KOTL Forums
Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: sye on 02/23/14, 10:39
When you have a lot of gear and weapons it is a pain to sort through it all and requip everything. (probably to the point where some people make some kind of macro or script) not everyone has those though. It can be quite troubling and downright debilitating (on the phone or ipad especially).
It would be a great feature to just leave it all on you. (like you wake up laying on the table at the healers someone dragged you and then just cast a spell to revive you)
The only downside would be the very rare cursed items (like the magma shinplaes or the kalchi crown) a healer could dispel cursed items and they could fall off/uniquip.
This is a good idea. I never even considered those who are unable to use a macro or alias because of a limited client.
There's actually some technical mechanics junk for death that makes removing equipment necessary.
I appreciate the issue with playing on the phone and trying to re-equip when you have a bunch of stuff in inventory.
What about something different like being able to flag what equipment you want to mass un-equip/re-equip?
Other suggestions for ways to do accomplish the same end? (fast re-equip of desired items)
A flag for mass equip if doable would solve these guys' problem.
I love this idea. +1
Typing "massequip" or something and having all my preconfigured gear setup fly back on would be a welcome quality of life change.
I wonder how tricky this would be? As Thalia said, there are some very specific reasons why the gear has to come off when killed, but I wonder if there's some way to 'save a state' so you can macro between favorite pieces of gear/outfits? We would probably have to change something in our object structure to stand as a unique identifier... I don't dislike this idea, I'm just concerned that on a technical level, it could prove very time-consuming, but perhaps Thalia has some ideas on it aside from how I'm mentally approaching it.
I like the mass equip idea, or even a snapshot sure they all remove off you, then have them 'get all death bag' equip stat again. and you're back to where you were type of deal.
I was thinking of just adding another flag....
> Massequip flag Would flag your currently worn gear
> Massequip show Would list what's currently flagged and if it's currently worn
> Massequip Would re-equip appropriate equip into empty slots; item has to be in your inventory not loaned out.
The Mass Equip idea is flawless.
Was just saying if someone wanted to make it automated, it could just auto equip all mass or whatever as well, but just having an option to equip all of one type of gear rather than restringing everything with a keyword (which can be a pain if you forget it).
It would be nice if the type of resistance or damtype of a weapon can be an alternate way of identifying gear.. maybe even flags they offer.
(at least for weapons that would be useful)
(invisible) etc
so you can just remove invisible until someone can see you.
Quote from: Thalia on 02/07/15, 19:30
I was thinking of just adding another flag....
> Massequip flag Would flag your currently worn gear
> Massequip show Would list what's currently flagged and if it's currently worn
> Massequip Would re-equip appropriate equip into empty slots; item has to be in your inventory not loaned out.
*thumbs up*
Note: This is implemented.
Quote from: Thalia on 06/21/15, 10:53
Note: This is implemented.
Because Thalia rocks. :)