KOTL Forums
Player Forums => Ideas & Brainstorming => Topic started by: Thalia on 06/15/07, 20:29
Gotten several ideas lately with ideas for new races or changes for existing. I'd like to get some more feedback on which races are working/interesting or not working/need help.
What I can say ain't working... is the damage on racial skills. Sure, they're not supposed to be OMGWTFPWN! But... they should at least be capable of doing -something- at level 200, not just a cosmetic, ya know?
And the Snifvliblin ability Blur, should be more like a dodge skill, not a 'raises built in AC'... cause... correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't AC just reduce the amount of damage you take, rather than, as the help file says, "makes you harder to hit."?
All in all, breathweapons and mentalflare pwn all... and yeah, I know, those races are supposed to.. but... why should they be the only ones with racial skills that can actually -do- something?
As for new races, I think we've got enough... but that's only because you guys won't give me a race change... and I won't be playing any new characters anyway >P
*still wants his very own unique Demonic race* *shifty eyes*
We've talked about were kitties possibly being able to control their transformations after so long, so how about we let them wear armor in the same slots as the equus, but only if they are 3rd evo and reached the same hours, if not more, to be able to do the transformation, Also, say I chose to commit suicide in my were-kitty form, I should be allowed to wear armor, I mean after dying, and coming back at a giant kittie I'm pretty sure I'm going to learn how to wear some form of armor on my body to protect myself. EVEN HEMAN'S CAT WORE ARMOR, so why should we be able to, if we chose to kill ourselves in kittie form.
The idea is that when you become a were-anything, your mind becomes feral, and logic thusly eludes you. Sure, over time, it's entirely possible for a were to overcome that feral state of mind and aquire logic, but still, the transformation is going to rip away any clothes you're wearing anyway... unless your clothes are so bulky and lose you trip on them all the time. Being able to control the were-form, I agree with... maybe even being able to wear some armor... but you also have to remember that when you form a custom - it's generally formed to your -true- form, not both forms. Somehow, I don't think any blacksmith is going to make a werecat armor, let alone a werecat have the logic to -make- armor.
but it's magical armor...wouldn't it be logical to think if it's magical armor, that it could possess the ability to change form with the wearer? I think thats logical, in D&D you can possess armor that changes forms with you, so why not here? Also, I've got a question about the committing suicide in were-kittie form, if you do, then you go tier, do you lose the health bonus or do you get to keep it?
Armor crafting to your shape requires logical thought, again. A feral mind woul try and throw it off, considering any feral creature in the wild will attempt to get anything that is attached to them off. It makes them feel trapped, or well, we can assume that anyway. So once again, your logic is defeated. As for ebil horsies... people can RP one, we don't need a new race specifically for it o_O
As much as it pains me, I must agree with Daklore *Suddenly I feel very very dirty*, When you change into your wereform you become wild animal operateing solely on insticint. That instinct is is to rip off any covering and run free. Be thankful you don't have to go track down your EQ when you change back.
And yes, we so need dark Equii.
How about instead of starting a whole new evolutionary chain for dark horsies, why not just offer some sort of in-game 'race' change that is nothing more than cosmetic... and maybe resistance altering. Ya know, like.... Daklore corrupts them and fills their soul with nothing but absolute darkness and there's no going back! *shifty eyes* Okay, maybe not Daklore corrupting them, but along the same lines thereof.
One word for what's missing from the races. Grigs. ;D
ROFL! I haven't heard that in ages. I remember Merlin's "Save the Grigs" campaign... and Grigs even existed for a few minutes... then Gilly smote them away. I guess she didn't want to try and imagine how a human and a cricket had sex. Pfft. We've got Yuan-ti, which are half human/half snake... how did that human and snake have sex? >P
Actually, I bet a human just mated with a naga...
Quote from: Daklore on 06/15/07, 22:11
correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't AC just reduce the amount of damage you take, rather than, as the help file says, "makes you harder to hit."?
Actually, you're wrong. :) It does affect damage but also liklihood to be hit (keep in mind, during the last pwipe I completely rewrote all of the fight/to-hit logic). In retrospect... it's amazing anyone can hit anything at all since I was the one who did that... Thalia probably fixed it for me. :)
I knew weres would come into the discussion. I'm not opposed to more of them, just not sure how needed they are with the werecats already in.
