
Started by sye, 09/02/13, 20:58

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    1 Banshee
    2 Damned
    3 Demon
    4 Evilgiant
    5 Evilundead
    6 Giant
    7 Kender
    8 Knight
    9 Mimic
    10 Monk
    11 Orc
    12 Rogue
    13 Siren
    14 Shepard
    15 Undead
    16 Warrior
    17 Warriorking

Legendary items are special items made with the use of a Legendary stone. Said stones are dropped only from very specific mobs that are generally harder than your run of the mill mobile. A stone drop is a very rare occurrence, with less than a percent of a chance per kill of a stone appearing in your inventory. At current there are only three legendary mobiles, two with regular resets and one that is currently only loadable by immortals. Legendary mobiles have a reset separate from regular mobiles, meaning the Legendary mob may appear a minute after they were killed, or hours later.

Legendary Mobiles in Volain are:

    Draiolin (Tolin) - the first ever legendary mob. Only appears if loaded by an immortal.
    Grand Master Assassin (Tower Fortress)
    Arthenon (Incinerated Caves)
    The Keeper (Bloodplanes)

Legendary items require vast amounts of experience to level up, which gives them a uniqueness, as no other items level up by this manner. At level zero, two, four, six, eight, and ten each legendary gains a new ability, some of which have a passive effect if they are worn and others that require them to be activated.

Experience required for Level Level    Experience Needed

0    --Starting Level--
1    100,000
2    250,000
3    500,000
4    1,000,000
5    2,500,000
6    5,000,000
7    10,000,000
8    20,000,000
9    50,000,000
10    100,000,000

There are 17 legendary personalities, each with differing abilities as they level up. Most legendaries speak in some way, shape or form -- some will shout to the area, others send a tell to the person who is in possession of them, and others will speak to the room. Listed below are the 17 personalities and hopefully with input, what they do!

Banshee Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    scream    legendscream    Deal damage and lower opponent's sound resist
2    scream    legendscream    Deal damage and lower opponent's sound resist (stacks with lvl 0)
4    scream    legendscream    Deal damage and lower opponent's sound resist (stacks with lvl 0 and 2)
6    sonic    legendsonic    Improve your resistance to sound
8    shreik    legendshreik    Deal sound based damage
10     ???     ???     ???
Damned Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    archmagi    Upon spellcast    Lower random resist by 5
2    archmagi    Upon spellcast    Lower random resist by 5 (10 total)
4    archmagi    Upon spellcast    Lower random resist by 5 (15 total)
6    archmagi    Upon spellcast    Lower random resist by 5 (20 total)
8    archmagi    Upon spellcast    Lower random resist by 5 (25 total)
10    legendgate    legendgate <target>    Instantly travel to target
Demon Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    lower resist    legendlowerresist    Lower target's resistance
2    lower resist    legendlowerresist    Lower target's resistance (stacks with lvl 0)
4    lower resist    legendlowerresist    Lower target's resistance (stacks with lvl 0 and lvl 2)
6    lower resist    legendlowerresist    Lower target's resistance (stacks with lvl 0, level 2 and lvl 4)
8       devilfire           DD, deals negative and darkness damage 1
10     throw in fire       DD, deals fire damage and lowers fire resist (stacks)
Evilgiant Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    strength    legendstrength    Increase Strength stat by 10
2    strength    legendstrength    Increase Strength stat by 10 (20 total)
4    strength    legendstrength    Increase Strength stat by 10 (30 total)
6    strength    legendstrength    Increase Strength stat by 10 (40 total)
8    strength    legendstrength    Increase Strength stat by 10 (50 total)
10     bullrush            Useable bullrush skill   
Evilundead Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    raise resist    legendraiseresist    Improve random resist
2    raise resist    legendraiseresist    Improve random resist (stacks with lvl 0)
4    raise resist    legendraiseresist    Improve random resist (stacks with lvl 0 and 2)
6    raise resist    legendraiseresist    Improve random resist (stacks with lvl 0, 2 and 4)
8      raise resist        temporary increase to a resist      5
10    summon lich         summons an evil undead creature
Giant Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    strength    legendstrength    Increase strength by 10
1    strength    legendstrength    Increase strength by 10
2    strength    legendstrength    Increase strength by 10
4    damage    passive (while wearing)    Increase damage output by 2%
6    damage    passive (while wearing)    Increase damage output by 2% (4% total)
8    damage    passive (while wearing)    Increase damage output by 2% (6% total)
10     bullrush            Useable bullrush skill

    Note: Damage percentage is a guess at current.

Kender Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0     ???     ???     ???
2     ???     ???     ???
4     ???     ???     ???
6     ???     ???     ???
8     ???     ???     ???
10     ???     ???     ???

    Note: Kender personalities have a tendancy to roam!

