KOTL Forums
Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Zelos on 07/01/10, 22:24
lets put in some raids. why you ask, well here's the good the bad and some other ideas I had while thinking about this.
A different kind of area for level 200's to grind.
more creative areas with harder puzzles
more end game options and things to look forward too.
experience items for easier leveling of reputation and legendaries.
requires teamwork to complete the area.
mobs much stronger than normal level 200 areas to create a challenge
randomly choosing which mob drops legendary or special item making it neccessary to complete entire area.
if there is no players, then there is no chance to play the area
requires more people playing actively and possibly with full customs to complete
trash mobs would have to be of near legendary proportions to pose a challenge to players.
non-quest, no-gate, you die inside you have to walk back to the group.
difficult to create an environment that players will have to use teamwork to complete.
balancing the stats of the mobs to make them hard, not impossible to kill.
That's where I got to, I'd love to get some more feedback on this. It would be a very large project and require a good deal of time, but once implemented would add significantly to what the mud has to offer its players. there is even the possibility of building tiered versions of area to give those who are at the top of their tier or close a chance to join in on the fun as well.
(daklore, lets try to keep this one on topic)
This only works if resistances are balanced to be in line so people aren't immune to everything. Even otherworld can be resisted now, although I hear they made a new unresistable damtype... (how long until we can resist this one, huh?). Overall, it's a so-so idea. We don't need easier experience, legendary lessons runes makes legendary levelling loads easier. Reputation grinding is just something extra to do at 200, there's no need to make it even easier (granted it's time consuming, but that's part of the point). Any dungeon you make like this will in the end be negated by the fact that everyone is immune to the area, the damage is so absurd that people can't survive it, or it's so low that healshield negates it. And as is, most people have to walk back to the party leader because most of us -can't- gate as is.
Well, it's a start on an idea. I will accede your point about legendary and reputation grinding as I'm not 200 yet myself. But still, it's something new to do. and it wasn't really a "grind area" that I had in mind, more of a fun puzzle area that actually involves more than typing "kill daklore" or for short "k d". The idea is to have other random items you can get from actually completing the area with a group. Point taken though, thank you for your opinion.
On a side note, i can understand not being able to gate back if you don't have a mage in the party, but do those few high level mages we have not go pick people up who die to get them back in faster? Seems like that would be part of their job in the group.
That part depends on whether or not they actually want to be in the group, are bloodsworn (since most of us at level 180-200 are bloodsworn for the grouping benefit), and haven't blown their faction toward one kingdom or another. While yes we could use some "awesome" stuff dropping, the fact that making it "balanced" is the real issue. You can't make an area that requires a rogue-class to complete it because you're not guaranteed to even see one on (Cyrgon is the only reliable one I ever see on). Otherworld damage is negated by otherworld races and ferment of resistance. I hear there is another non-resistable damage type, but if we load mobs up with that, people will whine and complain until we're able to resist that as well.
Plus I've had all these ideas... I'm just too lazy to build an area or two >P ... And I also have forgotten how to build a bit .... and fuzzbutt won't give me real estate. Seriously, I should just log on builder and see if I still have aedit.
Wouldn't go as far as making it where you need certain classes to complete right away, just having a group with a healer who has to work would be nice.
I'm pretty sure chal is holding back on telling us about some nice little flags he's made just never used. Like maybe one that would take care of everyone being immune to everything? from the looks of it, the resistances are really killing this place.
there are places where healers have to work. Like Incinerated Caves where combat drains movement every combat round. However refresh is incapable of keeping up with the movement demand and this drain can only really be combatted with mass healing. Otherwise, yes, resistances are the problem to having a reall tough "raid" dungeon like you're thinking of. Where people actually have a challenge, can get killed, but won't get killed instantly.
well another idea shot down by the fact that we all have to be gods and uber strong and take no damage from anything...