Unique bloodplane areas, you would like to see?

Started by sye, 09/03/11, 22:53

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Okay, I had a few ideas I wouldnt mind messing with..  I could probabaly swing just about any idea if it was good and decent.

I was thinking of a chaos rift.. or chaos cavern.. or something.. plains, swamp whatever.:
Have it so when you enter some of the rooms you can get randomly moved to another area of the place, so won't ever really know where you're going..   have random portals you can enter in the area, that vanish and reappear(they all look the same) so you'd have no idea where you go, but it would send you to another location in bp, have mobs that when you kill send you to the next room over, *not all the time, maybe one vnum mob that would do it* stuff like that.  ?

I was thinking of Storm Canyon.. But on crack. More colors, more elemental s, more room damage from lightning *not like.. too much, just maybe slightly more often and instead of like 150 / hit, like 260 / hit.
It would help eat resistance in bp faster.  (so would make area harder)

I was thinking of Blood Dragon Falls/hills/mountain (completely unique and new area with some spiffy dragons)  Have some nice mprogs on there, and room mprogs that would have a dragon randomly fly overhead and blast you with breath.. and bam you get hit for like 400 hps (it would be a rare happening. )  Maybe have a dragon that takes up three or four rooms, youd have to kill a leg here.. then you can go to the chest, and after you get that to 20 percent the head appears and you fight the thing for real.. and bam, you get like good xp and stuff.  And you can then walk past it and go into a cave with some cool mobs.. or dragon hatchlings... or something interesting

Any of these grab someones attention?  Anything like this you would like to see or would like to grind in?  I am not promising anything as Chally would a) have to approve it and b)id have to be excited and want to do it.. :)  But id like to see you guys really happy to have an area you would love to see, or an idea you think would enhance a part of bp. 
-Sye out
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


How about an underwater area, that does drowning damage randomly if you are in there? 
And has a few sneaky mprogs oprogs that make it look like a shark swims up to you and bites you!  or something..

Maybe you can find a cave inside this underwater area, that you could be safe, and would have a healer in it, but its a little chaotic when youre out around swimming.  Or something.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


THe underwater area  sounds cool. But make the mobs unique and the descriptions. That would be better than taking an area already made.


The idea was to make the area from scratch and unique.

I plan on putting a lot of effort and love into it, like I did with the area I just finished :)
which hopefully you guys will see soon.

-Sye out

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


Bloodplanes ideas I'd like to see:

- I'm working on a small BP village, but another city of village - signs of organized 'life' from those who have survived (and maybe not everything is killable) - for context/rp value would be cool.

- Maybe an ancient city that was once part of Olerax and now here (think lost city of atlantus)

- Maybe a Blood Sea - with a series of interconneted Islands (not sure how you get back and forth.  boat?  mprog? portal?) each one with something very different to see

I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


What if I would be willing to do both.. an ancient Atlantis.. half underwater half above water, with interlocking islands you would have to figure out how to get to, and each island may have some cool egg or treasure or some fun 'unique' way of surviving, or toying with non player chars.
Then there could be sections you could go under water and hunt for a fabled monster to save the village, 'from an immediate' threat.  And maybe a very very rare <mprog> would have a small event, like if you're in the main city it actually has a small mini-story mprog of the monster attacking.  And that way you get the 'feel' of how the monster works and you feel that much more rewarded for saving the city.  And maybe, you get an item, that if you have that item, the city-folk would be like "check $N item'  say, "There's the hero!" etc :)  "He/she saved us from the *blah blah beast*"  And they would say there are more, but nothing was more ferocious than the one that was slain by $N.  etc..

-sye out
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein