Author Topic: werewolves  (Read 8010 times)


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Re: werewolves
« Reply #15 on: 09/02/10, 07:29 »
I wouldn't rule them out, but races and racial mods are not really a point of emphasis for me -right- now.  Besides:

kitties > puppies imo  :P
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Re: werewolves
« Reply #16 on: 09/03/10, 04:21 »
yeah yeah, it's not like I'm expecting this to happen anytime soon, just hoping it's added to the queue of things to be done.

as far as both of you saying kitties are better than puppies, I have 2 kitties and prefer them to the dog that used to be here.
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Re: werewolves
« Reply #17 on: 09/10/10, 01:08 »
lets just do lycanthropy as a whole and have werebears, weremonkeys, werewolves, wererats, and I'm open to suggestion for other weres we could have. and like vamps they each have their own unique perks and flaws. thats all I got at this moment.
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Re: werewolves
« Reply #18 on: 09/10/10, 13:08 »
I completely misread 'weremonkeys' as 'wereturkeys'.  Not sure which skeers me more. :D
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Re: werewolves
« Reply #19 on: 09/10/10, 17:34 »
interesting thought though. what would a wereturkey be like, and how sucky would it to be to be that guy?
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Re: werewolves
« Reply #20 on: 08/30/11, 01:00 »
Hrmm, this is a good idea.  But I dont know how it could be 'scoped' into doing it justice..
I think if it was considered it should be something that would please eveyone.. maybe as follows.. ->

It would be nice for vamps to have a 'way out' maybe they get a bad malformation, or they use their purifcation to purify rather than gen up :(, or mabye they get banished lol.. and get screwed.. if they or anyone got bit by a were.. they would get changed.

I think it should be a bonus extra modified race, not overpowered, not even that powerful, have a good balance.. if at worse case scenario it was just like the rakshas, but could wear gear in full moon just got a bonus to hp and damroll and all that stuff.. 

So.. I think it should..:

A) be different than vamps.. and be more like dragons
B) Be an optional mob done change *so anyone can do it*
C) should have negative affects and some positive that would.. make it fair and even.
---maybe this would be our option to not have everyone on the vampire band wagon--

So.. here we can have a mob that bites you, if you do something or bring him something, I dont think you should be draco... or skeleton, or ghost.. *he would just spit on you or something*.

So lets say this racial modifier does some things, first it checks for those, done and done.
Then if youre a vampire *it removes the vampire curse.. the modifiers all together, resists everything* and adds the were ones.. (oh and once you go were there is no going back to vamp, or to anything)

So.. you can be one of three.. once you do get bit.


---if youre a rakshasha you should get werepanther automagically --


changeform : werebear
When in changeform,  Claws can extend and gain you rake for single dps, or swipe for hitting whole room.  *good aoe doing slash*
when in changeform, fangs can extend and gain puncture, pierce attack that has a chance to stop combat, *high lag to use*
resists change slightly -slash pierce bash go up **=
resists change slightly -charm mental and sound/or fire go down **=
when in changeform, hps tripples, damroll doubles, and they gain 10 str and 10 con (doesnt go over cap)

Changeform :werewolf
When in changeform claws can extend and gain you rake for single dps, or swipe for hitting whole room.
when in changeform, fangs can extend and gain necklatch, pierce attack that has a chance to stun opponent for a few rounds, *high lag to use*
change resistance slightly  poison disease earth go up **=
change resistance slightly sound harm energy go down **=
when in changeform, hps double, damroll goes up slightly, hitroll goes up slightly, gain 10 led 10 dex (doesnt go over cap)

changeform: werepanther
when in changeform claws can extend and gain you rake for single dps, or swipe for hitting whole room.
when in changeform, fangs can extend and gain bite, pierce attack that has a chance to drop opponents hps in half *high lag to use* and renders the person vulnerable for a time.
change rsistance slightly dark negative wind go up **-
change resistance slightly water drowning fire go down **-
when in changeform, hps go up slightly, hitroll doubles, damroll goes up slightly, gain 10 agi, 10 dex (doesnt go over cap)

When in changeform all races are more aggressive IE, get attacked more.. and sometimes can attack anyone at random (depending on if its full moon or not)
when in changeform all races gain the ability to use 'berserk', and.. don't require food or drink.

(this is just the beggining of a spreadsheet.  But it would be something like this.. give it some.. randomness, let it be done by a mob.. and any race can do it within the reason.. and players CANNOT sire anymore.. lol, infact.. make the mob.. have a faction that you have to work up in order to do it..

Thats my two cents, I honestly doubt noone will ever go through the trouble to make this work.  But if anyone ever considered it, this is what it should be about.   I think other things need more focus than this though, and noone seems to care about this board! lol..

Anyways, at the very least, it would help balance out rakshashas sucking so much.. lol not being albe to wear anything in full moon is no fun for htem I bet, these guys should be able to wear everything like usual.

-Sye out

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Re: werewolves
« Reply #21 on: 08/30/11, 09:16 »
One problem I find with the were-race is they can't wear their customs. Dragons get to wear their customs in change form. They can't switch while in change form which is good. Also, dragons can switch at will which is costly but effective. Maybe if you choose the were race, at a certain number of hours you can control your change and use it to your advantage like dragons. Make it where you can only wear customs or runic eq.

Not being able to wear your eq in change form is a complete turn-off from this race. This race should be retired or re-vamped a lot.


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Re: werewolves
« Reply #22 on: 08/30/11, 10:42 »
hence why I said _can wear customs_ :)
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Re: werewolves
« Reply #23 on: 08/30/11, 17:53 »
I didn't read that far into your rant. Like I have said before you have great ideas, but you are long winded lol.
But it was also to make sure the point is getting across.


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Re: werewolves
« Reply #24 on: 09/01/11, 19:26 »
I actually dont know if the time put in would be wroth it.. I mean eventually fixing rakshasha to not suck so bad.. or adding some type of were thing would be cool.. But I think they should look at the races and make sure they are still somewhat balanced and look at other stuff first.

Im all for adding new racials and stuff, but thats kinda for new players not everyone likes to make new chars, and where it adds to the game and keeps peopel doing more stuff its not always the best to focus on.
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Re: werewolves
« Reply #25 on: 09/01/11, 19:41 »
Quite resurrecting zombie threads, dammit!
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Re: werewolves
« Reply #26 on: 09/01/11, 23:23 »
OMG.. Zombie... thats an interesting class /sub class, im going to start a new thread for that!
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Re: werewolves
« Reply #27 on: 09/02/11, 16:03 »
(Zombie is an undone but some what designed undead racial modification.  We got side tracked on other stuff plus decided that we might be more interested in a less "dead" racial modification.)


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Re: werewolves
« Reply #28 on: 09/02/11, 20:59 »
Hmm, racial modification that was opposite of all the ones we have.. which are kinda dark.. and dead.. vampire.. dracolich.. skeleton.. shadow elf..

Ill see what I can think of.. and post it up in a new thread.
-Sye out
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Re: werewolves
« Reply #29 on: 09/06/11, 14:45 »
Maya was once talking about a guardian or light being, or divine-touched type of anti-death themed additional race, but we never really took off with it.
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