Favorite single thing from a non-KotL game

Started by Chalgyr, 05/29/07, 14:23

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Kinda expected responses like that... *throws a few koopa troopa's at Calryc*
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


Quote from: Chalgyr on 06/21/07, 15:42
Kinda expected responses like that... *throws a few koopa troopa's at Calryc*

*Jumps on them as they go by, stopping them in their tracks, then doubles that jump and returns them to sender.*
"Knights protect countries at all costs...
   ... Welcome to Kingdoms of the Lost"


Sorsha said she'd probably set the code-base up again once she got some time and settled back down and what not.. so... we'll see. Apparently, she also has all the pfiles too *sage* Time shall tell... and yes... let me -please- turn Armengar at the -least- into a pile of rubble and ruins! *kitten eyes*
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


*laughs* I don't even remember my old character on there. :)  I did drop her a note though on principle, so we'll see.
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


Well, I remember my character.... the password is another question, though...
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


Well, moving on from DBZ and xyz stuff... I would like to encourage new people to make use of this thread - what do you like from other games?  Non-linear character development like Oblivion, something more aggressive pk-wise, arenas?  Share. :)
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


Well, I have been in one other mud, rather than this one. They did two things differently that might be worth consideration.
One, they linked the amount of experience that one can gain to the amount of people in the party. So, yes you could level alone, but if you ran in a pack of five the exp almost doubled for everyone. It encouraged everyone to run in pack, and you got to know people better.
Two, they made specific parts "pk zones" where you could go if you wanted not only mobs, but other players on the menu. These zones were non-quest, and were level specific (you had to be in the range the zone was buuilt for to enter) but it added an interesting twist.

*** sits back holding his baseball bat and a Dr Pepper, waiting for the naysayers to attack ***
Joel (Folestar)


I was on another mud, i forget which one.. but you could "hide" your damagetype. When you equip'd a weapon you could type something along the lines for <weapon>dam Pierce and it would show everyone else "pierce" damage when you were attacking when really it was  something else. That was really cool when it came down to pk, because you didn't know what to immune yourself to.


But... that would make absolutely no logical sense whatsoever! I think you'd know if you were being hit with fire or cold damage >P
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


To Folestar's ideas first -

In a way, we've moved into that direction a bit.  Stock ROM gives you negative bonuses to earnings when grouped, so we coded it to be the same regardless.  I would think that the increased strength of numbers would be reason enough for people to group.  Now.... if we had more people with whom -to- group, that would be big.

I kinda dig the pk zones thing.  Maybe just make them stupidly hard.  mobs are much stronger than normal for that level, pk is wide open and lots of weirdness could happen.  Would be quite the chore to code in at first, considering our current structure and the fact we have bloodsworn too though.  Another feature that would benefit from more players being on, ala-Warcrack.

Nevaeh's - as a rule I dislike the idea, for the reason Dak gave.  However, it might be a cool idea for an illustionist spell/skill...
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


This is mostly from one game, but some things maybe from other games too because they've all started to mostly blend together.  But... multiple components to this....

-  Instead of automatically being within range to attack someone you have to
   ENGAGE them and move into the appropriate range for your weapon.

   If you notice someone ENGAGing you, you can DISENGAGE. 

   The agility, encumbrance, position, and combat skill of the two parties
   determines how fast they can engage/disengage.

   The attacker can try to CHARGE to get into immediate range, but that takes
   moves and they may overshoot their target and/or loose their balance (and
   end up flat on the ground).
   Your chance of FLEEing depends on your combat range and the number of
   PCs/NPCs you are engaged with.

-  There are three (from what I remember) ranges...
    - Ranged weapon range -- bow & arrow, boomerang, some spells
    - Pole weapon range   -- halberds, lances, whips, some spells
    - Melee range         -- swords, daggers, staves, whips, (Pole weapons can
                             also be used at melee but usually hit as bash instead
                             of edged weapons)
- There are limited number of "slots" at pole & melee range. Number of slots 
  available at the outer ranges depends on the number of slots filled at the
  inner range.  For example, someone may have 4 melee slots and 8 pole slots. 
  If 3 of the melee slots are filled, only 2 of the pole slots are available.

- Ranged weapons
  + Bows must be LOADed, AIMed, then FIREd.
  + Boomerangs are AIMed, FIREd. (chance of catching the boomerang on it's
    return is based on Boomerang skill.)
  + Ranged Spells must be PREPAREd, AIMed, then CAST.
  If you FIRE/CAST too soon (before your AIM is true), your chance of missing
  Ranged weapons have a chance of hitting anyone engaged with the intended
  target.  Chance of getting hit depends on how close people are to the intended
  target plus weapon skill of the attacker
- Related items

  + STANDing gets a round time based on player encumbrance. 

  + You can fight while seated or prone, but at a severe penalty

  + Combat eats up moves (sort of like magic eats up mana)

  + Can choose to put your fighting attention into a pure defense, pure offense
    or a mix
    (So if you are heavily encumbered, end up falling in combat, you may be
    better off switching to a purely defensive fighting attention to avoid
    blows and try to get out of combat range.)

Hmmm... I think that's mostly it.  (Does this count as a "single thing"?)


Quote from: Chalgyr on 06/20/07, 16:52
Can I ask that every 3rd or 4th post from you somehow picks on Daklore?  Somehow it just makes my day brighter...

I'll do what I can, but picking on Daklore is kind of like makeing fun of the retarded kid in school, real easy... but you feel kind of guilty afterwards.

As too things from other MUDs I liked I played one where whenever a Duel was issued and accepted the PC's were sent to an arena with like three minutes before they were able to enter the combant room dureing which the rest of MUD was allowed to place bets on who would win. (It was also globaled if you refused a challenge just so everybody would know you were a Puss.)
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one.


I think you maybe have slipped in more than -one- thing, there Nealah. :P

I liked a lot of that - because combat is in some ways the most boring part of the game unless it's against a tough boss or another player, so adding variety to it at all would be a good thing n my opinion.  A lot of what you said could tie into the XYZ thing I was discussing earlier (in this thread or another) as well, perhaps.

Leesil - go ahead, pick on Dak.  It's okay.  All the cool kids are doing it...

And we do have a duel system in place currently... and I did awhile back talk about arena stuff.  *scratches head* Would an arena (or multiple arenas) be of any interest to people I wonder?
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


Mmm I'd have to say that one of my favorite things from a Non Kotl MUD that I enjoyed...... was a from a DBZ game. haha don't laugh  it was my first :P

Each Character got a special attack unique to their own character......... and you could loose limbs while fighting.... >>
-please insert brain here-


I don't know about codeing it, but that could be intresting, Daklore's Gnome Cannon, Luna's Multiple Personality Assualt, Leesil's Tear Induceing Insult?

And of course we're going to laugh at you, did you forget what MUD your on???  :P
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one.