And I also (painful!) agree with Dak's overall assessment in the feral discussion
Evil My Little Ponies could be cool as a hidden race. Hm...
Quote from: Calryc on 06/15/07, 22:11Grigs
I'm going to direct Gilly to this link just to abuse you. :)
Those are my comments so far to this, but keep ideas and thoughts going. We may have a few ideas of our own to toss out soon, to see what you all think. :)
Quote from: Chalgyr on 06/19/07, 12:29
Actually, you're wrong. :) It does affect damage but also liklihood to be hit (keep in mind, during the last pwipe I completely rewrote all of the fight/to-hit logic). In retrospect... it's amazing anyone can hit anything at all since I was the one who did that... Thalia probably fixed it for me. :)
And this is why we shouldn't let Chalgyr into the code.
[Off Topic Rant]
QuoteI'm going to direct Gilly to this link just to abuse you.
*Runs for his dear life*
QuoteAnd this is why we shouldn't let Chalgyr into the code.
*But can't, because for some reason flee isn't working as Chalgyr was at the code again. Upon entering the command the MUD turns everybody into Grigs before crashing for eternity.*
[/Off Topic Rant]
I honestly have no complaints about races at this point. Of course, I don't think I have the hours on the 'Goyle tree to tell anyway. :)
We got more than enough races for the playerbase we have at this moment. Now, if that playerbase was going to expand and bring us to an average of 60 people on at any given time of the day, then more races might be more plausible. As it is, most players are either a Dragon, or an Elf of some sort (whether they be Drowish, Kalchi, or Siltha). Which is also why I think the other races that are less played, need a bit of an 'umph' to their racial skills. It's either that, or let them go the way of the dinosasur.
I completly agree. KOTL has a ton of races as is if anything we should trim it down. Maybe rework some of the skills like Daklore suggested.
Only thing I can really see an maybe an improvement with races is maybe plot lines where notables get involved and post notes and what not giving the players things to talk about and try to figure out on their own.
I can see where doing more with say, Deus would be good for getting notes and and moving along storylines. Beyond that - okay, if the idea is flaws with races - let's examine which races are missing what, exactly?
I keep hearing that only dragons and kalchi have good attack skills and that some reaces have good defense/immunes, and a few have nice buff-like skills but that is it and there's a lot that is lacking. If that's so, specific examples perhaps? I'd be mostly interested in helping 3rd evolution over others, so instead of saying: all dwarves suck, let's look at 3rd evo dwarves. :)
Well, I can only -personally- look at the Gnomish line, or Snifvliblin, if you want. Essentially, we're just short humans with better stats, a couple small resists, and two racial skills. One of which does next to no damage, and the other... I can't honestly say I see any difference between using blur and not using it.
Compared to Dragons, which I have played, and yes, I realize they're uber beasties, but still. Dragons innately have one immune (or near immune), and at least one weakness hitting... what, +200, or is it 150? They get breath weapons, which get -STRONGER- with age, and do area of affect damage. Lets compare my wimpy gibberish that might do 150 points of damage, to a breathweapon that probably hits an average of 300-500 at a fairly young age. On top of that, they get the best stats in the game, trade for a very high TNL. Sure, their other skills are lacking, but yeah.
Then we take Kalchi, also another uber race, one I haven't played. Mentalflare. Enough said. Chalgyr calculated that with Daklore's pre-wipe hours and health, he could probably have hit 10K damage easily at full health. I know it's been, as Tsythor would say, rebalanced, but still... it gets better with time as well.
Now lets look at ShadowElves. I don't play one, but honestly... do they -even- get any racial benefits? They're just Drows with better stats? o_O
Rakshasa and the were evolution. They have a kick-ass were-form, which is rocking at low levels, but a drawback at higher levels. That has been answered with the probability of a skill to allow them to control that transforming urge at a higher evo/age/whatever. They also get double stat gains, and fairly decent resists.
Equus.... I've not played any... but they can gore an enemy/player and have a chance for an "instant kill". Over power much? I mean, I can get hit by a sword fifteen thousand times and not loose a limb, but I get ran through by a horn from a horse, and I'm dead? 9800 health in one hit, assuming it was successful at max health. ... Yeeeeeah.
Atach... whatever... they finally got a use for that third arm.. but really, that's the only thing anyone can say about them.
Can I say anything about any other race? Maybe Yuan-ti... their defensive skills are good from what I've heard. Can I say anything about any other race? Not really. They're pretty much just, 'meh, whatever. They can't really do anything cool, they're just there."
