Non-RPers -- need your thoughts.

Started by Alaunae, 08/13/07, 22:30

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I don't expect many responses to this topic, but it's something that's been on my mind and I'm interested in hearing other people's perspectives on it.

There's not many people on the mud who don't roleplay in some fashion, given that this mud is generally considered (if not officially labelled) as a place where roleplay is encouraged.  But, for those of you who choose not to roleplay at all, or those of you who only do so when necessary or forced --

What draws you to KotL?

Is it the combat system?  Is it the out-of-character community?  Is it the economy/questing system/monetary system?  Is it something completely out of the normal that maybe would surprise me to learn?

I would love to hear some thoughts on this subject.


I wouldn't call myself a complete anti-rper, but it is something that I tend to do very little of.
But, if this mud was a craphole full of nothing but very good roleplay possibilities, I most likely wouldn't be staying.
So, what draws me to this mud is a lot of things.
Contrary to any of the muds I've previously taken interest in, KotL offers competition when it comes to improving your character.
It's time consuming to improve skills and spells, stats don't come along too easily and equipment, and this is my favourite part, is very original if you compare one character to the other. Custom equipment, the "endless" amounts of regular quest gear and a whole lot of different regular euipment makes sure not every high lvl character walks around with exactly the same gear.
I had a lot of thoughts on my mind, buuuut I lost them.
Essentially, it's a well balanced game. That's what makes me play it.
Cold is God's way of telling us to burn more catholics!


Quote from: Cyrgon on 08/14/07, 09:34
I wouldn't call myself a complete anti-rper, but it is something that I tend to do very little of.
But, if this mud was a craphole full of nothing but very good roleplay possibilities, I most likely wouldn't be staying.
So, what draws me to this mud is a lot of things.
Contrary to any of the muds I've previously taken interest in, KotL offers competition when it comes to improving your character.
It's time consuming to improve skills and spells, stats don't come along too easily and equipment, and this is my favourite part, is very original if you compare one character to the other. Custom equipment, the "endless" amounts of regular quest gear and a whole lot of different regular euipment makes sure not every high lvl character walks around with exactly the same gear.
I had a lot of thoughts on my mind, buuuut I lost them.
Essentially, it's a well balanced game. That's what makes me play it.

I think you just made my day with that remark.

When Gilly and I started KotL, we decided that we wanted to be heavily rp encouraged, but that we wanted a variety of things to do depending on different tastes, whether it was pk, leveling, questing, stat/skill/stance building, etc.  We wanted a bit of something for eveyrone - so I'm quite pleased to read this particular response to Alau's question. :)
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


I'm not a huge rp guy either, the mud I played on for years wasn't much on RP, but it was fun.  Unfortunately that mud disappeared with hurricane Katrina.  Now I've found this place and I have to say that I love it.  The areas are diverse, skills and spells make sense as to which classes get them (no more rangers who can gate), and the whole idea of custom weapons and armor is fantastic.  Other places you were limited to restringing and adding weapon flags to quest items, this gives much more possibilities.  The different kingdom groups and religions is also fantastic.  So while I don't RP a huge amount, other than necessary to obtain kingdom and religion promotions, I get a great deal of enjoyment out of the hunt.  Whether it is the hunt for runes, quest tokens, GM of skills, or just hording gold, I like the hunt, and there is plenty to hunt here.

PS This was my first post.  Just like the RP stuff, I generally don't talk much unless I have something to say, and talking just to earn rpxp or making a post just for a certain reward seems a bit off to me.


Until recently I wasnt really big into RP - it seemed difficult to get involved in a more long term story, which I've accomplished now. Before that however some of the things that have kept here over the years was the custom system - which is pretty awesome. I love that we have multiple questors for each kingdom, and the rank systems within each (and religions too) are awesome. KotL has alot to offer on both sides and its just all around fun - there are days when you dont feel like RP'n to much and there is just LOTS to do. - oh yea -- and MSP is cool for getting deep into your RP. :)  (just found this out last night) :)


Cyrgon, Thaxn, Azzan -- thank you very much for your insight, I really appreciate it.  Just wanted to say that.   :)


Admit it Alau - your favorite thing about KotL is that Chalgyr chap...
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


Quote from: Chalgyr on 08/22/07, 23:53
Admit it Alau - your favorite thing about KotL is that Chalgyr chap...

