
Started by sye, 09/02/13, 15:49

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Runestone Overview

Runestones are a way to alter your character's strengths or grant them special "powers" beyond what would normally be gained via levelling or questing. Runestones will have a chance (read: very small chance) of appearing in your inventory after a mobkill, so long as the mob in question is at least ONE level higher than your own. Runestones can also be randomly generated for a number of quest tokens. Below you will find applicable commands related to runestones, as well as a listing of runes and their affects and what classes may use them -- if applicable.

How to obtain runestones

CONVERT TOKEN <colour> RUNESTONE -- trades 250 tokens of the indicated colour into a randomly generated runestone.
obtain a runestone from killing a mob that yields 30+ exp.

Do note, that this list is at current, not complete. Help complete the list!
Runestone Commands

Commands will be listed in Magus style (CAPITAL LETTERS) to distinguish them from the description.

    RUNESTONE -- lists all your current runestones, and empty slots.
    TATTOO <location(0-9)> <runestone> -- apply a runestone to an empty slot, denoted by number zero through nine.
    REMOVERUNESTONE <location(0-9)> -- remove a runestone from the number slot entered. Runestones removed are not re-usable.
    ABSORB <runestone> -- absorbs the runestone to add +50 to all manapools and movement, permanently (erased upon tier).

Stat Runestones

    Bloodstone Runestone - Affects Strength by 2, 3, or 5.
    Windstone Runestone - Affects Dexterity by 2, 3, or 5.
    Earthstone Runestone - Affects Constitution by 2, 3, or 5.
    Firestone Runestone - Affects Intelligence by 2, 3, or 5.
    Soulstone Runestone - Affects Wisdom by 2, 3, or 5.
    Allurestone Runestone - Affects Charisma by 2, 3, or 5.
    Gracestone Runestone - Affects Agility by 2, 3, or 5.
    Fortunestone Runestone - Affects Luck by 2, 3, or 5.
    Awestone Runestone - Affects Leadership by 2, 3, or 5.
    Seeingstone Runestone - Affects Perception by 2, 3, or 5.
    Bleeding Runestone - Increases hitroll by 25, Fighter only.

       All of these runestones are limited by a specific class only when generated. Stat runes that grant +1 to a stat are available to all

Affect Runestones

    Brinka Runestone - Gives the Haste affect(one extra attack total).
    Sanc Runestone - Gives the protection of Sanctuary (half damage).
    Soar Runestone - Gives the affect of Fly.
    Holyguard Runestone - Gives the affect, Protection Good.
    Darkguard Runestone - Gives the affect, Protection Evil.
    Wraith Runestone - Allows you to pass through most doors.
    Regen Runestone - Increases natural Regeneration rate.
    Floating Runestone - Gives the Float affect.

Resistance Runestones

    Sharp Runestone - modifies Resistance Bash by -10.
    Flat Runestone - modifies Resistance Pierce by -10.
    Bumpy Runestone - modifies Resistance Slash by -10.
    Cold Runestone - modifies Resistance Fire by -10.
    Freezing Runestone - modifies Resistance Fire by -15.
    Hot Runestone - modifies Resistance Cold by -10.
    Scorching Runestone - modifies Resistance Cold by -15.
    Dark Runestone - modifies Resistance Light by -10.
    Luminary Runestone - modifies Resistance Dark by -10.
    Grounding Runestone - modifies Resistance Lightning by -10.
    Basic Runestone - modifies Resistance Acid by -10.
    Cleansing Runestone - modifies Resistance Poison by -10.
    Positive Runestone - modifies Resistance Negative by -10.
    Unholy Runestone - modifies Resistance Holy by -10.
    Discharged Runestone - modifies Resistance Energy by -10.
    Mentally Challenged Runestone - modifies Resistance Mental by -10.
    Cleanliness Runestone - modifies Resistance Disease by -10.
    Swimming Runestone - modifies Resistance Drowning by -10.
    Waterwalk Runestone - modifies Resistance Drowning by -15.
    Silent Runestone - modifies Resistance Sound by -10.
    Silence Runestone - modifies Resistance Sound by -15.
    Dry Runestone - modifies Resistance Water by -10.
    Evaporating Runestone - modifies Resistance Water by -15.
    Air Runestone - modifies Resistance Earth by -10.
    Calm Runestone - modifies Resistance Wind by -10.
    Helper Runestone - modifies Resistance Harm by -10.
    Replusive Runestone - modifies Resistance Charm by -10(might be -15, someone confirm).