How's that? >P
I'm cool with dragons being the uber race. But if they are going to be so uber maybe they shouldn't have the elven form. It makes being a dragon way too easy. Yea it comes with little slap on the wrist negative affects but the Kalchi don't have a way out and they do just fine when played right.
That's my main beef with races
Dragons are just overpowered to have such an easy out with the elven form. Just doesn't seem right when Kalchi have to suffer through it.
The overall agro toward Dragon and Kalchi has also been reduced, because the code was altered to offer them a chance to -not- be agro'd, which gives them even more of an advantage. We have to take into consideration that Dragon and Kalchi are -endangered species- though. Would it make sense for the 'lesser races' to simply wander around and do nothing? They'd be making themselves better, so they can prevent those two races from regaining their former glory, less the dragon-kalchi wars renew or something. But yeah, I understand they're the uber races, but the other races need something going for them as well now. They're so powerful, they're ridiculously overplayed for an endangered species. Mostly dragons (because they can morph out of agro). Speaking of morph, maybe the stat hit should be a lot more severe, rather than a few points off of select stats, which can be over-come with stacking customs over the stat limit.
How about limiting morph to force the maximum they can raise a stat to, while morphed, to say, 40, or lower? If they get to trade off a few points to be non-agro, and still have access to their breath weapon... donut make sense to me.
On the "morph" part of being a Dragon, I could understand us being penalized a little bit more for being in our Elven forms. And I'm amazed that I know something that Daklore doesn't, but we are no longer allowed to use our Breath attack while in Elven form.
And speaking about the Breathe.. I recently passed 1300, which is the most I've ever logged on one character. I was told that with age, my Breath attack would get stronger. In all honesty, I haven't seen anything that I would consider to be stronger. Is it that I'm supposed to hit 2k, or even 3k hours for it to gain its former glory? Cause if thats what it is, then alright, Im cool with that.
The dragonbreath goes up in increments (as does the kalchi thing) around every 100 hours, and it's not a huge amount each time. it's the fact that over time, a dragon with 1000 hours has had 10 upgrades over one with 20 hours. There is a cap built in somewhere as well, but I don't remember where.
I'm all for improving some 3rd evolution abilities. At this rate, humans are getting hosed worse than anything alive, but no one sticks up for them. :p Am I the only one who plays them? :D
Shadow-elves: they are driders with different equipslots. I think I made a post about that when we first implimented them, but that was years ago.
There have also been a couple of skills/spells geared to be anti-dragon. Once upon a time, we were working on anti-kalchi and dragon stuff equipwise too, but that just sorta fell through, so there were at least some strides being made to counteract their power. Also keep in mind that the tnl is different by race. a dragon or kalchi has a much higher tnl than say, a gnome. Not saying that it's the world's worst penalty, but when we were first designing races and putting this stuff out there to the staff and players at the time, that's the sort of response we were getting from people.
Keep it all coming.
As far as Drow go, they get several affects that build with each Evo for darksight, being hidden and such which are cool, they could use a bump on the attck front, right now shadow elves/driders get darkness as racial spell which as far as I've ever seen is just a weaker darkbomb.
I like the toneing back on the aggro for Dragons and Kalchi, for those who don't play dragon/kalchi all the change did was make it poosible to pass through a room without being noticed, but if one jumps you everything else in the room still atacks. But Dragons do need more of a penalty for Morph, and maybe a random chance of it failing at any given time.
From what I've seen of the new races they all seem good, which is to say more powerful than the old races which most of could use being dialed up a bit, maybe with a new racial ability or the ones they have being made stronger.
And Yes Chal, you are the only one who plays Humans because one there no real bonus to being human, and two the other races are all cooler.
And I know I'm rambleing at this point but I just thought of something else. Since Kalchi and Dragons are supposed to be hated races how about RP like sanctions on them such as shops paying them less, and not getting as much recovered from healers or having to pay double other races and maybe in places like Murkwood the shopkeepers, trainer, etc. just flat refuse to help them?
OK I'm done..... for now. Now where did that Rum go???
>> Dragons get to hide.... Why can't Kalchi's in final evo get something so their not the constant target of mob hate when they enter a dungeon?
