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Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Chalgyr on 03/07/13, 09:47

Title: Mprogs/talkscript
Post by: Chalgyr on 03/07/13, 09:47
In general, do you like them? In some games mprogs are considered spammy, for example. What about talkscripts? They are harder to implement to be sure, but they are more flexible.

Would you like to see more? Any you really like, or really dislike?

Any proposed quests or examples of things you'd like to see show up in these?

Title: Re: Mprogs/talkscript
Post by: Daklore on 03/07/13, 14:01
mprogs -can- be spammy if they're verbose and frequently do their thing. Such as a spammy greeting, or a yell every 7 seconds.

Not that you can program how often(in time) they go off, only the odds of how often it'll go off. <-- this only applies to yells/says/area wide mprogs

I think they can be fun, when used right, and add something to an area. I'm not sure what talkscripts are capable of, so I'll reserve my judgement, but they can be added to areas to create a little "side-quest" sort of thing, too.

Problem is, rewards are renewable, and you can just farm them everytime the game shuts down if they give good rewards(*coughthatcrystallinecough*). I don't do this on principle, but it is doable.
Title: Re: Mprogs/talkscript
Post by: Elendil on 03/07/13, 15:49
Quote from: Daklore on 03/07/13, 14:01
I think they can be fun, when used right, and add something to an area. I'm not sure what talkscripts are capable of, so I'll reserve my judgement, but they can be added to areas to create a little "side-quest" sort of thing, too.

Problem is, rewards are renewable, and you can just farm them everytime the game shuts down if they give good rewards(*coughthatcrystallinecough*). I don't do this on principle, but it is doable.

I have to agree with Dak on this......as well as the potential for abuse.  If it can be done so that it cannot be farmed with every reboot or soft crash, why not?
Title: Re: Mprogs/talkscript
Post by: Tylon on 03/09/13, 11:12
An area is just a book that you can choose to read or not. Add in mobiles, mprogs, etc. and its like you are more emersed in it. I definitely approve of mprogs, with heavy emphasis on interaction with pcs.

One of my pet peeves is triggers that go on and on with stories etc. because they tend to lock characters down in one room. Instead I like it split up with different cues the pc can do.. i.e. 1/3 story *pc nods* 1/3 story *pc says i'm listening* etc.

I think some repeatable quests with relevant token rewards peppered throughout the 1-150 stretch could help curb some of the boredom of static questing. The chicken one is a good example of this. Maybe even some more one time quests like that crystalline one in tolin.

Here's a thought... I really like the gemscale concept. Why not do something similiar with most of the zones in the game? You could have different stages of items that drop based on mob level that could then be traded out for relevant gear options. Or even token exchanges if they have customs already. The idea being to keep folks engaged in the different areas of the game even though the built in equipment isn't useful anymore.