Author Topic: Favorite feature from another game or MUD you wish KotL had  (Read 5400 times)


  • Grand Poobah of Kingdoms of the Lost
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I do like the loot tables idea - I have for quite a while, though the idea of how to best implement it eludes me personally (seems like I'd just crash things if I tried, lol). There would be a ton of legwork that went into it though, I suspect - but 99% of the stuff made in zones is not used once you have played enough to gain some quest/custom gear (so past level 20 or so).
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Yes, there is a ton of unused equipment and shops. Perhaps they could be retasked in some way?


  • Grand Poobah of Kingdoms of the Lost
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What ideas do you have on that front?

Using like gear to slightly boost existing gear? If so, limits on how often or how close in level the gear needs to be? because right now, most gear just gets sold I think. Or sacced.
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I have played many other games as well as muds over the years and I like the concept of being able to progress in any way possible. Currently converting rpexp is capped at 175 so unless that cap was raised that would be out but experience through questing as an alternative to grinding mobs is great. Much like the ability that you can currently gain tokens through killing mobs.

Here is a list of ideas/other mud implementations that I have seen captivate audiences of hundreds.


1. Legendary Newbie Light: I discussed this on the mud , having the ability to grab a puny legendary in the beginning with a personality and maybe something easy to obtain like sanc as the end ability maybe a bonus to exp as the 1st legendabil. Just something that shows what is to come and to peak interest.

2. Legendary personality trainer: A npc that will retrain a legendaries personality if the item is on hand and for a token amount with a limited timer. possibly of nuking a legendary down to just a legendary stone for token amount as well.

3. Bloodsoaked drop increase/exp on questing: I think that a increase in tokens dropped in bloodplanes would relieve the attitude of sit at 50 and quest out full customs . Would reduce the end commitment of how long it would take to start xping without snags. Would add to community , I know so many here are generous and willing to give thousands of tokens to those just showing interest in the game.

4. Rare spawn vendor with random rare runestone and/or mox purchases throughout the world with a limited time spawn

5. Scaled xp newbie grouping: ability to group with a much lower player possibly with the added system of a mentor scale where as you grind with your apprentice or your apprentice levels you gain bonuses after level goals have been reached.

more to come limited on time atm

Other muds successful stories

1. Random gear called uniques that had a unique flag: played a couple muds where depending on mob level a unique scaled off the zone/mob level could drop with random modifications , much like the gems we get but obviously slighty more powerful.(kinda like diablo)

2. gambling- played a mud that had progressive dice gambling such as red-blue-green-yellow-purple and a chance to get platinum dice if you skipped. the dice roll would either sit idle , gain gold, make you loose and restart, proceed to next level or skip and go from red to green or green to purple but the only way to obtain platinum was yellow to platinum. from yellow on you could recieve rewards such as gold or tokens or here like a chance at a mox . the base cost to gamble would be slightly mid level gold or token cost but the chance to actually win the jackpot which would then put you on a timer was really low. the jackpot for purple and platinum varied but the rewards were a scaling loot table and the rarest of the drops was really really rare. gambling timer only reduced while online. keeping people extremely active and always on the mud.

3. remorting is something I have always liked and multi-classing: i could see that once you hit 275 you could then collect rare drop items and proceed to be reborn or retrain and then possibly retain all or some skills or maybe all skills once you reach 200 again . would make for infinite play.


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The fifth idea I think is a great idea.  I like it because from an in-character point of view there will be some players that would like to have their character establish a back-story with an advanced and experienced character - say for the purposes of this discussin someone with a mage character whom is interested in having their character enter a certain fourth tier.  Whom would instruct them in character and our of character best than a player with a character already esconced in that much desired path?  The rewards of a Master-apprentice  effort can potentially garner far more than what Nuk's player would suggest apart from those potential rewards he has suggested.  It will indeed add yet another layer to the fun the game already provides.


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Yay purple!   :P

But on to the topic, I actually liked Sye's idea about maybe getting more tokens while out fighting in bloodplanes.  I find myself either sitting and questing or the rare times I am fighting watching the timer for it.  I dread the thought because I then have to make my way out and back to the regular world.  (Jealous of mages who can gate around easy for this!)

Now, not to to lessen the effort put in by Sye, Enthor, Daklore...others...but 2 million per level doesn't leave me too excited to work on that, but if I could potentially gain xp and perhaps a similar amount of tokens as what I'd get in hour's questing (4-5 quests with rune and say 45-55 per quest), it might put more incentive for me to work on it.  Again, those who worked hard at it are awesome and I don't want to seem like I'm complaining.


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Completing quests should have a chance for random item drops/loot.
killing mobs should have a chance for random item drops/loot.

You could Implament chain bonuses, so if someone is very active they get rewarded for it.

I was thinking of an item class that would be fun.

Potions of Boon, or something akin.
It would be items that you gain from questiong/leveling/killing.
You could make better ones form quest masters and unique ones from bloodpoints.  Even arena ones if you wanted..

They could do things like
(quaff adds negative/bad 50 of a resistance you lose 200 ac and gain 400 damroll for 2 ticks) - Boon of berserking
(quaff adds 2000 hps and 100 ac and maybe even 5 con or something for 2 ticks) - Boon of defense.

Now what would be great about items like these are you can make them stronger or weaker as your hearts desire, make them small ticks so you can't abuse them (can't just quaff a ton and become isnane) because after all, 2 ticks later you're back to normal anyways...

Would help with fighting legendareis, would help with pvp.. leveling, helping new chars level.

double exp happens, poop some boons of whatever.

(you could make them all share the same cooldown just like legendary abilites, so after the affect wears it adds another affect that would be 'exaushted after using a boon 100 ticks' and would show in your affects status)

Just a thought!
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2. gambling- played a mud that had progressive dice gambling such as red-blue-green-yellow-purple and a chance to get platinum dice if you skipped. the dice roll would either sit idle , gain gold, make you loose and restart, proceed to next level or skip and go from red to green or green to purple but the only way to obtain platinum was yellow to platinum. from yellow on you could recieve rewards such as gold or tokens or here like a chance at a mox . the base cost to gamble would be slightly mid level gold or token cost but the chance to actually win the jackpot which would then put you on a timer was really low. the jackpot for purple and platinum varied but the rewards were a scaling loot table and the rarest of the drops was really really rare. gambling timer only reduced while online. keeping people extremely active and always on the mud.

3. remorting is something I have always liked and multi-classing: i could see that once you hit 275 you could then collect rare drop items and proceed to be reborn or retrain and then possibly retain all or some skills or maybe all skills once you reach 200 again . would make for infinite play.

You must be talking about Temporal Rifts for the gambling? I'm not sure of how many other muds used that. I really want the progressive dice.
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