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What Jadyss said - we can take donations and in theory they shouldn't add up to more than what we pay a year (which they never have since we spend about $350-$400 in total for server fees, domain name and um, Thalia's coffee?) - but we can't actually charge for anything in the game itself due to the licensing. We'd have to write something from scratch to do that. :P
Also a cool notion. I've long liked loot tables. They're more work up front but less work for builders and add greater variety/randomness to things. I also like the idea of a power quest. Or, what about (less useful for those like Sye at level) where you can unlock a special quest once per hour (or maybe pay a small fee of a few tokens to trigger it every 10 minutes) - but it's a higher level mob than normal, but you get better rewards and doesn't count against your normal quest timer?
Interesting. Seems like it would be doable in the same way we check against runes and such. Of course, I'd want to limit how big of a % or how many pieces of gear you could apply it to (800 times bonus due to 22 wear slots), but that could be reasonable.
Ideas & Brainstorming / Re: Soft Registration
Last post by Chalgyr - 02/27/15, 15:29
I do like the idea - especially since for what Sye suggested - I basically leverage the website and FB for it right now. Of course, we'd want an easy way to edit said list too so people can remove from it if they wanted. Hmm
That would be pretty cool to have XP armor. It could also be an economy boost to rent it out like on another mud I played. Also there should be something that is different or just as good as custom armor because basically there is little strategy or picking and choosing. Everyone makes the same amount of quest armor and is able to put the exact same things on it. If there was more and different options people could be more strategic and their individual decisions would have impact.
Quest vendors took a huge hit after the pwipe, same gear same prices half the benifits.

What if there was a quest vendor re=hall.  Make them more exciting and fun, slightly more powerful.  Not game breaking but why not let people run around in quest stuff and make them viable but not AS viable as customs?

It would be interesting to see XP bonus armor.. like we have runestones.  You see this in a lot of games, it would be interesting to see armor with a +5 xp per kill (only if they are within mod range)

You get five of those and that would help you out  quite a bit.

So we could add some things like this.

-Items that give bonus XP (visible amount that you could see)
-Items that give minor legendary personalities and bonuses.  (like you only get to level it 2 levels and get something cool and fun)
- Have them have some flaw so it isn't beneficial to use them over customs, like they give bad resistances or - stats in addition to the cool stuff.
-Items that give you quest turning in bonuses.  Like +2 quest tokens per turn in.  (you could spend your time making a questing set)
-Make RP armor that you can restring indefinitely for RP that you could wear around.
-Have exclusive items that do cool things too like a light at each vendor that does something unique including a battle message like 'nova' does?

Skys the limit you could keep adding an item every quarter (3 months)

OH I like that, like you get a uniquely tailored log in quest with a token reward at the end, and it could be like 1 of 5 quests, with a random token.

Ideas & Brainstorming / Story Lines- Arcs
Last post by sye - 02/08/15, 13:16
This idea has been punted around a bit, however I think this is something that helps a lot of games/ mangas and television shows live through more than one decade.
World of Warcraft and D3, and even First person shooters, as well as almost every MMORPG in existence.

The fact of the matter is we have a unique awesome system and we should try to find ways to compete with these games for fun factor and being able to be friendly to phone users so people can play this game instead of Plants vS zombies or angry birds.

Have Story line or Arcs.
Let people know what KOTL is about, a lot of people dont' really know the history nowadays with DEUS and the kalchi war, etc..  It would be fun and you can develop and interact with the players like the old days.

Make a notable char, that's a runemaster and make a backstory and when he's around, add some rare runes, something new and exciting.
(people will look forward to the runemaster Blithis arc)

There could be a mob or two in towns with "I" that give you hints toward some secret information like where to find a mob that drops a rare rune.. like 'the follower of Blitihis'

It could add a combat and quest mod (runemaster blitish teleports to you and hands you an 'x' runestone)

Maybe if you find him and defeat him something special happens, legendary stone, or new legendary rune or who knows.

You could do this for a lot of different venues..

(You can do it on races.. blood planes.. citiies... classes... religions.. subclasses.. the possibliites are endless)

You may need an imm to run a player event PR thing like this but it would be pretty cool to log in and see some fun stuff like this.
I pretty much detailed exactly a perfect daily log in bonus and how it works on those muds that have them above. To receive said bonuses(minus any instant ones similar to what you mentioned) would required spending 30-45 minutes. 10 minute quest timers - next 3 quests give double tokens. Next 66 mobs killed give double EXP/Gold. Takes spending time.

oh oh oh.. here's a good one.. make a roleplay note that follows specific guidelines and get a crystalline/mox/runestone etc.
Maybe add a runestone... This is after all a magical world.
- Blessed vision

(this will prevent the target from being blind via spell or ability)

and another one.
- Darkvision

(this will give people an severe upgrade to attack chance and damage when blind and fighting, as well as being able to move around and see 'heat')