KOTL Forums

Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: azzan on 06/26/07, 10:38

Title: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: azzan on 06/26/07, 10:38
I've seen something on another mud that i thought was pretty cool. Its an underworld. Basically when you die - verses just going back to a healer or being injected into the normal realm somewhere you were transported to the underworld where you had to solve puzzles, do mini-quests, or fight your way out. The idea i have on it is that the part of the area (underworld) that you are sent to would be based on your race/class/level - basically adding diversity and perhaps even some randomness so people that continually die in a certain level range dont get to do the same task over and over. You of course wouldnt be able to recall in this area as that defeats the purpose and if you die in the underworld there could be some sort of penalties such as a negative spell affect that cant be cancelled and has a long duration - or perhaps more of a stat loss (5 stats instead of just the 1) and you would then be thrown back into the realm.
Title: Re: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/26/07, 10:40
I do like this basic notion.  I've also recently sat down and given some thought to a history/timeline/something or other - that explains demons and the concept of actual death.  of course as we 'play it up now' you don't REALLY die in battle.  Because icly that makes absolutely no sense.  But on my list of many fun areas to dream about and never do, I did have sort of a God-Realm sketched out roughly somewhere...
Title: Re: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: Daklore on 06/26/07, 11:20
I've got several of them kinds of ideas, for zones, stuck in my head, linking to the area I said I'd build but probably won't end up building it... *shifty eyes* But nothing Sys'kee-ish
Title: Re: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: Thalia on 06/26/07, 13:53
I'd actually like to see Bested go back to being Killed... maybe use faithprays to get resurrected... or some new "Resurrection Point" counter that can be replenished by using faithprays or tokens.
Title: Re: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/26/07, 14:08
Oh, Thalia's talking about broken body parts in one thread and killing players off in another.

I do believe your idea here may have some legs to it, Azzan.  :)
Title: Re: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: Thalia on 06/26/07, 14:12
... broken legs (heavy internal leg damage with light or no external leg damage ) ...

Title: Re: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/26/07, 14:16
*laughs at Thalia*

So do we need to make a topic 'elsewhere' about a couple of these ideas? :P
Title: Re: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: Leesil on 06/26/07, 14:17
We already knew Thalia was trying to Maim and kill us all, that's why we placate her with offerings of Coffee and Daklore's head.
Title: Re: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: Daklore on 06/26/07, 15:44
Which head? >P
Title: Re: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/26/07, 16:01
The one on the shoulders.  It was quite large and easy to spot.  We called off the search party for the other.
Title: Re: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: Daklore on 06/26/07, 16:06
Pfft. That one won't give Thalia much... now the other one... *duck*
Title: Re: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: Chalgyr on 06/26/07, 16:49

back on topic - I like the overall notion a fair amount.  Of course this means more work for me and thal...
Title: Re: Possible Spin on "Death"
Post by: Daklore on 06/26/07, 17:34
And no work for me, cause Imma lazy bastage! Although, if I weren't so lazy, i could build it >P