KOTL Forums
Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Daklore on 09/17/07, 18:20
Skill blocks. What are they? An affect that prevents you from spamming a certain skill for a certain period of time. Who has them? Mostly Elitists and Masters, but we share irongrip with several, if not all, fighter classes at some point. How long do these last? A measly 50 hours in the affects list at inept.
How long is 50 hours, in the affects list? Somewhere around 150 -real- minutes. Yeah, okay, so skills like, irongrip, shell, and concentrate have a block, and said block gets shorter as the skill improves. Sure, fine, whatever. Irongrip has improved -once-. No offense, but how in the -hell- are we supposed to GM a skill we can only use every 2 1/2 to 3 hours?
Okay, let's infuse logic into this situation. Concentrate turns movement into health. You convert 2 move for 1 health, and you can't control how much you convert, unless you have complete concentration. At best, at inept, my concentrate skill has returned a -measly- 20 health.... and slaps on a 2 1/2 hour block. Lets look at its sister skill, praying, which turns move into spirit mana, probably at the same convesion ratio and amount. It apparently doesn't have a block. Wierd, huh? Okay, so that's one elitist skill, that is shared with master.
Next up, Shell, also shared with Master. It reduces -my- damage output in order to reduce the damage I -take-. So it has a 2 1/2 hour block, I can turn it on and leave it on. Yeaaaaah... I only intend on using shell when I -need- too. Reducing myself from upwards of, guessing, 3-4K a round, easily, to 1-1.5K? ... Not gonna happen. And honestly, I can't notice much of a damage reduction from enemies. So again, I can go into it and stay. Sure. Logic: It's a stance, which means I should be able to slide in and out of it as I please. Honestly, does any martial arts stance prevent you from re-entering it for half an hour, an hour? No. You slide right back into it when it's necessary.
And now, irongrip, the skill I also share with Masters, and probably all fighter's on the fourth tier.... maybe. Irongrip, is, for lack of better words, a stance in essence. You concentrate to tighten your grip to prevent yourself from being disarmed, and then you relax it. Then you do it again when you need it. Makes sense, right? Not blocking it for 2 1/2 hours for that two or three fights you need it on. But you say, 'it prevents you from being disarmed, why not just keep it on?'. Well, with the block, that's not a half bad idea. Except for the fact that it has a -drawback- as well, on top of the block. Irongrip effectively drops your damage output by roughly 10%. Trade off damage for not getting disarmed.... and then you can't do it again for 2 1/2 hours.
Point I'm trying to make. Blocked skills are aimed almost -solely- at Elitists and Masters. What I would like? The blocks removed, or greatly reduced in duration. If none of those are suitable.... then put a 10 hour block on gate, please. If my class is going to be penalized for simply having skills that make us 'warriorish' then we might as well disable the mages prized spell of gating.
Furthermore, as an added note... uhm.... could you guys maybe look at the damage output of Elitist skills in general... like.. palmstrike... or knee.... cause... ya know... the damage totally stanks.
I agree with everything here - until you get to the part about the gate spell? How does that relate to your situation at all - do you have a skill block of 50 hours on ANY of your spells? If a mage had a skill that made it more warrior like i would support your idea for a block - but the gate thing makes no sense.
It's called, sarcasm.
Well :) you can never truly tell with you sometimes. >:D
Though, when one thinks about it, teleporting around the world is quite the accomplishment. It's not like conjuring up a fireball.
It -should-, logically (to me anyways), require massive concentration to cast a spell that effectively transports you countless miles.
But here we are, having mages who can hop from one edge of the banana-shaped world to the other every 2 seconds or so. Odd, isn't it? Apparently it requires a lot more effort to focus on not losing your weapon than it does to bounce around the world with a spell.
Hear hear. But if they hit gate, I wonder how many pissed off mages would start whining? Which would then lead to them going to what I'd like done, and have the blocks removed altogether. ... Down with skill blocks! Or else piss the mages off first and then remove them altogether! Either way, I win. *shifty eyes* Well, I lose when they don't do anything...
okay now a short skill block on gate, is kinda phesible, a larger one on teleport, is also reasonable, but the one gate shouldn't be long and there probably shouldn't be one at all, because all that is just bending space and time to open a gateway to another place. I dunno, maybe putting some lag on the spell would appease the daklore if he doesn't get his way, but I agree with him, 50 hours just because you held onto your weapon better? Doesn't really make sense at all, maybe like 1-2 hours when it's not gm'ed just because they are gripping it so tighty their hands need a short rest. Just my two pesos.
Quote from: Zelos on 10/10/07, 19:35
because all that is just bending space and time to open a gateway to another place.
Oh is that all?
Considering the energy requirements - not to mention the quantum physics - involved... that doesn't seem quite so simple, you know? >P All I want is blocks gone, thrown out the window, vamooshed. Or added to the gate spell. Whichever comes first.
Why haven't you guys gotten rid of these skill blocks already? Read the logic, the LOGIC! I know no one ever actually visits these forums anymore, but looooogiiiiiccc! >P Also, bump. Not that it needs it, I suppose.
Man, Dak's spammy. Who gave Canada interwebs again...? Hmm,. it is interesting though.
I posted this comming on three years ago, and you're just reading it -now-... AFTER I bumped it two and a half years later? Chalgyr, bad.
I glanced at it before. you went away for a year or so. your opinion no longer mattered during that time :P *hides*
My opinion transcends space -and- time! Therefor my opinion matters even when I'm not present!