Well, he does like sports ... and he is kind of cute, if you can look past the fuzzy butt ...

But I think I like his hot wife a little more.  ;)


Eh, I can't fault you for that... ;)
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


Feh.  Who is this Chalgyr person people speak of?  I bet he's another one of these "Non-Rpers" that Ala is talking about.
(  .  ) (  .  )   O_O!!!


 What continues to draw me back here is the fact that it survives. Over the years, many MUDs I've played have shut down. And sadly, my home MUD has just recently floundered... and then all-out disappeared. That really stunned me, and since then I've been returning to all my old haunts. I've just given up WoW, and restarted UO: TSSE (it's dying also), and since two days ago, KotL. I really think what keeps this place going is the playerbase. Dwindling player counts is what killed/is killing most other online games I play. I would, however, like to see more roleplaying. I'm just not very good at it  ;)


Hallo, well I havent been around for long, but I do have thoughts on my own.
I'm 19 years old, and i've been mudding since I was 10, I've played alot of muds, and most of the muds i've played, i've played em to be the best in my field(mostly assassin/shadow/thief like classes, in the pk world)  I've never rp'd much, I've rp'd pk some, but it's never been as detailed as I'd want it to be, but now I've come here, and what's caught my interest is first of all the kindness of people, for me its important that when I log in a new place someone says hallo to me and welcomes me, and answers me if I got any questions.. Second of all, The race system looks incredible, the thought of being able to evolve races, well I find it quite appealing.. Third of all, I'd love to learn how to rp, honestly, I find it very hard, I'm guessing its my unsecurity about myself and my english, that makes me, how do you say... Hold back, I dont wanna do something wrong, and therefor ruin someone elses rp experience, and thats what I've gotten the feeling that I can learn here, so for now, but hopefully not much longer, i'm qualified as a nonerper.. Fourth of all, The tier system awoke my interest aswell, come to think of it, as far as I've seen from the mud, its all good, Except for the hide/sneaking system, I dont like that its nearly impossible to be 100% hidden(as far as I've understood it anyways), but everything else looks great :)


Welcome aboard Veldruk and thanks for your thoughts.

Glad you've liked what you've seen so far; except for the pesky sneaking thing. ;)

That said - role-playing is something that really is a matter of personal preference.  Some people enjoy being front and center heros, others villans, others bit players in a storyline.  My wife happens to like MUDs best for rp, because we all used to get together in college and play tabletop D&D and she always felt very self-aware of herself when trying to roleplay a character with everyone else looking at her.  For me, it's just part of telling a story, even if no one else really wants to hear it necessarily (probably why I have the most stories on our story archive here as well - but something you might enjoy if you like to write).  I would say learn your way around the game, taking some time getting to know the kingdoms and religions - those are usually the two most 'common' themes that people rally around, and in the meantime learn who you work well with and who you don't and you'll file a role-play nitch if you want.

However, I've tried to throw in a lot of ideas over the years - leveling, questing, role-playing - all these different classes and races, in the hope that there's always something for someone to do.  Glad to have you aboard. :)
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


I would say that it is a little of everything that has drawn me here, and kept me here  ;D.
Even though I do roleplay my character well, that has unfortunately not been very frequent for a variety of reasons.  Just like irl, there are people in the ic community that simply will not mix well.  personality clashs will be inevitable, hence the reason why there are some I will not rp with  :-\.  Their idea of what constitutes roleplay and what I consider roleplay will be at sixs and sevens.  But when I do roleplay my char, it proves to be a very fun (And profitable) experience.  Jerks and douche-bags Elendil gives shortshrift to and ignores.