The lil army of ten... erm... seven... makes a fine point... but then there's also "How to balance it?" Do we give them morph, which would make no sense at all. The fiery wings are an extension of their power.... it's sort of like Naruto trying to control Kyuubi at four tails. >P Well, that's a half decent... okay, it's a lame assed description.
alright idea for fairness sake on Kalchi.
They only become aggro'ed when their wings are flared?
and the Wings must be flared to use racial skills?
if that makes sense? Kinda like how Dragons must be in dragon form to do Dragon Breath
That could work, you just tuck the wings away and pose as a normal Elf. But speaking on behalf of my Kalchi alt, "We don't need no sticking hideing ability. Kalchi aren't little wusses like those big baby lizards."
See, that approach Leesil is how I always viewed my kalchi. They don't want to blend in, they still deep down often think they're as good if not better than others, almost to the point of being proud of what they are. :) I think I gave darkelves some sort of combat bonus during night time or dark rooms or something like that. Nothing huge, nothing announced, but it seems like some time ago I slipped them an extra 5% damage or something for darkened conditions, but I could be mistaken as well... in fact, I just clipped this:
Kalchi for example, don't have any of these bonuses. It's not much, but as you can see - a lot of the races (that list goes another page or two for the faces) have built-in bonuses you might not even be aware of. :)
Yeah, Gnomes are just -there-. No bonuses for us, or else we'd be able to make explosives. C'mon, everywhere Gnomes go, explosions are soon to follow.
Making htose things more visible or buffed up might be a way to go. Like giving Drow a nighstalker ability that increases hit/dam temp but can only be used at night. Giving Scorp/Crab races a harden skill that increases AC for a short while.
And Gnomes should definitely be given a self-destuct ability to explode, once, doing a little damage, and completely destroying that character in the process. >:D
Naw, I was aiming more for a random chance to throw out an explosive in battle that does random damage ranging from anywhere between 100 and 999999999999 *shifty eyes* that one would be a nuclear weapon *shifty eyes again*
Ant I was shooting for eat popcorn while watching you blow yourdself up, But we don't always get what we want.
Daklore blowing up leaves a crater several miles wide... I donut think you want that >P
Only in your ego..... And no wonder stop useing a Donut to do your thinking for you. Personally I use a scoop of fudge ripple ice cream for all of mine.
Well that explains why they always look like ....
Not to... well no, that doesn't work... TO step in and try to end Daklore's aside, I will try to get this back on topic.
I was thinking a Canine race, perhaps werewolf, or gnoll for instance.
We don't need any mutts. Cats are all we need, cause... Cats are way better.
Daklore's right.....An seeing as my head just burst into flames from speaking that Blasphemey you know it's true.
We have talked about adding werewolves as a racial add-on (like vamps & ghosts), but were concerned that that removed the uniqueness of the were-kitty races.... not that we don't already have overlaps (for example, don't get me started on the number of elven races we have...).
Don't know that we've talked about doing a canine race though..hmmm... maybe a human polymorph race that can do wolves, bears, and ... seals?
I hereby announce the National Seal Hunt in Lapis *sage* But c'mon, we've got -too- many races as it is now, including special/hidden. For that matter we've got too many vampire bloodlines, but it'd probably be too much of a hassle to combine some, or get rid of some.... *shrug* I think we should save making more new races for when we start getting a player boom or something >P
There's no harm in discussing options and finding out what people are interested in... and what they aren't interested in. For example, we know you aren't interested in more races but other people are.
Besides, sometimes one portion of a discussion will spawn a different one. For example, I have to wonder if Alaunae opened up the discussion on Shapeshifters because I brought up polymophs and it triggered the thought "Hey, Shapeshifters need some help."
Quote from: Thalia on 08/06/07, 13:51
Besides, sometimes one portion of a discussion will spawn a different one. For example, I have to wonder if Alaunae opened up the discussion on Shapeshifters because I brought up polymophs and it triggered the thought "Hey, Shapeshifters need some help."
Well, it's possible it was in my subconscious, but given my penchant for barely retaining ANYTHING I read, it's not likely. Mostly, it was mostly born out of my seemingly endless struggle to decide which fourth tier I want to take my newest mage and then realising "Hey, wouldn't it be nice if Shapeshifters could actually shapeshift?"
But I can give you credit too, if that's what would make you happy. ;D
Quote from: Alaunae on 08/06/07, 14:32
But I can give you credit too, if that's what would make you happy. ;D
Wasn't looking for credit, was looking for an example of one idea leading to another.
