We already have plenty - but this would be mainly cosmetic i would imagine...

Started by azzan, 06/26/07, 10:48

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How about more "secret" races - like the evil horse race suggested on another post - in conjunction w/ my previous idea (tier/evo quests) or in a simmilar manner as they are currently done. Basically giving more options. A bane could either become a balrog - or some other form of demon. This idea isnt to thought out - but with this type of thing already implimented on some races i think most will get the idea :)


The only reason for the 'secret' shadow elf race, is because not everyone wanted to have a spider butt. As for an evil equus.... why do you need the cosmetic effect to roleplay it? Simply put... I dunnae see the point in having secret race evos for multiple, or even -all- races. It'd just be code-lines to confuse Chalgyr... which reminds me... get out of the code, fuzz butt! >P
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


We're OK with doing more secret or even more "add-on" modifications to races.   We were waiting to to ask for ideas until we'd let you all thrash the current races.  :)

Ideas we've bounced around include "Add-on" for Zombies, Canine Were,"White lighters"/Guardians (Goody two-shoes healer/defender type).

I think we talked about doing a "Black" unicorn...hmm... and maybe an alternate of a pegasus.

Any way... feel free to suggestion some new options.  We're definitely not against adding new options (or spiffy up and/or retiring old races).


How about giving a little bonus for being human? A secret race/modification that is only allowed to be attained by humans. The idea i had would be for elemental modifications - stay human but have some inate elemental abilities (wind = fly/passdoor/blahblah - you get the idea). Obviously not over powering as that would defeat the human purpose - but would be an interesting twist to inject into a storyline.


Humans don't need a buff! *sage* If they -want- a modification, they can suicide, become a zombie, or get sired. Besides, while everyone else gets cool racial modifications, I'll again get nothing. Anti-Daklore code in the fabric of reality >P. Also, for some of these racial modificatons that are equal to third evo... would it be fair to offer them, when someone that's played longer might prefer -that- add-on, but can't achieve it because of the fact that they evolved beyond the point where they could attain it? Not like there'll ever be that option for me... but say we gave... oh, I dunno.... Equus a dark evolution, and someone who is already maxed out in evo, wanted to go that route? What then? Hmm? HMm? HMMMM!? Pfft. You people and your cosmetics. I remember when you had to use a spoon to roleplay, demmit!

Okay, so there were never any spoons... but you get my point... and if you don't... uhm... I'll sic Tsythor on you... somehow...
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


Bah.  Daklore's a non-race now anyways, if you listen to the old bastard's ramblings.  Why would he get anything better? (okay, maybe we can improve blur).

As for humans?  I'm open to ideas, and that was an interesting one.
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


What about those nightwalker thingies you were gonna make, but didn't make, and are still a useless helpfile? Then again, in the past, humans have always offered their souls to demons... so perhaps you could create a type of hanyou (or human/demon hybrid) for humans, maybe? Just a thought from the crazy one.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."