Author Topic: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!  (Read 5802 times)


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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #15 on: 08/31/11, 00:25 »
What if you put bloodsoaked tokens there. Say 50 blood points a piece.

I suggested that you could convert your damage on a custom weapon to otherworld. But I know that is a long shot but it would be interesting. Besides with the aura that you can have and religion spell it might not be worth having unless you are just grinding.

Maybe instead of otherworld you can have 2 types of damage added. Say you have a sword and it does slash, then you add with 50 blood points it does slash and charm. And then you add your moxes for rampaging and chasmic and then your super flags, normal flags, and so forth.


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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #16 on: 09/01/11, 00:05 »
Interesting ideas.. I dont know maybe.. you could by a bloodsoaked token  Just like that.. and you can convert it, and have a chance to get A bloodsoaked token.. you dont get to pick.  That would be cool.
( so people couldnt just save up for crystallines or woodens)

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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #17 on: 09/01/11, 12:01 »
One thing is 50 blood points is 50 hours on. Making a custom armor is roughly 20-25 hours. It's quite a long haul. Ok, so now that it takes 50 hours to get a bloodsoaked something or other so for every 2 customs you make you get 1/3 free if you blood quest. Or you can get 1 mox for the same time. But that's just semantics. No matter what you do for the blood quest or token counts it's still time and not really an easier way of doing things. You still have to play and be online for it.


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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #18 on: 09/01/11, 13:55 »
well, I wonder.. what if.. out of this list, or you could suggest more.. we could do something like this for the bloodquest vendor KATHA:

Fix the redjack light.. even if you up the bp slightly, have it either do a resist, or some damroll/hitroll or 2 of a stat.. or some hps.. whatever.  Something, make it atleast equal to "light of undeath".

Greenjack light..:bp 5: resist -5 earth, -5 pierce, con 2, non-runic maybe an affect: invis?
bluejack light..bp 7: resist -5 slash, -5 dark,2 str , non-runic, maybe an affect: haste?
purplejack light..bp 10: resist -5 water, -5 charm, -5 harm, 3 led, non-runic, maybe an affect: detect invis?

Diamondjack light..bp 25: resist -2 slash, -2 bash, -2 pierce, -2 harm, -2 drowning, -2 light, -5 negtive, 5 luk, damroll 5, hitroll 5, non-runic, no affect.

Mox Amber..BP 30: -15 reslight, -15 resfire.   Shieldflag:healshield or n/a.   Weaponflag: echoslash or n/a.
we also have..
mox malachite.. mox lapis, mox lazuli, mox agate.. etc there is a lot we could play with, just if they only gave resists, or damroll or hp.. or something.
maybe make a mox that gave 250 hps, but nothing else?
or one that gave -10 saves and nothing else,
or one that gave -25 damroll and nothing else,
or one that gve -25 hitroll and nothign else?
People would have to forfit spots of other moxes for them..
Also.. have all their weaponflags be Echoslash, and all their shieldflags be healshield.
Just a creative idea

-Sye out
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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #19 on: 09/01/11, 18:57 »
No healshield mox, we've been that way forever, let's keep it that way. Everything else on the mox I could get behind (maybe give it some balancing).

Another thing we could look at would be buying "buffs" for our characters with bloodpoints, akin to runes, only not sucking as much as 98% of all runes or something. That only work when you're bloodsworn, so you can't go sworn, get them, then quit.

Don't ask me what they'd do, I never thought it through. If Sye can get away with it, I can too >P
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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #20 on: 09/01/11, 19:11 »
ROFL daklore, well, that is a good idea..

bloodbuff bp 2: adds maybe a random supreme buff? or .. resistance buff? or somethign? who knows.
bloodrunestonebuy 15:
buys you..
random ideas..
bloodtank: hp plus 1000
bloodwraith: adds flying and invis(number)
bloodworm: adds negative damage to your weapon or.. randomy do some negative damage every round *(might be too powerful that.. )*
bloodbalance  damroll plus 20 hitroll plus 20 ac -20 saves -10

stuff like this.. you could do whatever you 'could do'
or maybe make it so you can buy a travelrune with bloodpoints I mena why not?
you can add travel to a custom..
Travel rune: 25 bp.
or you could start pricing some of the better runes that people might want to get.. but I dont know if id go that far.. maybe just one or two useful ones..
justl ike shielding and travel, or only travel.. maybe only affects runes?  that you could put on your gear, like invis.. berserk.. sanc.. haste.. etc
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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #21 on: 09/06/11, 14:49 »
Is there any equipment quest-wise that's just missing in general that would be valuable here?  Of course most players bypass the quest gear in favor of custom gear, but that would help round out the list and give some options at least.  Anything else you'd be interested in seeing show up? (things like equipment I can make and add fairly easily.  coded things like hunger/thirst/stat points have to be coded by thalia so i won't volunteer her for anything, but ideas are still good)
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #22 on: 09/07/11, 13:03 »
Shins and ankles are pretty unheard of, for gear at large let alone quest. You pretty much have to go custom to fill these slots, same with wing and tailguards (although available to fewer races so it balances itself out). The weapon types available, I don't believe are very extensive, favouring mostly fighter weapons and uncommon weapon types (such as spears, rather than maces for priests). But, I don't really pay much attention to quest gear >P

More quest gear should come with sanctuary, or have sanctuary pieces, as sanc is pretty much a requirement to survive, same with mass invisibility.
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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #23 on: 09/07/11, 14:54 »
I think Dak hit the nail on the head. Sanc and invis items would be good. Especially if you are making an aggro race. It might help them til they get farther into their custom making.


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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #24 on: 09/08/11, 19:45 »
kalchi can't get around the invis limit, and to my knowledge  Thalia is still tweaking the invis code?

But yeah, if they made af ewmore qust gear, that offered invis.. and sanctuary, maybe even a few more weapontypes, something akin to fang dagger(which is still somewhat popular)

Or think of what we need when tweeking bloodquest vendor Cherna?
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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #25 on: 09/17/11, 18:39 »
to my knowledge  Thalia is still tweaking the invis code?

No set of code is off limits, but I don't have active products related to invis code.  [just a general annoyance with it.... among other features of the game.]


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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #26 on: 09/23/11, 16:56 »
well, there are a few things I thought you were looking into?  Like being able to toggle invis on and off, so people can roleplay without having to take off all their stuff, and also so they can trade etc.

Stuffies like that. :)
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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #27 on: 09/26/11, 12:41 »
off and on is true.

I thought you meant how it works in general.


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Re: :) QUEST ITEMS!!!!
« Reply #28 on: 10/12/11, 10:39 »
Add buying runeslots to bloodpoint rewards. 250 BP and you get another runeslot. Limit it to like 3 at most (c'mon, one ain't really much for all the runes that are out there that never get any use).

-More Runes
-More reason to get bloodpoints
-Possibly more reason for people to kill other people in bloodsworn to get that 250 BP for slot.

-More special runes on mages
-More people female doging about getting pkd
-More work for Thalia
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."