Runics... and stuff....

Started by Daklore, 09/07/07, 14:01

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Yeah so.... most of you don't remember... but waaaaaaaaaaaay way way waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day, when Dinosaurs still roamed Volain, we could hand around runics and what not. Yay! Right? Yeah... and then people started lending their customs out to weaker people to power level them, yada yada yada, and now, we can't hand our runics around. Boo.

Yeah so, that pretty much brings into question some of the skills in the game. IE: Shield skills, etch, and tinker. If we can't give our runics to the people that can use those skills... then what use are they?

Idea proposal! How about a new command (dun dun duuuuun) that allows us to temporarily loan (effectively also named, 'loan') our runics to another player, so they may add a shieldflag, or etch/tinker it? Hell, even to ID it. Sure, that's what Hease is for, but Hease can only ID stuff for us, at a cost of 10 tokens a pop. Not a bad deal, really... but Etch and Tinker are totally shafted, because they only become usable for that player, or, on non-runic gear... which by time those classes get 'em, most people that level aren't going to use non-runics.... and most won't help newer players simply because... well.... newer players tend to use that runic quarterstaff, and upgrade to quest/custom, or continue to use better runic weapons as they become available.

So in conclusion, we need to be able to hand around runics, if just temporarily for people to use some of their skills on that affect an item directly (hell, even so a priest can bless/curse a weapon o_O).

loan <objectname> <player>

Should probably cost some amount of gold or something, ya know, sort of like gift. Loan should ignore the claimed flag, not even touching it, and then after... I dunno.... three or four minutes, automatically 'reclaims' the item to the original player, even if the runic isn't claimed. *shifty eyes* Yeah, feel free to bash this idea down, but you know it's good, demmit. Even you, Thalia! ... and Fuzzbutt.

(EDIT) Erm... forgot to mention: Loaning an item won't allow that player to use it, merely modify it/id it with skills/spells and what not. Yeah...
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


Overall I like the idea.  And the code that prevents the receiver of the loan from using/wearing the item would be similar to the custom code which won't allow you to wear the custom until it is restrung.



I like it good stuff dakkie maybe old dogs can learn to at least THINK of new tricks
Sean Boggz
-Breaking the mold-


"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I think its a great idea, and with the checks you suggested, it shouldn't be abusable either.  Imposing a timelimit on how long the item can be 'loaned' is great, and not allowing the 'loanee' use of the item helps too...maybe it can be limited to only loaning items to 4th tiers, as the majority of the skills useable in that way are fourth tier anyway.


Restricting it to fourth tiers would make it pretty much needless to most people, as by that point, what do they care? I'm aiming it more at the lower tier, lower leveled players that -have- runics and can't do anything -with- them, except upgrade to quest/custom gear, rather than upgrading the runics themselves. Granted, quest and custom gear tends to be far superior, it shouldn't have to be the only option to lower leveled players who don't want to devote that kind of time, or, simply don't know they can.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I meant that items could only be loaned TO 4th tiers, any tier could loan an item, but only 4th tier could accept them.


All around love the idea... dont quite understand the restriction on 4th tier thing - since the person receiving it cant use the item all they'd be doing is wasting their time/money/tokens (if there is a cost associated with it) to give their item to someone who couldnt do anything to it. That and if this would be an alternative way to ID items many more people then just 4th tiers can do that.


On top of the ID spell, third tiers also have temporary shield flags which can be used. Sure, not as effective as permanent, but they can still use them.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I really like this idea, personally.  I do agree that first tiers might benefit more from it.  But I also think that some 4th tiers have some shieldflag skills that I would love to get on a custom shield.
(  .  ) (  .  )   O_O!!!


when can we see this nice new feature :D?