player commands / abilities / shops/ market Square

Started by sye, 08/28/11, 16:46

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Okay, I was thinking of some spiffy rp commands that we could have and use.

Visible *toggles if youre invis or not*  So you can turn it off, in towns perse, to trade and talk.

Okay dont laugh.. I think this would be a really good idea..
not everyone has travel runes.. and not everyone has gate.. so I was thinking of a market..

market *would teleport you to a market that would be a few rooms linked togehter that you cant pvp in.. and there would be a fountain.. a healer, and a shop or two, and maybe some fun thigns for people to mess around with.. some mobs with <I> so you can chat with them.. maybe about upcomming events or rumors etc..   The idea for this is.. so newbies or people could meet up and help each other out, and wed have a sanctuary we could all rest at.. inbetween quests that everyone can get to.. it woudlnt' cost half your move to get there.. so people wouldn't be turned off the idea.. and it could have a test dummy to test peoples damage / minute or round or 10 rounds.. it could have a tavern, with chairs and stuff.. it could have all sorts of things, and you guys could add a room here or there to it as you see fit.*

Maybe it could be a group of rooms, that had a room for each kingdom.. klevnone, lapis, all that.. so if there ever was a war.. there would be one elite guard in each room, to keep people from harassing each other.. *this is just an idea.. doesnt need to be done*  But those would be just linked to the market.. not the market itself.   You could have  a gambler there to play dice and stuff too, just like you have in tolin.

I was also thinking, I dont think ive ever seen the festival grounds linked.. anywhere in the game, during ANY festival.. What if.. you had the entrance at the market.. and there would be guards or something in the way that aren't killable.. and as long as they are there you cant pass, and an imm, during festival times could go there and 'remove' them, so people could have access for that day.
So you would never have to go out of your way to 'link' a room, or upload an area.. this way it would always be there, and always be set, and all youd have to do to allow access is 'delete/dest/remove' the two guards!

okay here is another good idea.. and it would be easy..
We already have a pet store.. I was thinking..
That somewhere in the game, we could have a 'mercenary camp' and it could have a random stock of mercenaries, like.. a barb with a fire sword.. or an assassin with a dark club.. or a gladiator with a sharp sword.. etc.. and they would be color coded.. red for ones that did fire..   you could edit it how you saw fit..
but the idea here is.. maybe you can hire a goon.. or thug or whatever..

You could do it based on faction and have one in each kingdom, unique to that kingdom.. price is tokens, based on faction.. and the level could be based on how much you would pay.. so like..  a level 50 would be 100 tokens.. a level 100 would be 150 tokens.. a level 150 would be 200 tokens, and a level 200 would be 250 tokens, and a level 250 would be 300 tokens.. and 300 would be 350 tokens..

You could also have it scale.. one your level would be 100 tokens flat, one 10 levels higher would be 300 tokens.. one 20 levels higher would be 500 tokens..   

You could have one camp that everyone could go to and have a few dif types, or put them in each kingdom or just in tolin.. or whereever you wanted.   
****I think in this way.. kings/queens should also be able to have a new ability that would let them summon a guard from their kingdom that is their level, or 10 levels higher, that was unique, not too powerful, but unique, and maybe cost some coffer money, but it would be grouped with them****

This is just some ideas to help with uniqueness of the game, you could decide if you want it to be a charmie, or a pet.. id pick one or the other not both..  :D  Or maybe you could figure something out with both.. who knows.

but in this way.. we already have familiars.. and they are cool...  And I don't think they should be messed with, but you could utilize other ideas akin to this for kingdoms.. or for people to hire.
ALSO: you could just do a straight up kingdom one.. like the relgions but dif / kingdom.. Tolin wouldnt get one period.. and it would get a bonus to level vs what you are, according to your rank.

But I think it would be nice to have token flow.. have a reason more reasons for people to spend tokens etc. :)

PSSST: This way it takes slightly longer for people to get full customs, and it gives people with full customs something to play with, so they dont just have thousands of tokens sitting around.  I mean sure its fun to just hand tokens to newbs and help them out, but it would be nice to do extra things too.

What do you guys think?!  -Sye out

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


You could also.. just add them to custom vendors too.. so quest buy "thug".. quest buy "assassin' quest buy 'warrior' quest buy 'scout' etc.  so you can kinda help make your own party, you could even have each mob, that is grouped with you randomly yell things like "For Murkwood" or "for Klevnone" etc..
would be interesting :)
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein


Quote from: sye on 08/28/11, 16:46
Okay, I was thinking of some spiffy rp commands that we could have and use.

Visible *toggles if youre invis or not*  So you can turn it off, in towns perse, to trade and talk.


Okay dont laugh.. I think this would be a really good idea..
not everyone has travel runes.. and not everyone has gate.. so I was thinking of a market..

market *would teleport you to a market that would be a few rooms linked togehter that you cant pvp in.. and there would be a fountain.. a healer, and a shop or two, and maybe some fun thigns for people to mess around with.. some mobs with <I> so you can chat with them.. maybe about upcomming events or rumors etc..   The idea for this is.. so newbies or people could meet up and help each other out, and wed have a sanctuary we could all rest at.. inbetween quests that everyone can get to.. it woudlnt' cost half your move to get there.. so people wouldn't be turned off the idea.. and it could have a test dummy to test peoples damage / minute or round or 10 rounds.. it could have a tavern, with chairs and stuff.. it could have all sorts of things, and you guys could add a room here or there to it as you see fit.*

Maybe it could be a group of rooms, that had a room for each kingdom.. klevnone, lapis, all that.. so if there ever was a war.. there would be one elite guard in each room, to keep people from harassing each other.. *this is just an idea.. doesnt need to be done*  But those would be just linked to the market.. not the market itself.   You could have  a gambler there to play dice and stuff too, just like you have in tolin.


