KOTL Forums
Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Thescal on 01/13/08, 00:44
I don't know about you guys, but don't the ways to improve faction seem... bleh, a little pricey?
I spent 15k rpxp begging forgiveness to cade, because I left klevnone a while back. I didn't even get one asterix improvement. I understand that it's based on a % system... but still, sheesh.
I didn't kill citizens, I just left the kingdom.... don't see why it should be so friggen pricey to try to get back in good graces.
What do you guys think?
I think it might be a little costly. But I think a different change needs to be made, I think the faction cost is too high to leave a kingdom. I think it should be on a bell's curve depending on your kingdoms status with the kingdom you are moving to. If you're at war...yeah, hefty hit to your faction, but moving to a kingdom your kingdom officially has no qualms with shouldn't make you a complete outcast.
I thought you had to disavow your kingdom, then join a new one, not just move from one to another. If that is the case then you're reasoning wouldn't stand, but yes, it is too pricey to begforgiveness, I think leaders and what not should have the power (at cost of rpxp and whatnot) to raise your standing, as well as giving the kingdom npcs the ability as well.
There are actually two other options now too... you can be RECRUITed to a new kingdom or if you have Scion Runestone, you can just PLEDGE to the kingdom matching the runestone.
Unfortunately, I don't remember if either of those gives you a faction hit or not.... but I'll check in the next couple of days and post back.
You don't get a faction hit in your old kingdom if you pledge to a new kingdom after being RECRUITed OR if you have the Scion runestone.
Soo... if you want to move to a new kingdom... get the kingdom rulers to recruit you!
okay, so anyone wanting to move to murkwood, I've got a scion rune for there, hit me up, character name is Lineer.