Custom Weapon

Started by sye, 09/02/13, 14:12

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Custom weapons are by far the most effective weapons in all of Volain. Don't bother with quest weapons, go all in on a custom weapon instead. They are far superior in damage, far greater in stats, and far more versatile because you can edit their damage type. At least once. Going for a custom armor may be a better option for your first custom, namely to acquire sanctuary, a weapon should definitely be your second, if not first.

For the initial cost, a custom weapon will cost 10000 quest tokens, the type of token is based on your hometown.

    Klevnone - Ruby
    Murkwood - Emerald
    Armengar - Sapphire
    Mesilena - Onyx
    Calararian - Crystal
    Tolin - Topaz
    Lapis - Turquoise
    Tozain - Amethyst

Once you have attained this, I hope the type of weapon you want has already been chosen. Syntax to create a new weapon: custom new <weapon type> (sword, dagger, spear, mace, axe, flail, whip and polearm)

This will now set you back 10K tokens. Restrings on customs are now free. You must restring your custom!

Now, we get to start modifying the weapon! The basic syntax is: custom modify <item> <field> <choice> -- The fields will be as follows: superflags, normalflags, extras, hp, move, manatype, specific stat, hitroll, and damroll


Below is a list of all the superflags you can add, and what they can do. Superflags will cost you 500 Turquoise Tokens apiece. You can have two superflags on your weapon.

Syntax: custom modify <item> superflags <choice>

    Rampaging - This lets you hit harder if you hit within 80% of your maximum damage. In essence, you do more damage.
    Squalling - This only does damage to people affected by 'fly'
    Trampling - If your current HP is higher than your opponent's, you do more damage.
    Relentlessness - If you have a higher Damroll than your opponent, you get an even higher damroll.
    Echoslash - Does damage equal to 1/10th of your normal hit. So if you do 100 damage, echoslash will hit for 10.
    Thundering - This will knock around your opponent with a powerful gust of wind. Anyone who is flying can, and will, be sent against a wall if fighting indoors.
    Starslash - Flings forth stars of varying sizes, dealing damage.
    Chainraiser - Flings forth hooked chains to latch onto the opponent. Lowers dex and chance of flee
    Chasmic - Causes mental pain, which also affects the ability to cast spells
    Aquawhirl - Covers target in water, and can destroy items in a persons inventory, even if they are in a bag
    Holystrike - Punishes all those who are of Evil Alignment, and raises the users Alignment.
    Darkbomb - Bombs the target with darkness, and can even sap away their hp over time, like poison.
    Binding - Surrounds the target in sonic binding, lowering their agility and disabling their ability to recall.
    Rancor - Ignores 25% of the targets Armor Class

Normal Flags

Below is a list of all the normal flags you can add. They will cost you 300 Crystal tokens each. You can add two to your weapon. Syntax: custom modify <item> normalflags <choice>

    Flaming - Does fire damage, can burn items, and blind with smoke.
    Frost - Does cold damage, can destroy items and lower strength.
    Vampiric - Drains life, and gives it back to you.
    Sharp - Increases damage
    Shocking - Does lightning damage, can destroy items, and paralyze, greatly reducing ability to flee.
    Manadrain - Drains mana, and gives it back to you.
    Squandering - Drains move, and gives it back to you.
    Lobotomous - Drains life, mana, and move, does not give it back to you.
    Darkstrike - Attacks with a wall of darkness
    Windslash - Attacks with a wall of wind.

Damage Types, health, mana, sockets, and more

Now we come to Damtypes. All custom weapons come with a default damage type, but you can change this damtype, a maximum of two times. Each change will cost you 100 Emerald Quest tokens. Each damage type is pretty straight forward, but for information on which resistance blocks which damage, refer to here.
The syntax is: custom modify <item> damtype <choice>

Next is Extra flags. There are only three of these, and two of them you should have no matter what. Each Extra flag will cost you 300 amethyst tokens.
The syntax is: custom modify <item> extras <choice>

    Vorpal - Cuts through Sanctuary <-- A must have
    Silver - Does extra damage, does even more damage to Were races <-- A must have
    Twohanded - Makes the weapon two handed, which then makes it do 15% more damage.

