KOTL Forums
Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: thaxn on 01/02/08, 16:27
I think this has been kicked around a bit, but I thought I would start up a new thread on what we would like to see for new Quest Items.
Personally, I would like to see a reasonably priced pill or potion that can remove curse, maybe a lv 250 spell. It would probably be best if this were made available in Armengar or Lapis since almost no one quests there.
I'd also like to see some sort of stave that can do offensive damage. We already have a Wand of Chains and A Scroll of the Dragons, but nothing for those of us with the staves skill.
What else would anyone like to see?
Please feel free to offer up suggestions! We periodically kick around ideas, so it would be interesting to see what you all are interested in.
Ohhhh! I light I can socket!
I'd still like to see a skeleton key available, whether it's for Blood Quest, or high cost questor item
And yes, a new light woud be nice, I think resdarkness would make a ton of sense in that case.
A few more rings, wrist, ear, and wrist equips would be nice, got plenty of the rest currently, but the questors lack the aforementioned equips.
Thought of a new one, lets see if anyone has any interest.
This is a light. Something like the Holy Light of Serra.
It would be very bright, heavy, give -10 resdarkness, but only last for 30 hours.
This would not be a permanent light.
But here's the real kicker. The light has a special power.
Vampires cannot enter changeform while in the same room as someone bearing this light.
Vampires currently in changeform will be slowly and painfully ripped from changeform after 1 tic, leaving them slightly stunned for a moment (same time as bash, dirt kick, or backstab maybe), slightly injured from the unintentional change, and vulnerable to attack.
The cost should be high, like 5000 tokens, and probably shouldn't be sold in Mesilena ;)
If we made the wielder exempt from the changeform impact, it could be sold in Mesilena.
Came up with a new one.
I've heard some comments about people who want bloodsworn and non-bloodsworn to be able to group together.
How about a token, sold by Cherna, which when absorbed or converted (like a crystalline removing hunger), the experienced bloodsworn member can hide the fact that he or she is bloodsworn, and group with non-bloodsworn according to normal grouping rules.
I stress "experienced" bloodsworn, the token should cost in the area of 100 bloodpoints and be immediately owned to the purchaser, non-sellable and non-transferable.
It seems I'm just full of ideas today.
Bloodsworn has a huge advantage, there are no negative token mods. This is a big deal. However, there also seems to be a disadvantage that I don't think everyone is aware of... There is a particular mod (chaos scholar I believe) which improves a random skill or spell. As far as I know, bloodsworn do not get this mod either. Perhaps a token could be purchased from Cherna, for maybe 5 blood points, that would improve a random skill or spell the same as the mod.