Author Topic: Ah, bugs. Gotta love 'em?  (Read 2587 times)


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  • Crazy Perverted Gnome Demon
Ah, bugs. Gotta love 'em?
« on: 01/21/11, 14:00 »
So, I have -absolutely- no idea how this happened. Seriously.

You join Sye's group.

<15825/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[70] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 5>
Thaxn asks <outgame> 'how does daklore have 3 retainers?'

<15825/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[70] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 5>
Sye <outgame>: 'ROFL'

<15967/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[69] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 4>
Thaxn says <outgame> 'I thought that was fixed'

<15967/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[69] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 4>
Sye <outgame>: 'my reatiner duped itself'

<15967/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[69] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 4>
Sye <outgame>: 'And gave itself three copies to daklore'

<15967/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[69] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 4>
Sye <outgame>: 'He got all the retainers'

<15967/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[69] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 4>
| The Bloody Mists                                | inside   | \ *** _         |
  Upon the ground there is writing which looks to be in blood.  The letters
are drawn into the dirt, like small trenches filled with flaked crimson
liquid.  The indicate that familiar cities in this unfamiliar land can be
reached by walking in certain directions:
Written to the northwest - Llantist
Written to the north - Damovin
Written to the northeast - Vor'kal
Written to the southeast - Driechmor
Written to the south - Ashrayale
Written to the southwest - Harthrin
Written to the downward path - Adden
Written to the upward path - Caderon

Obvious exits: [ north south up down northeast northwest southeast southwest]

     (G) A blood red portal is shimmering amidst the crimson mists.  The Bone Temple can be seen through it.
(Invis) (Translucent) (White Aura) Sye Rhus has shards of lightning flickering around him
(Charmed) A King's Retainer stands here.
(Invis) (Translucent) (White Aura) Thaxn Ober, who is grouped with Sye, seeks his next challenge.
(Charmed) (Translucent) (White Aura) the corpse of A Phoenix stands here, silent as the dead.
<T> The old man of the bloodplanes, Jalix sit on a nearby rock.

<15967/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[69] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 4>
14:54:33.78->  Sye's group:
[241 DGSL] Thaxn            27837/27837hp 63213/63213mv 1039931xp
[291 ELIT] A king's retaine 27887/27887hp  7091/ 7091mv [Thaxn's pet]
[242 GLAD] Sye              21111/21109hp 31850/60797mv 1158393xp
[292 DRUD] A king's retaine 21159/21159hp  6857/ 6857mv [Sye's pet]
[243 ELIT] Daklore          15967/16807hp 115745/115755mv 573989xp
[283 SHPE] The corpse of a  16807/16807hp  1491/ 4154mv [Daklore's pet]
[292 DRUD] A king's retaine 21159/21159hp  6857/ 6857mv [Daklore's pet]
[292 DRUD] A king's retaine 21159/21159hp  6857/ 6857mv [Daklore's pet]
[292 DRUD] A king's retaine 21159/21159hp  6857/ 6857mv [Daklore's pet]

<15967/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[69] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 4>
14:54:34.531->  Sye <outgame>: 'oh wait I still have mine'

<15967/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[69] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 4>
Sye <outgame>: 'Thats interesting..'

<15967/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[69] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 4>
14:54:37.765->  You global <outgame>: 'awesome'

<15967/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[69] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 4>
| The Misty Path to Ashrayale                     | inside   | \ *** _         |
  The crimson mists continue to swirl and move, shifting as though imbued
witha life of their own.  To the northwest of here is a desert city that can
be seen with sand swirling in the wind around it, mingling with the moving
mists.  Everything appears parched and dry.  To the south of here is a
glimmering portal surrounded by the red fog.   

Obvious exits: [ *south northwest]

The corpse of A Phoenix arrives.
There is a shimmering in the air, but nothing that prevents you from continuing forward.

<15967/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 115745mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[69] [7pm] [Leader:100%] [C: ][T:1]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 4>
14:54:41.312->  I tried to recall here
 *** Galr grabs hold of space-time and yanks ***
  **        The fabric of reality tears      **
   *   Reality weaves itself back together.  *
 ***     Reality has now reformed itself.    ***

| The Misty Path to Ashrayale                     | inside   | _ *** _         |
  The crimson mists continue to swirl and move, shifting as though imbued
witha life of their own.  To the northwest of here is a desert city that can
be seen with sand swirling in the wind around it, mingling with the moving
mists.  Everything appears parched and dry.  To the south of here is a
glimmering portal surrounded by the red fog.   

Obvious exits: [ *south northwest]

<16109/16807hp [20000|20000|20000|20000] 58105mv 67182s/680g 573989EXP BLOOD:[69] [9pm] [Leader: %] [C: ][T:0]>
<Realm:[blood]|[.    ]|Tu: 44479|O: 1025|E: 1928|R: 1058|S: 5069|C: 2531|D: 2164|T: 1239|A: 1238|QT: 9>
14:54:47.125->  You global <outgame>: 'that was me'
Macki <outgame>: 'ummm '

This is more for Thalia to peer at than anything... mostly because... ... how do you fit all of -that- into a bug post? >P
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."