KOTL Forums

Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Rykira on 03/20/13, 10:29

Title: Reducing the amount of tokens for Customs
Post by: Rykira on 03/20/13, 10:29
Hi I would like to put this out here for people to comment on. Maybe buy reducing the amount to make customs down to like 7500 home tokens but everything else stay the same. One customs when you redeem them it gives back 8k tokens...make the redeem values down to 5k in tokens while like I stated before moving the actual amount of tokens needed to make a custom down to like 7500. that's just my 2 cents... thanks,
Rykira Sengir
Title: Re: Reducing the amount of tokens for Customs
Post by: Daklore on 03/20/13, 10:57
The point of customs has always been an optional, yet very powerful, piece of armour. I stand by the requirements. Pre-wipe, a fully completed custom actually costed -more-, mostly because you could add more resistance than current, on top of larger values which meant larger costs.

Custom costs are fine, regular gear stats are the problem.
Title: Re: Reducing the amount of tokens for Customs
Post by: Tylon on 03/20/13, 12:37
Quote from: Daklore on 03/20/13, 10:57
The point of customs has always been an optional, yet very powerful, piece of armour. I stand by the requirements. Pre-wipe, a fully completed custom actually costed -more-, mostly because you could add more resistance than current, on top of larger values which meant larger costs.

Custom costs are fine, regular gear stats are the problem.

Agreed. In addition I don't really see much of a change as far as new folks handle custom costs with a -25% decrease. Its still a lot of time to ask of someone that just became introduced to this game.
Title: Re: Reducing the amount of tokens for Customs
Post by: elios on 03/20/13, 12:39
Quote from: Daklore on 03/20/13, 10:57
The point of customs has always been an optional, yet very powerful, piece of armour. I stand by the requirements. Pre-wipe, a fully completed custom actually costed -more-, mostly because you could add more resistance than current, on top of larger values which meant larger costs.

Custom costs are fine, regular gear stats are the problem.

I agree with Daklore's player on this matter.  But I am glad you have posted your thoughts and welcome to the forum Rykira  8).  And just remember that all of those playing here that have got all customs have been in the same boat starting out.
Title: Re: Reducing the amount of tokens for Customs
Post by: Thalia on 03/20/13, 13:33
First let me say, I absolutely agree that normal equipment needs some help compared to customs.

That said, what if.... the custom item cost declines, but cost of modifiers increases?  So a shield is 6000, but the shield effect is 2000 tokens instead?
Title: Re: Reducing the amount of tokens for Customs
Post by: Chalgyr on 03/20/13, 13:57
Quote from: Thalia on 03/20/13, 13:33
First let me say, I absolutely agree that normal equipment needs some help compared to customs.

That said, what if.... the custom item cost declines, but cost of modifiers increases?  So a shield is 6000, but the shield effect is 2000 tokens instead?

So lower barrier of entry, so you can have it, but it takes longer to max out than it would have before? (but maybe works out to be about the same in the end?)

And yeah, we are definitely looking at some options for lowering the gulf between custom and everything else.
Title: Re: Reducing the amount of tokens for Customs
Post by: Tylon on 03/20/13, 17:02
What about tiering equipment much the same way we tier the classes? I.e.

1500 quest tokens
Quest Bracer #1 - Level 50 minlevel
+2000 quest tokens
turns into Quest Bracer #2 - Level 100 minlevel
+2500 quest tokens
turns into Quest Bracer #3 - Level 150 minlevel
+5000 quest tokens
turns into Custom Bracer - Level 200 minlevel

With appropriate adjustments for stats along the way. The idea being a low buy-in in the beginning making things easier to get into. Someone makes the initial investment, keeps making it get bigger and bigger until level 200 where they can full-on customize everything, even the description.
Title: Re: Reducing the amount of tokens for Customs
Post by: Daklore on 03/20/13, 17:10
I think you mean max level, not minlevel, since min means minimum, and you wouldn't start "Tiering" it with a minimum level until third tier level 150 >P (which is why I think you mean maxlevel, as in the equipment's runic maximum level)

Otherwise... it doesn't sound like a -horrible- idea. How would you handle the bonus stats? Since, obviously, you'd either have to be paying for them as you go so that you have them at maximum tier, or else it would suddenly become a blank custom?

While the AC boost from its runic properties is nice and helps... part of the reason -for- customs is because of the bonus stats you can get from them. Including health, move, mana, and resists. As well as the hit, dam, and AC.
Title: Re: Reducing the amount of tokens for Customs
Post by: Tylon on 03/20/13, 17:15
Actually what would be better is tier requirements. "Must be tier 1 to wear this, Must be tier 2 to wear the evolution of this".

Perhaps for the stats start off with +1, then add +1 +1 +2 for each tier.
Title: Re: Reducing the amount of tokens for Customs
Post by: Jadyss on 01/27/15, 11:23
I think custom equipment should be gotten rid of completely. It makes the quest, and mob eq useless. Now EQ modification is a good idea but it shouldn't be to the extreme that custom EQ is. There are no choices made except to get a shitload of tokens. Resistances? Pointless. You grind out the tokens and you can get it for everything. I think that's the worst part of the customization. It really neuters strategy on weapon and spell choices.

Now the idea is not completely awful but I think just misguided. There should be "custom modifications" available but not entire pieces created from scratch. For example I find a mob eq earring that has a resistance I need. Awesome. I'll socket that shit and add a limited amount of stats that customization allows. It just makes more sense to me.

Forgive me if I'm kind of rambling too, I've been up all night and thinking of this stuff. I've spent the last 5 hours trying to get gemscale eq because I think that should be near the most awesome stuff.

One other thing along these lines. The stats. Geez. Okay awesome that a class has two stats they can go higher in. I got STR and CON as a fighter, but should all stats be able to get enhanced to 45? I don't think so. I don't think any stat should go 5 higher than the racial max. Also makes sense. Why is this gnome fighter have 50 STR the same as a Giant or Troll? Nope.