Religion and Kingdom Coffers

Started by thaxn, 07/15/11, 06:13

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Lately I've found myself looking at Athorien's coffers and wondering if
there could be any good use for all that silver other than bragging rights.
I'd had the same thoughts about Kingdom money when I ruled Murkwood for a time.
I've come up with some ideas to burn out all that cash if the powers that be agree.

Kings, Queens, and Supremes should be granted some of the Imm bonus commands
but of course they should be very expensive.

For example: Kings and Queens get the following abilities for the approximate cost
in silver from their Kingdom Coffers.
Double Token - 10 million silver, or 100,000 gold
1 hour kingdom time bonus - 1 million silver, or 10,000 gold
Restore - 5 million silver, or 50,000 gold

Supremes should get:
Double XP - 10 million silver, or 100,000 gold
1 hour religion time bonus - 1 million silver, or 10,000 gold
Buff - 5 million silver, or 50,000 gold
this will apply the two best buffing spells of a religion to everyone, for example
If I as Supreme of Athorien cast this, everyone would get Eye and Reflection
If Nealah as Supreme of Syskee cast it, everyone might get killer instinct and shadowphase
Daklore of Dias might grant Agony and Resistance (most of the top spells are offensive)
Elendil of Es'trenal could grant Patience and Refinement
Fruc of Galr could grant Economy and Learn
These bonuses will apply to everyone, not just members of the kingdom or religion
just like the imm commands.

Thaxn holds up the target for your potshots.


Quote from: thaxn on 07/15/11, 06:13
Lately I've found myself looking at Athorien's coffers and wondering if
there could be any good use for all that silver other than bragging rights.
I'd had the same thoughts about Kingdom money when I ruled Murkwood for a time.
I've come up with some ideas to burn out all that cash if the powers that be agree.

Kings, Queens, and Supremes should be granted some of the Imm bonus commands
but of course they should be very expensive.

For example: Kings and Queens get the following abilities for the approximate cost
in silver from their Kingdom Coffers.
Double Token - 10 million silver, or 100,000 gold
1 hour kingdom time bonus - 1 million silver, or 10,000 gold
Restore - 5 million silver, or 50,000 gold

Supremes should get:
Double XP - 10 million silver, or 100,000 gold
1 hour religion time bonus - 1 million silver, or 10,000 gold
Buff - 5 million silver, or 50,000 gold
this will apply the two best buffing spells of a religion to everyone, for example
If I as Supreme of Athorien cast this, everyone would get Eye and Reflection
If Nealah as Supreme of Syskee cast it, everyone might get killer instinct and shadowphase
Daklore of Dias might grant Agony and Resistance (most of the top spells are suck)
Elendil of Es'trenal could grant Patience and Refinement
Fruc of Galr could grant Economy and Learn
These bonuses will apply to everyone, not just members of the kingdom or religion
just like the imm commands.

Thaxn holds up the target for your potshots.

Edited bold for accuracy >P

Otherwise, well, I could go either way on this. Originally the kingdom and religion coffers were meant for the war system ... that... really doesn't see much use. Instead it might be more viable, although Thalia would scream and cry, to revamp the war system to give it a more... well, real feel. Like using a 4X, TBS strategy game approach... or one of the many browser based strategy games like Utopia (which I'm not sure exists anymore) or Imperial Conflict (war... IN SPACE). But that would de-rail the thread. >P

But yeah, that would really be the better thing to do, revamp the war system to make it something -fun- and side-game-ish, rather than just giving us immy power commands. (which, I admit, would be nice)
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I sort of like both ideas, and agree the coffers are definitely just... collecting dust.  The war one's tricky 'cause at the time we wrote it, we had 50 players on a night and there was plenty of pvp.  now?  would need something that has more npc involvement and well - would be tough to impliment as there's a world of difference between say, Daklore or Thaxn and a level 40 first tier.  always a challenge to find a competative balance that doesn't... well... feed the newbies to the mobs.

But the idea of finding something to do, something that benefits said kingdom or religion?  That's a good notion too, Thaxn.
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


Well, revamping the war system to be more like a 4X game would be less about pitting players against players, and more about pitting the unspoken hundreds of thousands of citizens in each kingdom against one another. It'd be a lot more complicated than it needs to be, but instead of pitting Enthor against 3 level 100's from Armengar (seriously, close down Armengar, there's fewer people there than Lapis... and I'm all there is in Lapis!), but pitting more the text Knights of Armengar against the text unwashed brutes of Klevnone in mortal combat over territory. Kingdom coffers could then be put toward training soldiers, detailing how well they're equiped... even "city improvements" to better the military, or make the population grow... but yeah, complex.

