KOTL Forums

Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Lex on 04/30/10, 15:09

Title: Just an idea
Post by: Lex on 04/30/10, 15:09
I don't know how hard it would be to code this. Or if it's even possible, but here it goes. I think it would be cool to have an "unarmed" class that all their skills are just hand to hand style damage based.  Could have elemental spells that add damage to their strikes or whatever, possibitlies would be vast. I wouldn't mind playing one. Let me know what you think.
Title: Re: Just an idea
Post by: Chalgyr on 04/30/10, 16:16
I sort of pictured some of our rogue and monk-like priest ones being like that at one time, but never got a good feel for something that would make up for the lack of custom weapons, etc - but I think it could be cool if implimented properly (which would mean thalia has to code it instead of me, since I have this reputation for breaking things) :P
Title: Re: Just an idea
Post by: Lex on 04/30/10, 16:35
What about letting them have an otherworld damage ability or giving then 2 extra ring slots with more sockets. Since they only use hands it could rp as a wepon. I would like to see it as a rogue or even a scout class
Title: Re: Just an idea
Post by: Thalia on 05/01/10, 21:10
random thoughts...

... you could sort of RP it now by restringing a weapon as "brass knuckles" or "brawling gloves" or "an empty fist" and restring a shield as something like "hardened palms".

... if we added extra rings (or similar) with extra slots and give them some of the same possible additional attacks or defenses as weapons or shields, at what point do they actually stop being "rings" and really become weapons & shields that look like they are in a "ring slot".  Do we accomplish the same thing, by adding a flag that says "don't show this weapon/shield in the 'wield' or 'shield' slot"

... could add skills that allowed players to change their default hand-to-hand attack type, similar to how Kirin, Unicorns & skeletons can switch damtype/attacktype... with the high level skill allowing a switch to otherworld or combination damage types (a priest might have punch of divine fire (bash/holy/fire), rogue/bard sting of poisonous thoughts (pierce/poison/mental)). hmm... does a combination attack make up for lack of silver/vorpal/additional weapon/shield flags....

:: ponders ::

Title: Re: Just an idea
Post by: Chalgyr on 05/03/10, 14:10
the one notion on this I had seen on another MUD I liked was that the unarmed attacks might get more, but slightly weaker strikes off - maybe the aggregate damage is not as high because of no weapon flags, but sometimes they sprinkled in other random effects, like a blow that stuns the other person, or somehow does extra damage to them, etc.  Not sure it all fits here, just throwing it out there.
Title: Re: Just an idea
Post by: Lex on 05/06/10, 14:58
I've played a few. Console games that in return for the lower damage (due to no actual weapons) they get alot more attacks. Kind of like a warrior and have a stunning attack that has a chance to hit automatically. Could code "stunning blow" in as a skill. And if you did add the extra ring slots it would help have more chances to put resists etc.. Which would also compensate for lake of shield/weapon.
Title: Re: Just an idea
Post by: Lex on 05/06/10, 15:02
Oh! On another game it let you chose 2 variations. 1 being unarmed with skills/spells supporting that. And another that had them using a staff. Now Im not sure if we even have a 2-handed staff option currently but would be a pretty cool variation especially if we gave a custom one 6 slots.  Since it would be a shield and sword. Let me know what you think
Title: Re: Just an idea
Post by: Daklore on 05/16/10, 23:17
Give us the ability to kick in the nads. Fails against females. Instant kill if you succeed! *duck* You could always just code a new weapontype that works -with- handtohand and is limited to specific classes. Which would allow for the fisticuffs classes to use them only. Handtohand could itself ignore sanctuary and negate the need for vorpal -- and adding "styles" to the fisticuffs classes to sprinkle in effects could give them so variety and usefulness. You need ideas, my brain has 'em. Just say the word!

Oh yeah, elitists really need some offensive options, guys. Seriously!

[EDIT]: Adding some thought, you guys would really, really need to come up with a solution for the lack of healshield. Seriously, copy my pfile onto coder, goto ice palace, dual wield, and see if you can really stand doing it without healshield. Or the Mills. But yeah, otherwise, it could work.