KOTL Forums
Game Information => Game Info and Documentation => Topic started by: Jadyss on 01/28/15, 05:14
Hi guys. After killing the Demon Dragon exactly 57 times I have got 1 of each gemscale equipment piece. Including the essence that it always drops and what Gazix says (he's just east of Rovin) Here is all the information that took me about 15 playing hours to do.
Gazix is standing here looking at you.
Gazix smiles at you.
Gazix says 'Now that you are here, tell me which kind of armor you would like me to construct for you. I can make a: light, helm, amulet, medallion, breastplate, cloak, sleeves, bracer, ring, belt, leggings, boots or a shield.
Item 'dragon essence' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 117.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take float.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
All shield flags: none
-= Basic Affects =-
- modifies resenergy by -15 permanently
Item 'some gem scale boots' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 25.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take feet.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
All shield flags: none
-= Basic Affects =-
- modifies ressound by -15 permanently
Item 'a gem scale amulet' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 20.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take neck.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
All shield flags: none
-= Basic Affects =-
- modifies resfire by -15 permanently
Item 'a gem scale breastplate' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 80.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take torso.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
-= Basic Affects =-
- modifies resenergy by -15 permanently
Item 'a gem scale helm' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 45.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take head.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
All shield flags: none
-= Basic Affects =-
- detect_hidden by 135 permanently
- detect_invis by 135 permanently
- detect_magic permanently
Item 'a gem scale ring' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 10.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take finger.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
All shield flags: none
-= Additional Affects =-
- modifies resnegative by -15 permanently
Item 'some gem scale leggings' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 35.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take legs.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
-= Additional Affects =-
- modifies resdrowning by -15 permanently
Item 'a gem scale light' is a light, of level 1, with weight 20.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
-= Additional Affects =-
- modifies saves by -5 permanently
Item 'a gem scale cloak' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 20.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take body.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
All shield flags: none
-= Additional Affects =-
- modifies rescharm by -15 permanently
Item 'some gem scale sleeves' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 25.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take arms.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
All shield flags: none
-= Additional Affects =-
- modifies rescold by -15 permanently
Item 'a gem scale bracer' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 30.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take wrist.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
All shield flags: none
-= Additional Affects =-
- modifies resholy by -15 permanently
Item 'a gem scale medallion' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 20.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take neck.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
-= Additional Affects =-
- modifies reswater by -15 permanently
Item 'a gem scale belt' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 25.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take waist.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
All shield flags: none
-= Additional Affects =-
- modifies reslight by -15 permanently
Item 'a gem scale shield' is an armor, of level 135, with weight 50.
Its special affects are: glow hum magic burn_proof.
This is meant for: take shield.
Armorclass against pierce: (****)
Armorclass against bash: (****)
Armorclass against slash: (****)
Armorclass vs. magical weapons: (****)
All shield flags: forceshield psishield
-= Basic Affects =-
- modifies resbash by -5 permanently
- modifies respierce by -5 permanently
- modifies resslash by -5 permanently
- modifies save vs breath by -5 permanently
As I'm already here I'm plugging the fact again that I think custom equipment should be deleted and a custom modifications of existing eq should be the norm. As well as establishing a semi-realistic stat max and resistance max per race.
Hmmmmmmmmm....I don't know if you have added this little postscript to get people's collective back up or try to garner attention for yourself. This little campaign of your's, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting. Far too many have put in too many hours and work into their char's equipment and weaponry, it is one of the reasons why this MUD stands out, another nice little hook to bring in people, or should. if it is doable codewise, to have hease perhaps add more sockets to the spoils or quest shop equipment and weapons to socket moxes, to give them more punch and tide a char over until they are able toget the required tokens to code the customs. This is NOT a place for the lazy or those looking for instant gratification. Lose the plug, you aren't doing yourself any favours.
Quote from: Elendil on 02/07/15, 21:43
Hmmmmmmmmm....I don't know if you have added this little postscript to get people's collective back up or try to garner attention for yourself. This little campaign of your's, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting. Far too many have put in too many hours and work into their char's equipment and weaponry, it is one of the reasons why this MUD stands out, another nice little hook to bring in people, or should. if it is doable codewise, to have hease perhaps add more sockets to the spoils or quest shop equipment and weapons to socket moxes, to give them more punch and tide a char over until they are able toget the required tokens to code the customs. This is NOT a place for the lazy or those looking for instant gratification. Lose the plug, you aren't doing yourself any favours.
I took a large amount of time to put these stats on here for people. You can lose the attitude and maybe not respond to a game information post. If you disagree with custom thoughts there are other places where I've mentioned it and if you took a good amount of time you can see that I'm not against customization but believe the customization should be onto existing gear and existing gear made more relevant.
Also I am getting a bit sick of comments of lazy and instant gratification from your brood because it isn't anything of the sort and you two are insulting and rude and everything you guys say just reeks of not wanting and being unwelcoming of new people playing here. You guys have terrible attitudes.
First note: I pulled the last few comments on here - it was argumentative for the sake of bickering and nothing more. Also, I would remind people that any kind of name-calling should also be avoided.
On the topic itself - there's good info on here for other players, which is why I haven't closed the thread yet since there was a lot of work put into gathering the Gem Scale info.
As for removing the customs - I'm not sure I completely agree for a couple of reasons.
1) it would require a pwipe at this point. Pretty heady bit of conversation there
2) The costs of customs - especially early on, has been reduced.
3) I do like 'long term' objectives like the customs - they've been a mixed blessing. I know they seem daunting to some new players (especially when some old timers used to tell newer players 'not to bother playing here unless you plan to sink in thousands of hours' - that certainly didn't help. However, I have had plenty of players tell me that their higher up characters only stuck around as long as they did because the customs gave them something meaty to do over time. Balancing act there.
4) However, the idea of being able to modify other items - perhaps at a very low cost (since they aren't as going to end up nearly as strong as a custom) has some merit, but would require some clever coding from Thalia since the way Customs are built was due to me doing some pretty janky custom-specific things back 100000 years ago when I was pretending I knew how to code. :)
Think all the above should be moved away from this informational post.