*grins* I think the MUD is an example of one idea leading to another. :)
But beyond that, it does feel like some races get a lot more love than others (does anyone but me play humans?) - but I like having new races and a few new things like that to put in for when we do -boom- (if ever) and to provide just a bit more variety. :) Also, hunting seals huh? *puts the pic of a seal on Daklore's back*
That and ya never know what new race might cause the boom... we could have some huge p-base out there that is just waiting for the day bugbears are a race and just like that -snap- we'll have 20 new players :) and we're overrun w/ them. I agree we have alot of races.. but there are alot of races that are underplayed - and there are some that are over played - then we have Daklore who plays and underplayed race pretending to be a version of one of the new races, but all together not anything part of the game system. :)
Yeah, Daklore never goes with the crowd. He likes to swim against the current... and the floatation devices that newts laze around on whilst sunbathing. But c'mon, you guys would be bored without me! Admit it. ... fine, be like that. Instead of perhaps introducing new races specifically for lycanthropes and their wierdo cousins, perhaps the Rakshasa race could be considered for re-vamping, and having a more dragon-esque form of evolution... perhaps an in-game quest allowing you to evolve to a different were-type, with say, the werecats being default or something. It'd be better than introducing fifteen new races just to give people the different were options >P And making them like vampires would be pointless, because there'd be those who'd bite with no regard for RP... and then there'd be Daklore, who only bites women *shifty eyes*
I like that idea better then added new races - even if the difference is cosmetic (shadowelf/drider thing w/ the legs being the only real difference) it gives for more RP in the long run. :)
If you guys are worried about werewolves taking away from werecats then why not nuke the werecats and just make them humans witha werecats form with the moon is out and then have diff were types for all the races but each race only have one were type... just a thought
I like the idea of all races having various options - werecat, werewolf, wererat, blah blah blah - but you have to complete a hidden quest to become one - or the bitten thing - but like dak said - there are going to be people who just bite everyone who asks.
The frustrating thing about hidden quests, it that they tend to be hidden only for the first couple of people... and then someone blabs the "hidden" all over the place. . . . not that we won't continue to do them, just don't expect 20 of them to show up in the next month.
Which brings us back to the point of this topic... which races need some attention? I think we've heard...
- Were-kitties might need some help because they can't use armor and/or can't control their were-transformations
- Unicorns need some dark variation
- All racial attacks need to be looked at & beef up, but probably not dragon, Kalchi or Elfish
- Since they can switch into Elvish form, Dragons are over powered & Kalchi to a lesser extent... so consider limiting them in some fashion (?? or turning aggro back up ??)
- more alternates for racial transformation
... if Merrow could Chomp for 4,000 damage at level 200, or
... if you could start a giant then evolve into either a sea giant by standing in the sea, a cloud giant by standing in the clouds or a frost giant by standing in the cold...
:: ponder-ponder-ponder ::
and/also/but... are there any racial skills just flat out missing? Anything where you've thought "Hey, in nearly every book or story I've read, race ABC could always do __________"??
Quote from: Azzan on 08/07/07, 13:15
I like the idea of all races having various options - werecat, werewolf, wererat, blah blah blah - but you have to complete a hidden quest to become one - or the bitten thing - but like dak said - there are going to be people who just bite everyone who asks.
no no no no you totally got what I was trying to say wrong.... like all unicorns become wereunicorns (dark/evil) unicorns.... elves become werewolves... demons become werebeings... and so on and so on
not all races having millions of options :P but either way works I guess and as for werecats not having enough stuff maybe their were form gain grow in strength and hps as they gain more hours instead of doing major reworking just tweak it so that their skills and hps get better with hours
Yeah, we always have blabber mouths... like Tsythor who made a site to give out the secrets *sage* ... okay, he never gave out 'secrets' but still >P People always want it easy, anyway, and there's always gonna be that person who gives it. .... that sounded so wrong, on just so many levels. Just what you've come to expect from your friendly neighbourhood Daklore. As for Dragons and Kalchi.... hmmm hmmm... hmmmmmmm.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... perhaps you could consider making an OLC command that allows mobs to do additional damage to those races, to make it harder for them. If they're supposed to be hated, then it -would- make sense for some to find ways to deal additional damage to them. ... Meh, I suppose that'd be too troublesome though.
