KOTL Forums
Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Kalindal on 06/26/07, 11:14
I remimber having special events in the past like the scavengar hunts and costume contests and such.. Would be nice to see some more of them, I have a stock pile of ideas ive came up with and borrowd from other things ive partaken in, such as this one....
How about if given a layout and a good rp based plot that people as a group come up with. we can set up an area and run a small group to do a quest or so to take down some boss's, but have one for about every tier bracket perhaps.. Like I said, I have some interesting ideas and can go deeper into this but im going to with hold untill i get some feedback but it would be cool to do something at the top of each tier, Im too lazy to rush to the gma and such..
... damnit. I just erased all my text and can't get it back... forgot what I was saying >.>
Uhm.. lesseee.... past events like hunts and costume contests... usually, those happen when an imm runs it. If you as a mortal want to put forth the effort to plan and run it, and submit the idea to the immortals... they may back you with some assistance, and they may not.
As for a zone for you to RP in to kill a boss, do a few quests? I don't forsee that as likely. It's kind of ineffecient to copy in a single zone for a handful of players to do a little RP. *slurps down some ramen* Also, the staff is probably keeping themselves quite busy these days, and unless a mortal builder volunteered, I can't really see it comming to fruition.
If you wanna RP in a group, no one's going to stop you, unless of course it ends up forcing one person's RP who's not involved in the group (like all of a sudden, a group of twelve deciding that they up and kill Daklore... which, unless that group consists of Tsythor and Alaunae combined... it would fail horribly ICly >P) But anyway, yeah. The staff encourages RP... you don't really have to ask permission to RP it, unless you feel it may alter the game's backstory, or something like that... which people do all the time.
yeah all the scattered crystallines, and costums were imm ran and i have yet the funds to put something like that together yet.
well, aside from a player stepping up to help make alittle area to do a badass quest, i mean i can do some olc but would need some help from someone who knows this muds building, as far as mprogs and whatnot, im lost. further, im sure other areas can have things incorperated in them for people to do and whatnot so new areas arent even a must for such an event... just a mob and a good plot story kinda deal ;)
as far of the rp goes ofcourse anyone can rp at any time, i was more or less suggesting a set raid event with a plot that takes place to lead up to the eventual death of some jacked up mob that takes a group but is accessable to people of all tiers.
Like I said before with new zones, changes to zones must be copied over to the actual game. Unless updating the zone is going to prevent a crash, it's highly unlikely they'll port in fifteen room for a RP event. Now, actually -editing- the rooms on main, they have done to an extent, but no mortal can do it. Simple reason: We mortals can't be trusted with OLC skills on main... I'm sure I could be, but even I agree that no mortal should -ever- have OLC commands, (except maybe hedit, because we bloody need -someone- to update these out of date help files), on the main port.
As for a raid - That's what legendary mobs are for. While I myself have an idea for an event like what you wish, something on the scale I'm planning, I had to throw an outline to Chalgyr... cause... well... it's big... but most of it would happen in story format, with people being able to throw their ten cents in as it develops... but yeah. This -isn't- WoW >P.
Again, if you have a good idea, and take the time and patience to plan it out and see it through, then i'm sure the imms will indeed -back- you on it. If all you have is, "X, Y, Z, and I wanna RP something where we have to kill something really strong," then odds are... well, if it were Odin, he'd transfer you to the Fallen Kalchi King. >P
Quote from: Daklore on 06/26/07, 15:43
.... changes to zones must be copied over to the actual game. Unless updating the zone is going to prevent a crash, it's highly unlikely they'll port in fifteen room for a RP event.
Changes to zones can only be brought in when the game is DOWN. It's not something we can do with a copyover or on-the-fly with the game up.
Sooooo.... if we did need to bring in a small area, it's not something we want to do in the middle of an event ("Sorry.. hold that RP thought... everybody log out, give us 5 mins, then log back in and restart your RP where you left if....." not!!)/ It's something we'd want to do in advance of an event and then have a way of activating or opening the area during the event.
Eh, so my technical terms are off... but the zone still has to copied over to main >P That doesn't mean a -copyover-... just... yeah... I'll shut up now.