I was also thinking, I dont think ive ever seen the festival grounds linked.. anywhere in the game, during ANY festival.. What if.. you had the entrance at the market.. and there would be guards or something in the way that aren't killable.. and as long as they are there you cant pass, and an imm, during festival times could go there and 'remove' them, so people could have access for that day.
So you would never have to go out of your way to 'link' a room, or upload an area.. this way it would always be there, and always be set, and all youd have to do to allow access is 'delete/dest/remove' the two guards!

Not sure what you mean, but I'm saying a big, fat, NO.

okay here is another good idea.. and it would be easy..
We already have a pet store.. I was thinking..
That somewhere in the game, we could have a 'mercenary camp' and it could have a random stock of mercenaries, like.. a barb with a fire sword.. or an assassin with a dark club.. or a gladiator with a sharp sword.. etc.. and they would be color coded.. red for ones that did fire..   you could edit it how you saw fit..
but the idea here is.. maybe you can hire a goon.. or thug or whatever..

You could do it based on faction and have one in each kingdom, unique to that kingdom.. price is tokens, based on faction.. and the level could be based on how much you would pay.. so like..  a level 50 would be 100 tokens.. a level 100 would be 150 tokens.. a level 150 would be 200 tokens, and a level 200 would be 250 tokens, and a level 250 would be 300 tokens.. and 300 would be 350 tokens..

You could also have it scale.. one your level would be 100 tokens flat, one 10 levels higher would be 300 tokens.. one 20 levels higher would be 500 tokens.. 

Triple those costs and maybe

You could have one camp that everyone could go to and have a few dif types, or put them in each kingdom or just in tolin.. or whereever you wanted.   
****I think in this way.. kings/queens should also be able to have a new ability that would let them summon a guard from their kingdom that is their level, or 10 levels higher, that was unique, not too powerful, but unique, and maybe cost some coffer money, but it would be grouped with them****


This is just some ideas to help with uniqueness of the game, you could decide if you want it to be a charmie, or a pet.. id pick one or the other not both..  :D  Or maybe you could figure something out with both.. who knows.

but in this way.. we already have familiars.. and they are cool...  And I don't think they should be messed with, but you could utilize other ideas akin to this for kingdoms.. or for people to hire.
ALSO: you could just do a straight up kingdom one.. like the relgions but dif / kingdom.. Tolin wouldnt get one period.. and it would get a bonus to level vs what you are, according to your rank.

But I think it would be nice to have token flow.. have a reason more reasons for people to spend tokens etc. :)

PSSST: This way it takes slightly longer for people to get full customs, and it gives people with full customs something to play with, so they dont just have thousands of tokens sitting around.  I mean sure its fun to just hand tokens to newbs and help them out, but it would be nice to do extra things too.

What do you guys think?!  -Sye out

My responses are bolded and italicazed in qouted text
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


Well, it sounds ok. Would need more detail instead of rambling. But the concept seems pretty ok.

Idea as to location
Barbarian at Klev
Assassin at Tolin
Knight at Armengar
Bard/Gambler at Tozain
Healer at Lapis
Scout at Murkwood
Wizard at Mes
Illuisionist at Cal

Make them 10 levels above player character, act like normal familiars that you can summon, they can't be used against player characters, and you have to open doors for them or have them already with passdoor. But they lenght of time they can follow is based on your level. They can stack with one familiar or charmie.


I was also thinking, I dont think ive ever seen the festival grounds linked.. anywhere in the game, during ANY festival.. What if.. you had the entrance at the market.. and there would be guards or something in the way that aren't killable.. and as long as they are there you cant pass, and an imm, during festival times could go there and 'remove' them, so people could have access for that day.

--- actually not a bad idea.  I mean, the links are there during the festivals, but festivals only - but that could be done with a single mob and an mprog that forces you out, though I'm not sure that it is really that much easier or not to remove a mob reset than a room link reset each time there's a festival.
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


well what I was thinking was.. have it only spawn once.. on reboot.. its not like there is a way to get rid of it unless an imm 'destroys it' that way.. all an imm would have to do is.. go to the room and 'delete' mob/s and then people can go through, and it would be open until you guys did a reset.  or they could just 'clone a new mob' if needed be, to temp close it down before a reset. *much easier than linking and unlinking it via copyover*    It was just a thought. if it gets too confusing you could have a room thats 'up' from that room, with a room description telling any imm how it would work.. clone this mob vnum to block passage.. delete this mob to allow passage.    Etc.

Orrr.... this idea might take a little more time to progam but would work flawlessly..
Have the gaurds then the room after them.. then the festival grounds..
Make a switch that does an imm check, and they can 'toggle it'  If its on.. the room on the other side is okay to go through.. Ie like you can have instead of .. room flags (no_players) or (imm_only) you could have.. (Toggle_switch1) and have it inherit a file, that the first room has access too, I dont know exactly how your guys code works, but in LPC and C+ it should work.   so when festival is up.. anyone could enter, when its not up, only imms could enter. 

The mob idea was the simpliest idea I could come up with.  But either way.. it would be an area linked that everyone could get to and check easily if nothing else.  *shrug*
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein