith?

You are correct in that most players have got their characters in a specific religion for what I believe are the wrong reasons which must be confessed Athorien's temple comes to mind.  To be sure there are more than a few whom their characters might as well be in Dias (sorry Daklore) or Syske'e (sorry Dhagor)based on the behaviour of their characters alone.

That said I do like the suggestion of there being an innate small bonus call it an extra blessing like -10 researth for followers of Galr or somesuch.  It would add something extra to something that by right should be viewed as yet another wonderful roleplaying tool.  Not to mention that it will go a long way towards removing some of the complaints Daklore has had about the Dias spells being rather ineffective.


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Re: Perks for religions in the game?
« Reply #2 on: 03/14/13, 11:16 »
If the intention was that religion choice is a purely rp decision, then the perks need to be reduced enough where there is very little if any difference between the power of those that are in a religion and those that are not.

**Note: Underpowered attack spells that are trumped by class abilities will never be used unless there are tactical advantages for their usage. Ever. Even if someone is rping. Even the best rpers will not voluntarily cripple their character's playing ability.

If the intention was that religion choice is a purely min/max decision, then the perks need to be equally valuable to all classes and balanced with one another.

KoTL's approach is kind of a hybrid of this, and while I think it adds great plot lines I don't feel that either of the above goals were adequately achieved. One solution for this (and the apparent underpowered priests) would be to make them a function of that class? It would allow the spells/skills to be easily balanced.


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Re: Perks for religions in the game?
« Reply #3 on: 03/14/13, 11:33 »
Not to mention that it will go a long way towards removing some of the complaints Daklore has had about the Dias spells being rather ineffective.

Well yes, but that's just Daklore, no one important.  >:D *hides now*
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Re: Perks for religions in the game?
« Reply #4 on: 03/14/13, 15:09 »
I like relspells. But they should be both A) flavour spells, and B) not give a definitive advantage to PvE or PvP.

Athorien definately gives an advantage to both with their spells, hence why people join for them. Damage spells are virtually useless, as by design they have to be weak to keep non-spellcasters(fighters, rogues, (priests)) from having incredible spell damage for relatively free. That was what you guys always told me, anyway.

It also does give a reason to rise in rank, but... when you look at most of the spells available, they're lacklustre and don't even really give much in the way of flavour. Outside of their name. I've made suggestions for how I think Dias spells could be improved ... I admit, some of them are probably OP as hell, but I'm not good at the balance game >P

So you either need to gut out the over-powered, edge-decisive Athorien spells, or bring the other religion spells up-to-par with Athorien's religion spell power.

Removing the spells for just a small resistance or stat bonus... isn't really something I'd like, but it would drive the RP point.
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Re: Perks for religions in the game?
« Reply #5 on: 03/14/13, 18:50 »
I like the idea about little perks on being in a religion. How about Religion quests where you could get a bigger bonuses. Or questing for religion based items.