Special Runestones

    Collective Runestone - Halves Spell Costs, Mage only.
    Berserking Runestone - Grants an additional attack, all can use this.
    Shadows Runestone - Increases ability to Hide, Rogue only.
    Moon Runestone - Gives a chance of preventing wereform, all can use this.
    Energy Runestone - Triples Movement Regeneration rate, all can use this.
    Fame Runestone - Increases EXP earned by 10%, all can use this.
    Weakness Runestone - Unknown.
    Divinity Runestone - Doubles Healing Spells, Priest only.
    Poweress Runestone - Increases Casting Level, Mage only.
    Ambirumbal Runestone - Grants the ability to Dual Wield, Priest only.
    Shrub Runestone - Increase Damage in "forest" sectors, Scout only.
    Shielding Runestone - Increases shield block ability, doubles shield flag damage.
    Sustenance Runestone - Reduces the need to eat and drink.
    Pulsing Runestone - Increases Quest Tokens earned by 10%.
    Snaring Runestone - Decreases chance of opponent fleeing from combat.
    Imbuing Runestone - Increases 'buffing' Spells, Mage/Priest only.
    Slaying Runestone - Increases Damage done by two-handed weapons.
    Travel Runestone - Allows Travel between kingdoms (syntax: travel <kingdom>).
    Healing Runestone - Triples HP regeneration rate.
    Mystic Runestone - Triples Mana regneration rate.
    Delight Runestone - Increases Gold earned by 10%.
    Bright Runestone - Decreases time to next quest by 10%.
    Death Avoidance Runestone - Chance of not losing stats when bested by a mob.
    Archmagi Runestone - Chance of a double cast, Mage only.
    Acid Arcanina Runestone - Increases damage by acid spells, Mage only.
    Fire Arcanina Runestone - Increases damage by fire spells, Mage only.
    Ice Arcanina Runestone - Increases damage by ice spells, Mage only.
    Light Arcanina Runestone - Increases damage by light spells, Mage only.
    Sound Arcanina Runestone - Increases damage by sound spells, Mage only.
    Darkness Arcanina Runestone - Increases damage by darkness spells, Mage only.
    Water Arcanina Runestone - Increases damage by water spells, Mage only.
    Toxic Arcanina Runestone - Increases damage by poison spells, Mage only.
    Lightning Arcanina Runestone - Increases damage by lightning spells, Mage only.
    Mental Arcanina Runestone - Increases damage by mental spells, Mage only.
    Missile Arcanina Runestone - Increases damage by missile spells, Mage only.
    Temple Guardian Runestone - Increases Shield and Detection Affects. Priest only.
    Temple Defender Runestone - Increases Shield and Protection Affects. Priest only.
    Tower Guardian Runestone - Increases Shield and Detection Affects. Mage only.
    Tower Defender Runestone - Increases Shield and Protection Affects. Mage only.
    Fire Resonator Runestone - Increases damage of Fire spells. Scout only.
    Wind Resonator Runestone - Increases damage of Wind spells. Scout only.
    Water Resonator Runestone - Increases damage of Water spells. Scout only.
    Earth Resonator Runestone - Increases damage of Earth spells. Scout only.
    Void Resonator Runestone - Increases damage of Colorless spells. Scout only?

- added recently -

    Dispel Magic Runestone - Random chance of displing defensive spells on attacker
    Repel Magic  Runestone - Random chance of blocking offensive spells cast by attacker

Bane runestones

    Elfbane Runestone - Increases Damage against Elf races.
    Unicornbane Runestone - Increases damage against Unicorns.
    Tallfellowbane Runestone - Increases damage against Tallfellows.
    Tannaribane Runestone - Increases damage against Tanari.
    Pixiebane Runestone - Increases damage against Pixies
    Nymphbane Runestone - Increases damage against Nymphs.
    Centaurbane Runestone - Increases damage against Centaurs.
    Faebane Runestone - Increases damage against Fae (like Seelie)
    Manscorpianbane Runestone - Increases damage against Manscorpians.
    Werepantherbane Runestone - Increases damage against Werepanthers.
    Merrowbane Runestone - Increases damage against Merrows.
    Sirenbane Runestone - Increases damage against Sirens.
    Spiritbane Runestone - Increases damage against Spirits.

Legendary Runestones

(runestones that only drop from Arthenon)

Bounce Runestone - Increases both miscasts & chance of additional attacks
Dense Runestone - Increases both attacks not landing & chance of landing spells
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