KOTL Forums
Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Lx6 on 06/25/07, 14:29
This idea will probably get shot down the second I finished...... :3 But here we go!
This has been making me scratch my head for a while and I was wondering why is it that certain races such as the Dark Elves have to evolve into perfection in being highly resistant to the Darkness and Negative energy....
Since I'm assuming their based on the underground dwelling Drider/Drow/Dark Elf races I've read about wouldn't it be logical that they where already perfect in their resists?
I can see why Dragons wouldn't be since they have more options in their final Evolution.
But Races like the Kalchi (fire) and the Dark Elves (dark) I could see logically being perfected in something that they would perfect over the course of Evolution.
Or would that put make certain races too powerful...... =/
Oh well that's my idea
i do believe the beginning evo's are slightly resistant and as you grow older (when you evo) you become more resistant to things *shrugs* makes sense to me why it is how it is now
Quote from: SeanBoggz on 06/25/07, 16:12
i do believe the beginning evo's are slightly resistant and as you grow older (when you evo) you become more resistant to things *shrugs* makes sense to me why it is how it is now
I guess so...... then again I have dilusions of grandure.... I want to be level 5 and tanking a ringrwraith in the pit of dispair (level 125?)
Basically it would be too overpowering to start out Perfect against a damtype on first evo, plus where is there to go when you do evolve? Plus most races never get PERFECTION on anything without outside help.
And we know about your delusions L, just be happy that are a member of the Master Race, for all inferior Player race shall soon bow before their masters...er.... I mean we love all the other races and are NOT planning a MUD genocide... YOU HEARD NOTHING!!!
Meh, you're behind on the genocide times. Daklore already intends to genocide all humans, and Alaunae intends to genocide everything else, or including humans if they still live, meaning Daklore either got sidetracked, or something else.
As for natural perfection, naw. Lets use the Borg for examply. They -strive- for perfection, they weren't born perfect, and they don't make you perfect the second they assimilate you... so why would anyone, or anything, short of a God(dess), or one of Daklore's lab experiments, be born perfect?
*simply laughs*
I can see some of the base logic you're drawing from on this, but I have to balance that with the notion of a game where you build up to a point, so at this time I'd have to say it's a somewhat interesting if unbalanced notion. Oh, and they do start with a bit of resistance - that part was correct.
Also anything Daklore says is probably wrong. :)
Pfft. I'm always right and you know it.
but that would make you wrong if he didn't know it. and it looks like he didn't know it, so I guess your wrong about always being right...
Your logic is illogical.
but it's still logical in an illogical way...maybe...possibly...probably not tho...
Definately not
what do you know you crazy skirt wearing gnome?
Don't wear a skirt, and not a gnome. so ha!
kilt skirt same thing either way you are still a pansy :P haha
Kilts are manly.
i would make a joke here about homosexuals but I think it would be best If I didn't
but yea ... manly kilt
Yeah, but I don't wear a kilt anyway, nor a skirt, dress, or any variant thereof.