Author Topic: a few ideas to offer instead of allowing straight multiplay immediatly maybe  (Read 2077 times)


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I'd like to see quest masters offer tokens based on tier,
tier 1 50
tier 2 100
tier 3 150
tier 4 200

would encourage people to get to later game content faster and make them be able to gain gear faster.

I'd like to see quest items revamped, like they use to be usable.  We should see people be able to buy them and return them for full refund, and they should be closer to custom str rather than less than trash.

Moxes should be revisited, they should make some new ones that take away resistances and add more of another kind.  have them cost 5k tokens, and offer some other stuff too.

Offer a way to quest inbetween quests.. 
A random questmaster, that gives you random tokens you can deside on the amount, have no timer on him so people can do that inbetween quests.

have an item you can buy from the random questmaster, like Crystalline tokens, they would cost 1000 tokens, and you can then buy them, and you can get 500 of whatever type you want.  (easy way for adding a way to convert token type)

Bloodpoint rewards better..

Maybe if you multiplay do it with notables only, so you can have a char to RP with and one to play with.
have it be submit RP bio only and approval, and they would have to submit a pose/ lookup desc/ and background.

i'd also like to see more helpfiles on things like legendaries and quest items, if anything does get revamped some more info on them would be great, having everything be tribal knowledge only kinda sucks.

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I like some of the ideas, though with the customs change coming we have to be wary not to let there to be too much in the way of tokens floating about.  People could potentially craft a whole suit in a few days.

Bloodpoints definitely need something to make them of more use...more mox types or something...I know Sye suggested in an old post about some new lights as a possibility with differing effects?

I like multiplay in the idea that I could quest on one character and rp with another and not feel as though I'm losing opportunity, but this would need some major rules/planning by our illustrious Imms to implement so it's fair and can't be exploited somehow.

Always wonderful to hear ideas!  *cheer Sye*
« Last Edit: 05/04/14, 17:46 by Sephrenia »


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Out of all the ideas posted above the thought of multi-play is rather appealing.  Those that have got the time to create and run two characters at the same time and not allow one to bleed into the other more power to them.  As long as there are the proper controls put into place to remove the danger of exploiting them that is.


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I wonder if you had two characters on, certain commands could be locked on both chars soon as the player/driver activated the failsafe of having two chars logged in.

(No auction channel/No dropping/No picking up/No trading tokens/No grouping(possibly)/Be stuck in Safe mode, so no pvp(possibly))

I think that some of those guards could allow a player to play two characters, and still be able to quest, and grind xp, maybe even group together if allowed, but not abuse giving stuff to each other at the same time.  With the same rules already in place it could eliminate a great deal of cheating that could happen.

I like the idea of being able to have two characters, sometimes it is a great deal of pain to decide which character you're going to work on.  It's also really bad to visibly see who logs in and who doesn't at what times and know who's who like.  Immediately.  One of the greatest things I loved about this mud was how people could swap in and out and it was fairly challenging to figure out who was who and if they were imms etc.  Over the last year it's hard not to figure out who's who... and that takes a lot of mystery out of the game that is enjoyable.


Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


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If a change of increased tokens was offered for tiers I would recommend no exchanging of tokens for alternates and multiplay characters. It would already promote leveling or only exchange tokens between alts if SAME TIER.
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