Knight Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    defense    passive (while wearing    Damage reduction of 2%
2    defense    passive (while wearing    Damage reduction of 2% (4% total)
4    defense    passive (while wearing    Damage reduction of 2% (6% total)
6    defense    passive (while wearing    Damage reduction of 2% (8% total)
8    defense    passive (while wearing    Damage reduction of 4% (12% total)
10    guard    legendguard <target>    Take all damage for target player. Player does not need to be grouped, but must be within normal grouping range (10 levels)
Mimic Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    mimic    passive (wearing when completing quest)    Increase token rewards from quest (1%)
2    mimic    passive (wearing when completing quest)    Increase token rewards from quest (+5%, 6% total)
4    mimic    passive (wearing when completing quest)    Increase token rewards from quest (+5%, 11% total)
6    mimic    passive (wearing when completing quest)    Increase token rewards from quest (+5%, 16% total)
8     ???     ???     ???
10     ???     ???     ???
Monk Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    raiseresist    legendraiseresist    Randomly improve one resistance
2    raiseresist    legendraiseresist    Randomly improve one(or two) resistance
4    pummel    legendpummel    Deals bash damage to target (one hit total)
6    pummel    legendpummel    Deals bash damage to target (two hits total)
8    holy strike    legendholystrike    Deal a holy attack
10    holy strike    legendholystrike    Deal a holy attack (two hits total)
Orc Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    orcish strength     raises str, lowers dex temporarlly 
2    orcish strength     raises str, lowers dex temporarlly 
4    orcish strength     raises str, lowers dex temporarlly 
6    orcish lure         summons a friend to help with battle
8    orcish pride        deal +15% damage vs. elves         
10  fighting on         continue to fight after dead       

Rogue Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    stealth    vanish    Increases invisiblity
2    stealth    vanish    Increases invisiblity
4    stealth    vanish    Increases invisiblity
6    stealth    vanish    Increases invisiblity
8    unexpected attack    passive (in combat while wearing)    Chance to deliver a backstab during a combat round
10     ???     ???     ???
Siren Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    allure    legendallure    Temporary increase to Charisma
2    allure    legendallure    Temporary increase to Charisma (stacks with lvl 0)
4    serenity    legendserenity    Chance to stop combat in the room
6    siren song    passive (while wearing)    Siren may sing during combat and deal water, charm or drowning damage
8    siren song    passive (while wearing)    Siren may sing during combat and deal water, charm or drowning damage more frequently
10    elude    passive (while wearing)    Chance of random teleporting when HP is low during combat
Shepard Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    healing aura    Legendhealingaura    Grants increased health regeneration to the room
2    hp bonus    passive (wearing item)    Increase maximum health by 1000
4    hp bonus    passive (wearing item)    Increase maximum health by 500 (+1500 total)
6    hp bonus    passive (wearing item)    Increase maximum health by 500 (+2000 total)
8    hp bonus    passive (wearing item)    Increase maximum health by 500 (+2500 total)
10     ???     ???     ???
Undead Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    strength    legendstrength    Increase strength by 5 temporarily
2    strength    legendstrength    Increase strength by 5 temporarily (+10 total)
4    mummyrot    legendmummyrot    temp healing modification (direct from legendary description, no idea what it does)
6    mummyrot    legendmummyrot    temp healing modification (direct from legendary description, no idea what it does)
8    mummyrot    legendmummyrot    temp healing modification & rotting away effect (direct from legendary description, no idea what it does)
10    curse    legendcurse    Decrease target's strength, agility, and dexterity while increasing your own strength, agility and dexterity
Warrior Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    dead mans taunt    legenddeadmanstaunt    Draw all mobs in the room to attack you, regardless of their target
2    enrage    legendenrage    Sacrifice health to lower armour class, resistbash, resistslash and resistpierce
4    enrage    legendenrage    Sacrifice health to lower armour class, resistbash, resistslash and resistpierce (stacks with lvl 2)
6    enrage    legendenrage    Sacrifice health to lower armour class, resistbash, resistslash and resistpierce (stacks with level 2 and 4)
8    berserk    legendberserk    Sacrifice some health, gain damroll equal to (half?) your level
10    trueinsanity    legendtrueinsanity    Sacrifice some of your health to do damage to opponent (deals harm damage, can be immune to sacrifice)
Warriorking Level    Ability    Activated By    Description
0    Kingly Leadership(???)    legendkinglyleadership    Boost a random resist for everyone in the room
2    Kingly Leadership(???)    legendkinglyleadership    Boost a random resist for everyone in the room
4    Kingly Leadership(???)    legendkinglyleadership    Boost a random resist for everyone in the room
6    King's Will    legendkingswill    Grant all in the room a boost to damage roll
8    King's Will    legendkingswill    Grant all in the room a boost to damage roll
10    King's retainer King's retainer          summon a familiar that is strong and does pierce damage.
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