
Started by azzan, 07/11/07, 14:56

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There's gonna be work involved no matter which way they go. Might as well do it right the first time, ne? >P
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


Look, all I'm going to say is this.  Armengar actually -HAS- a cell block!  I think I have somewhere between 3-7 cells, havent counted to find out.  But if you could give me the ability to LOCK SOMEONE IN THERE, and make those rooms no_recall/no_gate, that would be AWESOME.  POW's, ftw!
(  .  ) (  .  )   O_O!!!


that would suck horribly, all the females of the realms would be locked in there, tho, it would be easy enough to like do something to kill yourself to get out.
Tsythor <outgame>: '...  Lineer!  You freaking genius'


I'm liking this thought.  But I think that instead of NPC guards, members of the kingdom's guard need to be given a capture command, which imobilizes the target, forces the target to follow the capturer, and requires the capturer to go to the jail to release his captive.
If the capturer takes too long to get to the jail, the captive has an increased chance of going free.  The command will have a higher chance of success at higher ranks.  Failure to successfully capture will either start a fight or cause the intended captive to run off in a random direction. 
For example: Savvy, a guard in Mesilena, will have a very low chance of capturing anyone unless they are far below her level (at least 20 levels).  Kinnaz, as a Sheriff in Murkwood would have a decent chance of pulling off a capture without starting a fight as long as he is within 10-20 levels of his intended captive.  Ariadne, as Chief Justice of Calararian, would have a very good chance of capturing even those enemies who are 40 levels above her.
I just think that if we are going to use jail for IC reasons, lets use the IC characters who would be responsible to carry out the sentence.



thaxn has a good idea.
Tsythor <outgame>: '...  Lineer!  You freaking genius'


Except for the logical fact that people aren't going to just get arrested quietly - especially when they're guilty. Hence, a fight would obviously have to occur, with the guard comming out the victor, in all logical fairness. I think my idea is far superior. Agree with me, damnit!
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I want to bring this back to the top because of something that happened today.  I watched an enemy of my kingdom attack and kill peasants and guards, yet I, as an Inquisitor, could do nothing but watch and try to push him out of the kingdom (which didn't work too well) because he was out of pkill range.
Being able to capture and jail those who have comitted crimes against a kingdom seems not only the duty, but the right of the guards in a kingdom.



I thought it was hilarious, but yeah, you should have been able to do more on your own, instead of having to find an equal level person to do it for you. Perhaps after you kill so many kingdom mobs, you are like aggressive or violent and open to all attacks. As well as the jail option.
Tsythor <outgame>: '...  Lineer!  You freaking genius'