KOTL Forums

Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Zelos on 08/06/08, 19:05

Title: Here's a thought
Post by: Zelos on 08/06/08, 19:05
Why don't we create a builder training mud for KOTL? the circle codebase has one called The Builder's Academy that trains people to build on the basic circle codebase and any areas built on the mud have a chance of becoming a stock circle area, and even if they don't then the people who train there now know how to build on circle. I don't know how doable this would be for chal and gilly, but it would give players like me a chance to learn how to build on kotl since I've gathered it's quite a bit more complicated than smaug.
Title: Re: Here's a thought
Post by: Thalia on 08/07/08, 15:16
I could see where that would be useful, but I wonder what the cost/benefit would be ....

Existing situation (Involves: Chalgyr)
* Spend time/resources doing instructor-led training
* Get the occasional area from a new builder

Proposed situation (Involves:  Chalgyr, Thalia, et al)
* Spend more time/resources designing/developing a builder training system
* Less time/resouces desigining/developing new areas/features and fixing existing areas/features
* Get a few morel area(s) from a new builder(s)

Sooo.... how many more people would use a builder training system and complete an area vs. going through instructor-led and complete an area?

Not sure how to gauge that. 

Title: Re: Here's a thought
Post by: Chalgyr on 08/08/08, 12:02
I think the last time I did training, a few people took notes.  In fact, I -may- have kept a log of it myself.  That is something I could eventually post on here if people would be interested?
Title: Re: Here's a thought
Post by: Zelos on 08/08/08, 14:54
well, I think I would be interested, not sure about anyone else. Don't know how many people actually check the forums still.
Title: Re: Here's a thought
Post by: Chalgyr on 08/08/08, 18:05
Hmm - I'll take a look around at home later and see if I still have those logs on my machine.  Maybe I'll break it up into pertinent parts and then post it on here and just news post the MUD so we have a perma-reference to them on there complete with links.
Title: Re: Here's a thought
Post by: Leesil on 03/05/09, 12:07
I was in the afore mentioned training and have the log/notes if anyone is interested. Also in an effort to ease Chal's workload slightly I am capable answering BASIC questions about building to see if it something you may be interested in.

I don't see any benefit to setting up a training mud since out of the 6 or 7 people in that last training, which was about a year ago, I think I'm the only one who finished an area (still waiting for it to be put in *nudge - nudge Chal*, and I've only done the one (although I am almost ready to start another)
Title: Re: Here's a thought
Post by: Thalia on 03/06/09, 06:31
There's another area finished?  Cool!
Title: Re: Here's a thought
Post by: Chalgyr on 03/06/09, 12:20
Yup - His zone and mine should both go live at the next festival. :)