Why do the were-kitties need help? They're pretty strong during their transformation if i recall correctly - that and as far as controlling it - in most books/stories/movies/ect - they dont get to control it - it happens at a full moon - thats it...
And in most books/novels/films they usually die anyway. But this is KotL, wherein we can alter thingies. Also, in most novels/books/whatever, there's only -one- full moon per month. Volain has four per in-game month. While weres -do- get nice buffs during a full moon, that's only truely benificial at a low level. At say, level 200, an additional 10K health isn't gonna get you very far compared to someone with 11K health from customs. Unless they have a pocket healer following them or something. And that be what people complain about, really. Which is why I don't play a were-cat >P Despite my fondness of cats.
I never thought of that i guess :) - perhaps cutting down what they get at full moon some and allowing equipment to be worn - or perhaps buffing up the HP bonus (as well as the others - i've never played a werecat so i dont know what they get) as they increase in levels above 150 or something.
The HP bonus is only a buffer. At the same level, if you take me with 10K health, and a werecat with even... 20K health. I'd still win. Why? Even if my resistance was 0 to their damagetype, they have absolutely jack for armor class. Which means they'd be taking a -lot- of damage. And at night I already hit pretty damned hard without branding a mob. Weres are only asking for being able to wear some armor and what not, really. The boost to health is enough, but a hinderance at a higher level wherein the armor class is more important than the extra health. *shrug* And giving wereforms enough AC to equal seven or eight customs might be a bit overpowering them, especially for a low level. ... unless the bonus was balanced to level. Sure, they could probably survive if they had a billion spells cast on them, but still.... one maya mod and poof.
I like all of the newer races, but I wish some of them would be a smaller size. If i'm not mistaken, most of the demonic races are large. I dunno. I'd just like to see some small ones.
And also, are dwarves supposed to be medium? I was more of the mind and consideration that they were small? No? Ok.
Sorry, just got another brainwave.. they're rare, so i have to report all of them.
I know we get mentalflare as Kalchi, but that also hurts us, and causes huuuuuuuge lag during our fights.
I was thinkin' maybe we could get a small damage increase when flaring wings?
I mean, I would think if I was on fire, I'd move a bit quicker. Leadin' to harder hits and whatnot.
In addition, we kalchi don't need to -hide-. I think this would be a worthy payoff for the agginess. But ... dwarves need some attention too. *sagenod* :)
I think Kalchi should only be aggro'ed when their wings are flared. Equal to the Dragons Morph ability.
Were-cats NEED ITEMS. Even if it's just the jewlery slots and maybe tail armor or shingards. I dont' think they grow out in mass so badly that it all would break. Clothes like shirts and junk yes. but metal ? maybe dented up yeah. But earings? I would think that would still be attached. Same with Anklets.
I'd love to see Were-wolves though.......
Kalchi should always be agro'd. Mental flare is da ouchies. I remember when fuzzbutt told me if I was Kalchi, I'd have done about 10-20K damage with mentalflare *shifty eyes* >P But that was pre-wipe.
yeah, that's waaaaaaaaaay toned back now dak, since a large factor was based on max/current hps. which are like 1/5 of what they used to be. :p
Quote from: Chalgyr on 08/13/07, 12:34
yeah, that's waaaaaaaaaay toned back now dak, since a large factor was based on max/current hps. which are like 1/5 of what they used to be. :p
So.... can we get aggroed only when Wings flared?
no, we don't need to hide! >_<
More damage with flared wings. *sagenod*
*attaches lead weights of several hundred pounds to each Kalchi, and sets them to swimming in the middle of the ocean* There. Settled. >P
Quote from: Lx6 on 08/13/07, 15:52
So.... can we get aggroed only when Wings flared?
I'd be tempted to consider it, but we'd have to tie in a reason to have wings flared. currently dragons who are morphed have weaker stats and no dragon breath. At this point a kalchi with unflared wings... just needs a torch. Seems like a disparity there, like we'd need to have a penalty for unflared wings that would make a kalchi want to have them on more often than not.
can only mentalflare with wings flared, even so, that seems still skewed in our favor. I don't use mentalflare all that much. even though it does do some -alright- damage. maybe no racial haste without wings flared?
Or, *pushes idea again*, we should do more damage with flared wings, and quite a bit less than normal without them. Though we won't be aggro'd without without flared wings. =P
Ok. ... don't put weights on me again.
