KOTL Forums
Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Jadyss on 01/29/15, 08:22
Even if I have to go down a tier I would like that ability. Perhaps a cost of tokens or RPEXP. Mainly I'm a bit peeved that without having a shield you're apparently so gimped because at least for me at this time--I just die quickly without the healshield. So I got a buttload of secondary dual strikes that are worthless and now I wish I became a soulreaver again like my very first character.
I am bumping this. I think that it's not an unreasonable feature request and can be limited to maybe one time twice at most. And same thing with augment, maybe keep it in the same type of tier or near. There can also be valid reasoning IC wise such as a warmonger becoming a deathknight.. which is what I want to do and similar changes..
What if it worked something like ... you could "untier" back to the start of the prior tier. (So if you became a Herbalist, you could untier back to a Alchemist - level 1; then back to a Shaman - level 1; then work to re-tier to Geomancer, then Druid.)
Other thoughts?
Can you do this multiple times? Can you switch between classes by un-tiering at tier 1?
I think the class change should only be in the same main class. Fighter has to stay fighter tiers, mage etc. This should only be allowed to be done once I think depending on the implementation in how it's done. I think the changes should be either set back or a lateral change. Really don't see any abuse in it. It just makes you level up again.
What about dual spec instead? A simple command that lets you play two classes at once, but only if you're not in combat and haven't been for 5 minutes (aggro etc)
Might be a little more complicated, but it would work like this
You've changed from Deathknight to Necromancer! You are unable to change class again for 15 minutes.
You've unlearned Death Touch!
You've unlearned fifth attack!
You've unlearned sixth attack!
You've learned Raise Dead!
You've learned Ressurect!
etc etc.
Something to think about. I'd LOVE to level up another class on the same "character" even if you have to start from level 1 to do it.
Well. I think that's really complicated to code and doesn't seem too realistic in our fantasy world. It also makes it less of an important decision if you can change back and forth and that's a fighter and mage in that example.. really far from each other.. hmmmm..
Quote from: Thalia on 02/01/15, 19:53
What if it worked something like ... you could "untier" back to the start of the prior tier. (So if you became a Herbalist, you could untier back to a Alchemist - level 1; then back to a Shaman - level 1; then work to re-tier to Geomancer, then Druid.)
Other thoughts?
Can you do this multiple times? Can you switch between classes by un-tiering at tier 1?
I think this is a good idea. To be able to untier to prior tier. I do not see this as abusable as long as it's limited to frequency. Basically it just increases the time you are playing which is always good to spend more time on the mud, yeah?
As far as changing class by un-tiering at tier 1, I'm not sure how I feel about that. Someone going from fighter to wizard or w/e. It's kind of like a remort system but you're not keeping any spells/skills from other classes. So I think that's okay then and doable if people are okay with it. I also think it's pretty fair to those who have invested thousands upon thousands of hours and well.. maybe feel like a change for their toon.. rp or otherwise..
I wouldn't mind this at all. I'd also like to see something similar happen with RACE as well. Being a dragon was glamorous at first, but that has worn off and now I realize that if I wanted to play the game better I needed to be a giant with 3 arms....
One option could be to just limit the amount of times a character could change class/race. You could limit them to 2-3 and that way it gives an option to someone to make a change to their character without forcing them to create a new character and destroy hundreds of hours of work put into that character.
I could see 'un-evolutionizing' as more challenging. Once, a bazillion years ago, we offered race changes for people if they turned in enough crystalline tokens. Easy enough for an imm to do. biggest problem we had was realizing that it sometimes messed with things like base stats (resistances get scrambled, gear could wind up in places it shouldn't belong - like that 4th driver anklet on a now two-legged elf, etc). The second problem was the number of players saying that it made no in-character sense at all.
I suppose that 2nd argument makes some sense. You can learn a new trade - but growing a 3rd arm without the use of toxic mutogen could be a challenge.
I'm trying to think of reasons why rolling back a tier would be bad/hard. The only thing I can think of is whether or not it would be funky with skills already learned on the profile.
I think that Thalia's idea would be a great idea....but within certain parameters, such as:
-no change to base class
-evolution of race out of the equation
-that the tier reduction be limited to one tier, amount of times done to two times.
-that the cost in quest tokens be hideously high enough so the driver of the char be either absolutely certain that is what they want to do, or be motivated to really think through their choices before creating/tiering their char.
These are just my tuppence thrown in....if it can be done, let it be done and we can see what happens Chal
I think that if you're untiering in the same base tier the cost shoudlnt' be that high just because it's not really a huge change ya know? And you get the benefit of doing stuff over as a fun thing for people to do.
I like the idea of being able to multi class playing one class at a time.
It's really painful to just keep making new chars and gear up again.
When you could just drop down and spend the time and energy but use the same gear, it would be fun and challenging. -not to mention legendaries
I also like the idea of being able to go back a tier.
- There should also be a grouping mechanism where you can 'debuff your level and level based to hit/ damage etc' to group with others - this would really help people want to play with newer players.
Right now you have to have a new char and level them up many people like just having 1-2 all powerful characters so the new players get left out of the 'grouping' exp and dynamic we have come to love and enjoy.
I'd like to be able to unaugment personally there is now ay to 'test out' what you want, so you have to try it and be like dang.. eat the bullet once it's not as good as it sounded or you wanted it to be.
- Currently top geared and leveled players can just continue to grind to level up legendaries with an annoying "you can't recieve any more exp' message everytime you kill something. (wish xp would stack and you could use it for something like, buying runes, or getting a (1) or (2) or whatever by your name, or even.. be able to downgrade in tier etc.
And besides that just farm legendary mobs, both of those options isn't really fun enough to calculate a 40hr game play week on the mud.
++++ some people have taken the time to master a class just to find out that it's not that good or what you wanted, that's a lot of time and energy wasted and something to address this would greatly increase the likelihood of people coming back and to continue playing.
Quote from: sye on 02/07/15, 15:13
I like the idea of being able to multi class playing one class at a time.
It's really painful to just keep making new chars and gear up again.
When you could just drop down and spend the time and energy but use the same gear, it would be fun and challenging. -not to mention legendaries
I also like the idea of being able to go back a tier.
- There should also be a grouping mechanism where you can 'debuff your level and level based to hit/ damage etc' to group with others - this would really help people want to play with newer players.
Right now you have to have a new char and level them up many people like just having 1-2 all powerful characters so the new players get left out of the 'grouping' exp and dynamic we have come to love and enjoy.
I'd like to be able to unaugment personally there is now ay to 'test out' what you want, so you have to try it and be like dang.. eat the bullet once it's not as good as it sounded or you wanted it to be.
- Currently top geared and leveled players can just continue to grind to level up legendaries with an annoying "you can't recieve any more exp' message everytime you kill something. (wish xp would stack and you could use it for something like, buying runes, or getting a (1) or (2) or whatever by your name, or even.. be able to downgrade in tier etc.
And besides that just farm legendary mobs, both of those options isn't really fun enough to calculate a 40hr game play week on the mud.
++++ some people have taken the time to master a class just to find out that it's not that good or what you wanted, that's a lot of time and energy wasted and something to address this would greatly increase the likelihood of people coming back and to continue playing.
Seeing a lot of great thoughts and ideas here and glad that people are chiming. Untiering to start from scratch one class at a time does give people something to do and to try more things without having to completely go from scratch.