Besides, the war system of yore never worked anyway. We just killed one another outside the cities when we could anyway >P

As for religions, yeah, I got nothing.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


How about kingdom leaders get a Kingdom ... Favor?  (Boon?) and religion leaders get a .. Benediction(?)  for every 5/10/20?? hours they are online.  They can exercise that Favor/Benediction whenever at least .... 4? 5? kingdom/religion members are online.  And the Favors can be as listed above.

During Kingdom festivals, the cost for the boons are 1/2 normal.

hmm... sort of suggest Religion festivals.


I come up with an idea for a simple problem, and simple solution using mostly existing commands, and Daklore wants to code an entirely new game into the mud instead >:D.


Quote from: thaxn on 07/17/11, 07:34
I come up with an idea for a simple problem, and simple solution using mostly existing commands, and Daklore wants to code an entirely new game into the mud instead >:D.

S'what I do best
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


Quote from: Daklore on 07/17/11, 16:59
S'what I do best

ROFL - and now you know why we like you so much more than Daklore. ;)
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


Quote from: Chalgyr on 07/19/11, 08:54
ROFL - and now you know why we like you so much more than Daklore. ;)
Because I flirt with your eldest daughter? >P
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


Quote from: Daklore on 07/20/11, 00:13
Because I flirt with your eldest daughter? >P

Ugh, that too.

thalia?  can we reconsider the implimentation of RCD's old 'vape' command?   >:D
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


Quote from: Chalgyr on 07/20/11, 09:01
Ugh, that too.

thalia?  can we reconsider the implimentation of RCD's old 'vape' command?   >:D

Hey, she starts it. I just counter!
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


lol... and lol...

well looks like we are already talking about revamping the war system.  But I do vote that the imms, and maybe even the players could start a forum, or have a council meeting about a few things that could use some spice, to help all players and help new players...

--- Coffers.. on all things.. could have more use, more commands, or something.. --
--- Cherna could use a buff, maybe a lil more inventory, or something, something to make life more interesting for the grinders.. since its more of a grinding questor.. --  (PS: That jacklight is trash :)) When you have a light of undeath thats so much better.. and easier to obtain.  with Resistance to cold!
--- Quest items:  I know this has been thrown around a few times..  But prewipe they were pretty decent, postwipe they aren't that good at all.   I mean do a grep or whatever command to see what all youll find, I doubt youll see anything cept most bags.. and ointment.. and maybe a charm or two.. from armengar, maybe a blood dagger from mesilena.  But other than that you wont see any quest items used.     They aren't that good, even with a 75% refund rate or whatever.     They could be 'redid' a little?  And then post the stats on them on the wiki?!  :)  Maybe add some new ones.. or something. *shrug* just an idea.   
-Sye out!
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


Quote from: sye on 08/28/11, 12:38
lol... and lol...

well looks like we are already talking about revamping the war system.  But I do vote that the imms, and maybe even the players could start a forum, or have a council meeting about a few things that could use some spice, to help all players and help new players...

--- Coffers.. on all things.. could have more use, more commands, or something.. --
--- Cherna could use a buff, maybe a lil more inventory, or something, something to make life more interesting for the grinders.. since its more of a grinding questor.. --  (PS: That jacklight is trash :)) When you have a light of undeath thats so much better.. and easier to obtain.  with Resistance to cold!
--- Quest items:  I know this has been thrown around a few times..  But prewipe they were pretty decent, postwipe they aren't that good at all.   I mean do a grep or whatever command to see what all youll find, I doubt youll see anything cept most bags.. and ointment.. and maybe a charm or two.. from armengar, maybe a blood dagger from mesilena.  But other than that you wont see any quest items used.     They aren't that good, even with a 75% refund rate or whatever.     They could be 'redid' a little?  And then post the stats on them on the wiki?!  :)  Maybe add some new ones.. or something. *shrug* just an idea.   

-Sye out!

Off topic much? This thread is about kingdom coffers, not Cherna and quest items >P
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."