I'm not opposed to mentalflare not being usable unless wings are flared. But agreed - it's not like dragonbreath where you can use it over and over again. You lose health each time with mentalflare. Perhaps not having them flared lowers some of your stats or flaring them offers a boost as you suggested? Right now Kalchi do seem like the little brothers to dragons. that said, everyone seems weakter than those two so I'm not sure i want to empower kalchi further, despite them being my favorite race.
well, i did just start playin' a dwarf, which was kinda a dissapointment. to say the least, they need some love shown to them too.
Since, usually, they are kinda the smiths of the realm. How 'bout lettin' them imbue their weapons.
IE, a racial ability that lets them change the weapons damtype for a short duration. I think that would put them up there with all the other races, despite low stats, etc.
yea - i agree - i played a dwarf for a bit - but it was a tad bit dissapointing in the semi-long run... but then again - there are a few like that ;P
Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerf Kalchi! Buff Snifvliblin! ... and all the other normal races! ... and I can't believe you bloody censored the N-word on here too! Foos! >.>
I really don't understand what needs the n'wordin' about kalchi. We don't get -all- that much cool stuff. Sure we get mentalflare, but have you ever -used- mentalflare? I'm amazed more people don't get killed with it. Oh yeah, no I'm not, because half of us don't use it.
As far as the other affects, yes, we do get some super cool ones. But I think we should probably deserve them, 'cus we have to put up with more crap than you little races. Notwisthstanding, Dak's constant chant that we should be n***ed. o_o
Fine, you want something for Kalchi? How about this then. While their wings are flared they regenerate faster, their mentalflare does the same as it does, with a lower health loss. While their wings -aren't- flared, they do less with mentalflare, take more damage from it, and slowly cool down (akin to the Vampire blood meter) until they start taking XX% of their total health in damage from being to cold. How's that? *shrug* I'm sure I could do better, but I'd need more time.
I like and dislike some of what Daklore said, I know me like something Daklores said - I go in for the MRI at 3. I like the regen and mentalflare with a lower health loss while wings are flared, but think we should make it can nt mentalflare at all w/o them flared I also like the "cool down" idea, but instead of lossing health maybe once you cool down to a certian point you take a hit to stats - Say -5 to -10 points in Str, Dex, and Agi - And must spend time with your wings flared, possibly even have to be outside w/ them flared, to replenish this "Heat Meter" and get stats back.
Just throwing my 3.2 cents in.
The stat loss would have to be pretty drastic, as buff spells would probably cover the loss... not to mention customs. Health would be a more effective manner, as in vampires, it gives them a reason to get their blood back ... not to mention the loss of GM status with spells/skills.... But yeah, a continious loss of health would urge them to re-ignite their wings, instead of permanently staying flared down while questing or what have you. The cooling down should be quick compared to warm up.
Say, every tick A Kalchi will lose 3+1(number of ticks passed) in heat from the time they stop flaring wings.
Once they start flaring, they regain it at... say... 1+0.5(number of ticks passed/2) rounded down.
Logic: Laws of thermodynamics, or whatever. It takes longer for a body to warm up, than cool down. At least, last time I checked anyway. Take the Earth for example. It takes till 1 or so in the afternoon to reach peak temperature. That's say.... five or six hours of daylight. Once the sun goes down, it takes maybe two or three for it to cool right down. *shrug* >P
Logic: Once a Gnome, always a Gnome.
If the health/Stat/Whatever loss is the only, or the only serious, negative to haveing your wings down then yes it should take longer to restore yourself. If there are going to be other penalties aswell, loss of mentalflare, stats and hps, lowered xp gain, etc. then I think it should about even on time of loss to time of replenishment.
For Kalchi how about they aren't aggie'd when they don't have their wings flared but to use mentalflare they have to have them flared AND after they have them flared they have to keep them flared for a set time... basically their wings keep burning for a few hours everytime they flare them... keeps them all balanced out like that
I like my idea better. It prevents Kalchi from permanently hiding themselves, which may in turn require some sort of larger punishment for Dragons to balance it out some.... but still. We're only looking for temporary loss of agro for Kalchi, not permanent, like Dragon is currently (whose stat loss can easily be countered by a couple customs if I recall... they loose.... what? 3 or 4 points from a few/all stats? Big whoop. Let's make it 15 or 20 points if we hit Kalchi with this.... and maybe make them take more damage outside of dragon form than they otherwise would.... a bit of balance *sage* .... but that's only going by my idea there)