Rumor Board

Started by sye, 09/02/11, 13:49

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I know this idea was posted about a Rumor board in the mud.

The idea here is.. it would strip the name of whoever posted it..  So it would just be.. "rumor posted" and it wouldn't even have to have a subject, the crazier it is and harder to understand the better *leaves room for misinturpritation etc.*

But you could add it to the note board, under all of them.. or rename FUN, and just let people post fun stuff in NOTE  (since most stuff is just hey check this out) you know.

But the rumor board would help promote RP, and have some fun aspects to the game, if people got into it..
I think anytime someone gets a bounty, it should go in the rumor board.  IE: blah blah got a bounty!

Stuff like that.. Blah blah got ejected from a kingdom!

***SOMEONE STOLE treasure from Klevnones Treasury****

Basically you could add stuff in game, that could post annonomously anything that would.. kinda get the ball rolling on people getting all reved up to roleplay, or find stuff out!

-Sye out
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


Board would have to be moderated -- rumors would have to be reviewed/approved before being released to the general population.   Think of how abusive some people get on OG.  Imagine what an unmoderated, unattributed OG would be like.


Quote from: Thalia on 09/02/11, 17:21
Board would have to be moderated -- rumors would have to be reviewed/approved before being released to the general population.   Think of how abusive some people get on OG.  Imagine what an unmoderated, unattributed OG would be like.

Which is why I'm 100% against it. Not just because most of the rumours would likely be slander against me, but it'd be wasting the time of immies who have better things to do in order to moderate it.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I didnt think of the ways people could be abusive with it.. lol

Hmm, I think that it should get logged.. and a warning be established, if you break any game rules, or 'open channel' policies.. Language polices etc.. you could get punished up to being banned.

But, if it might be too much hassle I guess the old fashion rp will have to do. 

Just a thought.  If/When the new war system gets added.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


FinDe was once gathering stuff up for this, and it had its moments of usefulness.  It was especially interesting when involving people who... well, actually rp'd.  But something like this would definitely take some degree of objective moderation or it could get out of hand. 
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


The rumor board would be interesting. I agree that it could get abused. But most of know the rules and it can be checked by an imm. Thalia could code it not to allow certain language like og, and people who do use it to slander Dak's good name could have reprocussions.

It should be stated in use of the rumor board that it is IC only and not OOC. IT should also state that if you break game rules you can be banned for it. Make it off the note system and it has to go to all. There fore if someone does use it wrong all IMM's will have access to the note. And if the IMM's want to get creative they could be the ones who post the notes or what nots. We send an idea to them in note form and once a week they post the rumors. It could give some of the newer players and older players that have been coming back in some insight to the friendlier IMM. I think Odin would be awesome at keeping the rumor board as he has been back quite a lot lately. If the IMM's prefer it to be player based then someone can run it. I wouldn't have a problem running. But I think that IMM's could get a little story line going if they interjected some rumors. Maybe like at the next fesitval their will be an assassination attempt on someone and so forth. It could bring in a little more rp and if it doesn't it will still be fun to be Libel, cause it's written not spoken, Daklore's GOOD NAME.


I think we're neglecting to mention the psychological impact on players from a rumour board. Yes, I can split IC and OOC myself, but if someone is getting dogged on pretty harshly from an anonymous rumour board, has anyone thought about how it might affect them on the other side of the screen? As much as I can laugh off and rationalize your playful (I hope) slanders/insults/jabs toward me, some of them do get through. The internet is already a bad place where we can just rip on someone with very little chance of reprisal, and you should all know some of us are more sensitive about being teased/picked on/belittled/insulted/etc etc than others. Where would the line be drawn between insult and playful gaming?

I'm still in a big no toward this. Even with immy moderation, you either A) Have a delayed posting where the imms have to approve it before it's posted (which could then lend to favourtism or some such) and give the imms a huge workload to weed out the no's to the okay's, or B) Post immediatly and it could be days before immies actually look at it(in worst case) and say "Oh wow, that should not be there." By then, it's too late.

So huge no. Just, no. It's not worth the trouble more sensitive players would bring, or my already frakked up psychological issues as is. A gossip board is just bullying, and we should not be promoting bullying, even in an RP environment where people can post on a whim.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I don't think many people really know about your pshycological problems. And it should be only used as IG material. The rumor mill is supposed to be fun. Not harmful in the name sake of making people feel bad. That is why we ask an IMM to approve what is being sent. And honestly I would be more than willing to work on it. I wouldn't allow someone to call you out on your personal life. That is complete bull shit in my eyes. And if people would do that I would report them to an imm and not post said note. And if you choose not to be apart of the rumor mill you can't start your own. And Dak, I am sure you would have fun posting rumors about people. Besides what good would that be if the supreme of Dias doesn't start trouble for others?


well if it had rules.. like og etc.. and imms could monitor it,, or even screen it if need be, it would be interesting.. or maybe even imm only.. they can post stuff like news..

liek.. rumoar board 1
subject klevnone

Klevnone has increased its soldiers and offense substantially, everyone watch out!

(or something akint ot hsi for the new war sy stem, which is why I thought of it btw)
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


Quote from: Fric on 09/07/11, 15:48
And Dak, I am sure you would have fun posting rumors about people. Besides what good would that be if the supreme of Dias doesn't start trouble for others?

I used to be able to do this without rumours >P

And dear god, Sye. Spell check. SPELL CHECK!
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


Good news..  I will be using spell check from now on.   >:D
P.S.  This is not a rumor.  Honest.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein