Races -- What needs to be improved? What's missing?

Started by Thalia, 06/15/07, 20:29

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That and ya never know what new race might cause the boom... we could have some huge p-base out there that is just waiting for the day bugbears are a race and just like that -snap- we'll have 20 new players :) and we're overrun w/ them. I agree we have alot of races.. but there are alot of races that are underplayed - and there are some that are over played - then we have Daklore who plays and underplayed race pretending to be a version of one of the new races, but all together not anything part of the game system. :)


Yeah, Daklore never goes with the crowd. He likes to swim against the current... and the floatation devices that newts laze around on whilst sunbathing. But c'mon, you guys would be bored without me! Admit it. ... fine, be like that. Instead of perhaps introducing new races specifically for lycanthropes and their wierdo cousins, perhaps the Rakshasa race could be considered for re-vamping, and having a more dragon-esque form of evolution... perhaps an in-game quest allowing you to evolve to a different were-type, with say, the werecats being default or something. It'd be better than introducing fifteen new races just to give people the different were options >P And making them like vampires would be pointless, because there'd be those who'd bite with no regard for RP... and then there'd be Daklore, who only bites women *shifty eyes*
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I like that idea better then added new races - even if the difference is cosmetic (shadowelf/drider thing w/ the legs being the only real difference) it gives for more RP in the long run. :)


If you guys are worried about werewolves taking away from werecats then why not nuke the werecats and just make them humans witha werecats form with the moon is out and then have diff were types for all the races but each race only have one were type... just a thought
Sean Boggz
-Breaking the mold-


I like the idea of all races having various options - werecat, werewolf, wererat, blah blah blah - but you have to complete a hidden quest to become one - or the bitten thing - but like dak said - there are going to be people who just bite everyone who asks.


The frustrating thing about hidden quests, it that they tend to be hidden only for the first couple of people... and then someone blabs the "hidden" all over the place. . . . not that we won't continue to do them, just don't expect 20 of them to show up in the next month.

Which brings us back to the point of this topic... which races need some attention?  I think we've heard...

  • Were-kitties might need some help because they can't use armor and/or can't control their were-transformations
  • Unicorns need some dark variation
  • All racial attacks need to be looked at & beef up, but probably not dragon, Kalchi or Elfish
  • Since they can switch into Elvish form, Dragons are over powered & Kalchi to a lesser extent... so consider limiting them in some fashion (?? or turning aggro back up ??)
  • more alternates for racial transformation

... if Merrow could Chomp for 4,000 damage at level 200, or
... if you could start a giant then evolve into either a sea giant by standing in the sea, a cloud giant by standing in the clouds or a frost giant by standing in the cold...

:: ponder-ponder-ponder ::

and/also/but... are there any racial skills just flat out missing?  Anything where you've thought "Hey, in nearly every book or story I've read, race ABC could always do __________"??


Quote from: Azzan on 08/07/07, 13:15
I like the idea of all races having various options - werecat, werewolf, wererat, blah blah blah - but you have to complete a hidden quest to become one - or the bitten thing - but like dak said - there are going to be people who just bite everyone who asks.

no no no no you totally got what I was trying to say wrong.... like all unicorns become wereunicorns (dark/evil) unicorns.... elves become werewolves... demons become werebeings... and so on and so on

not all races having millions of options :P but either way works I guess and as for werecats not having enough stuff maybe their were form gain grow in strength and hps as they gain more hours instead of doing major reworking just tweak it so that their skills and hps get better with hours
Sean Boggz
-Breaking the mold-


Yeah, we always have blabber mouths... like Tsythor who made a site to give out the secrets *sage* ... okay, he never gave out 'secrets' but still >P People always want it easy, anyway, and there's always gonna be that person who gives it. .... that sounded so wrong, on just so many levels. Just what you've come to expect from your friendly neighbourhood Daklore. As for Dragons and Kalchi.... hmmm hmmm... hmmmmmmm.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... perhaps you could consider making an OLC command that allows mobs to do additional damage to those races, to make it harder for them. If they're supposed to be hated, then it -would- make sense for some to find ways to deal additional damage to them. ... Meh, I suppose that'd be too troublesome though.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


Why do the were-kitties need help? They're pretty strong during their transformation if i recall correctly - that and as far as controlling it - in most books/stories/movies/ect - they dont get to control it - it happens at a full moon - thats it...


And in most books/novels/films they usually die anyway. But this is KotL, wherein we can alter thingies. Also, in most novels/books/whatever, there's only -one- full moon per month. Volain has four per in-game month. While weres -do- get nice buffs during a full moon, that's only truely benificial at a low level. At say, level 200, an additional 10K health isn't gonna get you very far compared to someone with 11K health from customs. Unless they have a pocket healer following them or something. And that be what people complain about, really. Which is why I don't play a were-cat >P Despite my fondness of cats.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I never thought of that i guess :) - perhaps cutting down what they get at full moon some and allowing equipment to be worn - or perhaps buffing up the HP bonus (as well as the others - i've never played a werecat so i dont know what they get) as they increase in levels above 150 or something.


The HP bonus is only a buffer. At the same level, if you take me with 10K health, and a werecat with even... 20K health. I'd still win. Why? Even if my resistance was 0 to their damagetype, they have absolutely jack for armor class. Which means they'd be taking a -lot- of damage. And at night I already hit pretty damned hard without branding a mob. Weres are only asking for being able to wear some armor and what not, really. The boost to health is enough, but a hinderance at a higher level wherein the armor class is more important than the extra health. *shrug* And giving wereforms enough AC to equal seven or eight customs might be a bit overpowering them, especially for a low level. ... unless the bonus was balanced to level. Sure, they could probably survive if they had a billion spells cast on them, but still.... one maya mod and poof.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I like all of the newer races, but I wish some of them would be a smaller size. If i'm not mistaken, most of the demonic races are large. I dunno. I'd just like to see some small ones.
And also, are dwarves supposed to be medium? I was more of the mind and consideration that they were small? No? Ok.


Sorry, just got another brainwave.. they're rare, so i have to report all of them.
I know we get mentalflare as Kalchi, but that also hurts us, and causes huuuuuuuge lag during our fights.
I was thinkin' maybe we could get a small damage increase when flaring wings?
I mean, I would think if I was on fire, I'd move a bit quicker. Leadin' to harder hits and whatnot.

In addition, we kalchi don't need to -hide-. I think this would be a worthy payoff for the agginess. But ... dwarves need some attention too. *sagenod*  :)


I think Kalchi should only be aggro'ed when their wings are flared. Equal to the Dragons Morph ability.

Were-cats NEED ITEMS. Even if it's just the jewlery slots and maybe tail armor or shingards. I dont' think they grow out in mass so badly that it all would break. Clothes like shirts and junk yes. but metal ? maybe dented up yeah. But earings? I would think that would still be attached. Same with Anklets.

I'd love to see Were-wolves though.......
-please insert brain here-