Brainstorm session - what are we missing/how do we get more players?

Started by Chalgyr, 10/07/09, 08:43

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Quote from: sye on 08/30/11, 02:22
reward players that get new players to stay and they get past a certain age../time played and aren't from a static ip like AOL or Mudconnect *for obvious reasons*

Where's my multi-coloured last name for 10,000 hours(soon to be) then? Huh, huh?!
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


You know now that I think about it.. thalia agreed to give us a 'logout quote' for ever 1k hours or something.. or every year we are here.. I dont know how she said it, but she was looking into it as a perk, for people who stay around. 

Why dont we think of things like this?  So people get other cool goodies other than just what they have ;)
-Sye out
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


I also thought.. what if.. every day someones logged in their name can be put into a drawing, and at the end of the week/month whatever. you decide, you pull a name out of a hat.
And then.. you roll a dice, for a random item.. from runestone.. to quest mox.. to bloodsoaked item, to regular token.. and see where it lands.. after it lands on a token or mox you can roll again to see which one.. and then give it to them, as a 'thank ya for being active'.    or something like that...

or maybe they just get a bonus of 100 tokens.. if the other stuff is too much.. but it would be an incentive for people to be on :)
-Sye out
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


okay, move away from door prizes and look at systems/fun things in the game that make it worth logging in. If you give out door prizes, then they just cheapen the rest of the stuff. In a way.

No door prizes.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


well thats fine..

maybe tehy could focus on making fun stuff.. for people who aren't 200 plus.  So they stay Addicted, and want to be around, once people get to 200plus they get.. "aaaah HA" and kidna just stop.. like that was their goal.   Like they achieved a whole new level of the game, but dont want to try to get to 275 (only a handful are pushing themselves up to try to get to that level)

So why not make thigns for all levels/tiers to enjoy? 
I know people quest while they watch tv.. and play games etc.. or read.. or play pokemon *pokes at dak* or plays two muds at once?

They could have some 'filler' stuff that isn't just grinding, and isnt' just questing.. to promote roleplay and people wanting to activly be apart of the playerbase and on.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


I have talked about some of the reward/referal stuff in the past.  I like the general idea for a couple of reasons, but the basic one?  Get your friends here you'd want to play with.  Know what sucks?  I can NOT get any of my real life friends (yes, I do have some - honest!) to play here over the years.  Worse yet?  Most of them are D&D players.  But they prefer WoW or other graphic MMO's.  :P
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


I dont know whats worse.. Ive gotten Karall back, and good news!  he just recovered from a serious injry and will most likely be trying to come back again! 

But.. honestly, I have gotten like 5-10 people to play, and to try to enjoy it, I try helping new people It ry everything, and even handing a custom out here and there, I see my friends just UP and vanish.. like Toar.. Morgoth.  Nuk.. Nico.. and Manaszun and a few others that didnt get really up there.

so just.. BLEH!  :)

But I hear ya.. I wish we had some way.. to do it,   I like the festivals that we use to help promote new chars, and people to come back, and new players.  (the bonuses and all that stuff)
-Sye out
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


Yeah, and we should be having a festival somewhat soon.  Not entirely sure when yet, but soon... sooooooon.
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.