KOTL Forums
Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Thalia on 08/31/07, 19:40
We've been adding and changing a lot of things in the game over the years, but only making minor adjustments to newbie hints. What do you think should be added?
("Stay away from gnomes who don't think they are gnomes." is already on the list.)
HEY! >.>
I dunno, honestly... I haven't seen hints in.... -years-. If it's not already there, a reminder of the difference between say and osay, and the punishment would work...
Don't feed the Odin's.
Maybe a little note on the kingdoms for RP purposes... ie: The use of magic is prohibited in Armengar, to the point of mage huntings occuring within the kingdom for hundreds of years (ya know it's true icly!) or: Klevnone is a barbarian state, that lives and dies by the sword. *shrug* You asked, I responded.
And again..... HEY! >.>
A couple things I have noticed...for one, in the beginning when you make a new character, it references a website that is supposed to have a newbie guide on it, I can't get the website to load, so it might be gone...also the olerax helpfile, which is referenced on the newbie hint channel, shows a rough map of olerax, however, the locations of Tozain and Lapis are reversed, it shows Lapis way up north, and Tozain to the south.
That's because originally, that's where Lapis and Tozain were. Help files and the what not are sometimes a wee bit out of date.... okay, they often are quite out of date. I don't think they've even looked at them in... years... until recently of course, it seems... since Miraelle is supposed to be getting them up to date, or so I hear.
Dak -- Don't be shocked, but I like the idea of having something about the kingdoms in hints.
Arioch -- That's for the head's up on the newbie guide.
And yes, Miraelle is working on updating the help files, so as you run across things in them that aren't right, you can use TYPOs or BUGs to report them.
Why would I be shocked? I'm always right, it's a fact of life you all have yet to understand and accept. *sage*
*NEWBIE HINT* Interested in joining a religion? There are 5 overgods and 3 undergods beneath each of them. Try help religions. You can see who the supreme of each is by typing Relroster <religion name>.
That hint needs some updating.
Seriously... it should go like this: *HINT* Interested in a religion? There are five, but only one worth looking at, Dias. Dias owns all other religions, just because.
*duck* >P Kidding. Or am I?