This next part covers mana. You can add a total of 200 mana, but you can only add it 50 points at a time. So essentially, you can add mana 4 times, with a max of 50 per add. I would suggest you add no less than 50 each time, as adding any less would be a waste. Mana will cost 1 onyx per point, for a total of 200, if you add all 200 points.
The syntax is: custom modify <item> <manatype> <amount>


    Blackmana - Adds Black Mana
    Whitemana - Adds White Mana
    Greymana - Adds Grey Mana
    Spiritmana - Adds Spirit Mana
    Colorlessmana - Adds Colorless Mana
    Firemana - Adds Fire Mana
    Watermana - Adds Water Mana
    Earthmana - Adds Earth Mana
    Windmana - Adds Wind Mana

Next is HP, this is something almost everyone does immediatly after gaining the weapon. This is something I would suggest you save until after you've done the following: create the weapon, added hitroll, added damroll, added superflags, and added normalflags. You can add a max of 200 hp, and in this case, I would suggest you use no less than 200. This will cost you 1 crystal per hp.
The syntax is: custom modify <item> hp <amount>

Hitroll and Damroll are similar in this case. You can add a maximum of 25 for each, and you should add no less either. Hitroll will cost you 2 emerald tokens per point, while Damroll will cost you 2 ruby tokens per point.
The syntax is: custom modify <item> hitroll/damroll <amount>

Move is generally ignored, as it can be a waste of tokens. Personally, I generally skip it, but, if you wish to add it, you can add a maximum of 100 move, at a cost of 1 onyx per point. With runestones on fourth tier, you may find yourself with an excess of movement anyway!
The syntax is: custom modify <item> move <amount>

Next we come across attributes. If you're new to questing, and are wondering where all the tokens are at, check your luk stat. Chances are, it's fairly low. If you want more quest tokens per quest, add luk. Want more hp? Add con. Are you a mage or a priest, and want a spell lag cut? Add int or wis. In any case, you can add a total of 5 stat points. However, you have to do this once. So you can add one stat worth 5 points. It will cost you 100 topaz per stat point. Add no less than 5 points per.
The syntax is: custom modify <item> attribute <stat> <amount> -- Stats: Con, Str, Dex, Agi, Int, Wis, Led, Pec, Cha and Luk

Now we come across saves, personally, I'll say these aren't worth bothering with, but other people might say differently, but, nonetheless, I must tell you how to do it. You can add saves twice, in amounts of 5. Go no less than 5 per addition. Saves will cost you 100 crystals per point.
The syntax is: custom modify <item> saves <savetype> <amount>

Save Types:

    General - Normal Saves (to prevent negative status affects)
Breath - Protects from the Breath Weapons used by Dragons Currently unusable.
    Petri - Erm, I don't think this one even -does- anything, but it's supposed to protect against Petrification Currently unusable.
    Para - Protects against paralysis(from shocking weapons, and lightning breath) Currently unusable.

Next is weight. I'm not sure what this actually affects, other than dual wield, but you can set it between 3 and 30. You can change this ONCE and it will cost you 100 Turquoise tokens.
The syntax is: custom modify <item> weight <amount>

Lastly, all custom weapons can be given an extra socket, on top of their base sockets. So if your weapon has three sockets when you socket it, this will give it four. You can do this only once, and it will cost 500 topaz tokens.
The syntax is: custom modify <item> socket

So in total, this weapon should cost: (assuming you don't add movement, saves or twohanded)

    150 Emeralds
    50 Ruby
    800 Crystal
    1000 Topaz
    200 Onyx
    1100 Turquoise
    600 Amethyst
    10000 of your Hometown's tokens
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein