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Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: nuk on 06/09/15, 15:51

Title: random load
Post by: nuk on 06/09/15, 15:51
So, let us see how much feedback we get on this.

First, I am not attempting to make customs invalid. I want to see a way that new players don't feel like they need to quest out customs bypass quest gear and make exploring fun. Give value to item drops and really improve the experience.

my proposal is multi layered.

Loading of random equipment in every zone up until bloodplanes and including legendary mobs that spawn currently.

From my understanding there is already an item value alloted depending on level. so a check happens during respawn per area checking to see if any random equipment exists within the zone.

next : If it does do nothing
next : if it doesnt roll to see if it will happen
next : if it does roll to see if it will be a rare spawn{See below for idea on this} or load to a current mob
roll to determine level based on zone unless it loaded on rare mob
    so if it was dagroky it could roll level 5-15 set value , then load stats almost like moxs do for that level range         
    to include resists and so on. If it was the rare mob it could be overvalued or a chance to roll an inherit          legendary inclusion like a legendary that only has 2 levels or 4( i could even see like ''adolescent knight'' and it could only go to level 2" maybe even scaled off level of zone if it could go higher

(and item naming could be easy like assigning the name based on damtype and zone
in example bashing spear of dagroky)

next : create item and load to random mob of level unless rare spawn, equip item on mob

(most zones have a ''boss' mob which could actually be transformed into that rare spawn , and with legendaries those items could be overstated extremely rare pieces that might even offer an upgrade to customs)

feelings on all of this are that newbie players and old alike could use a change. Adding these to lower levels would not devalue customs but allow players just to play. and if they were added to legendaries could allow for the chance even at 260+ to find an actual upgrade. festivals could offer overvalue on random generated gear to make festivals even more appealing.  and due to none loading in bloodplanes other then the rare chance at a legendary load this would not take away from peoples work on customs, yet offer them a chance gamble at something they could improve stat wise but not get the full benefit.

feedback is certainly welcome and if any holes seem to appear let me know , i probably have an answer
Title: Re: random load
Post by: Thalia on 06/12/15, 21:39

How is a random piece of equipment different from a piece of equipment socketed with some random gems?  In the end, is the same effect achieved?
Title: Re: random load
Post by: nuk on 06/16/15, 22:00
not really, even a random piece of equipment with gems inside of it isnt going to even come near a custom piece of equipment.

And because the gems and sockets assigned to a piece of gear are random . you could find a random breastplate only get 3 sockets in it and 2 are large and 1 is tiny , then find a worse one and get 4 .

not to mention if your not a class that can id it you have to spend tokens on identifying gems then remember what they are.

on top of that find enough gems to where you find the great stated gems to hold you over until you finish it.

a random stated gear with the right gems would be an awesome option to just grind and still get close enough to where you dont always get one shot by a bad resist
Title: Re: random load
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/18/15, 09:44
I haven't been commenting on this simply because I wanted to see what others thought first - but it's probably been long enough. For one, I like a general idea of randomly generated gear - it was actually the core notion behind item generation for Ashes when Thalia and I had discussed that some time ago.

For implementation here however, I find myself wondering how that works. On a technical level, that means making a bunch of objects to load in, which will tend to be somewhat generic in nature since they will have to load in say, all level 15-25 zones. That would be roughly sixteen zones that hit that range. Are we talking about set items with set names with set stats (like in world of warcraft when you pull a specific 'green weapon' off of a bandit) - or something that loads and gets a range of stats that roll and get applied? I get the part about putting them on mobs randomly, I'm just a bit fuzzy on the statistical math behind the actual stats on the item.

To Thalia's question about gems - to a point they do sort of represent this option. Of course gem sizes can make lining up gems to gear a bit more problematic. On the surface however, the gems should be able to replicate random stat generation on the gear itself.

Or - are we saying that these randomly spawned pieces of gear are of higher quality than what the generic equipment in zones provide? Using the Warcraft analogy, are you proposing that the gear created by builders and seeded in the zones are the white/gray trash items, and these random drops are the green/blue/purples of the world?

From a balance standpoint, where does that place quest gear (or even gem scale gear) in that ecosystem - obviously customers are the top of that particular food chain but I am trying to understand this from a balance/implementation/usefulness standpoint when weighted against the current system. Hope that makes sense? :)
Title: Re: random load
Post by: nuk on 06/19/15, 02:35
I would say to it being more like rare epic loot of a zone and I do find zone gear to mostly be depressing in comparison. As much as an area has been amazing and provides secrets there is so much wasted loot inside zones.

Now I am not saying this being ignorant of what is available, I have spent my first characters on this mud as a walker exploring and thrilled by zones and my recent as a mage. I have teleported and explored so much of this mud identifying everything, robbing  your rp zone of chalices and digging secrets up. I explore mazes dropping items as markers and writing down what gets me ahead.

The loot is realistically rag to riches when you compare even quest gear. Fiery wings stand out as an item that is most likely overstated but an amazing piece.

this would add some jelly to the sandwich
Title: Re: random load
Post by: Thalia on 06/21/15, 10:43
So what I'm hearing ...

Is the random equipment is in part spice but it's also to make up for crappy area equipment (agree!) and difficulty in using random gems (agree!) to add spice to equipment.

I'd rather see us correct/repair/beef up existing systems before adding a new subsystem that duplicates functionality.

Title: Re: random load
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/24/15, 11:52
That's sort of what I'm wondering here as well - a new system has a LOT of overhead to it. While I like the system idea (and would still support doing it for a clean install on a new game like Ashes), I'm not sure if it makes more sense to do that here, or to go back through and figure out if existing content shouldn't be upgraded (or do we do a cheap, super easy fix that says if gear is non-runic increase effective ac/hit/dam behind the scenes? That's lines of code that might save hours of work if what we're saying is the non-runic gear in the game is underachieving).

And I do think the gem system could use... I dunno. Something. The idea was interesting, gems chipping down to fit slots and losing stats and... stuff. But it feels like maybe there could be ways to improve/streamline the system (paying an NPC to 'polish' the gems instead of chipping them to fit, or augmenting the gems in some way to fit into larger spots, or just doing away with that part of the system, etc). I think gems actually could do more to make equipment unique than the random loot tables, but it's still untapped potential.