Races -- What needs to be improved? What's missing?

Started by Thalia, 06/15/07, 20:29

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Kalchi should always be agro'd. Mental flare is da ouchies. I remember when fuzzbutt told me if I was Kalchi, I'd have done about 10-20K damage with mentalflare *shifty eyes* >P But that was pre-wipe.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


yeah, that's waaaaaaaaaay toned back now dak, since a large factor was based on max/current hps.  which are like 1/5 of what they used to be. :p
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


Quote from: Chalgyr on 08/13/07, 12:34
yeah, that's waaaaaaaaaay toned back now dak, since a large factor was based on max/current hps.  which are like 1/5 of what they used to be. :p

So.... can we get aggroed only when Wings flared?
-please insert brain here-


no, we don't need to hide! >_<
More damage with flared wings. *sagenod*


*attaches lead weights of several hundred pounds to each Kalchi, and sets them to swimming in the middle of the ocean* There. Settled. >P
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


Quote from: Lx6 on 08/13/07, 15:52
So.... can we get aggroed only when Wings flared?

I'd be tempted to consider it, but we'd have to tie in a reason to have wings flared.  currently dragons who are morphed have weaker stats and no dragon breath.  At this point a kalchi with unflared wings... just needs a torch.  Seems like a disparity there, like we'd need to have a penalty for unflared wings that would make a kalchi want to have them on more often than not.
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


can only mentalflare with wings flared, even so, that seems still skewed in our favor. I don't use mentalflare all that much. even though it does do some -alright- damage. maybe no racial haste without wings flared?
Or, *pushes idea again*, we should do more damage with flared wings, and quite a bit less than normal without them. Though we won't be aggro'd without without flared wings. =P
Ok. ... don't put weights on me again.


I'm not opposed to mentalflare not being usable unless wings are flared.  But agreed - it's not like dragonbreath where you can use it over and over again.  You lose health each time with mentalflare.  Perhaps not having them flared lowers some of your stats or flaring them offers a boost as you suggested?  Right now Kalchi do seem like the little brothers to dragons.  that said, everyone seems weakter than those two so I'm not sure i want to empower kalchi further, despite them being my favorite race.
I must be here, 'cause I'm not all there.


well, i did just start playin' a dwarf, which was kinda a dissapointment. to say the least, they need some love shown to them too.
Since, usually, they are kinda the smiths of the realm. How 'bout lettin' them imbue their weapons.
IE, a racial ability that lets them change the weapons damtype for a short duration. I think that would put them up there with all the other races, despite low stats, etc.


yea - i agree - i played a dwarf for a bit - but it was a tad bit dissapointing in the semi-long run... but then again - there are a few like that ;P


Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerf Kalchi! Buff Snifvliblin! ... and all the other normal races! ... and I can't believe you bloody censored the N-word on here too! Foos! >.>
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I really don't understand what needs the n'wordin' about kalchi. We don't get -all- that much cool stuff. Sure we get mentalflare, but have you ever -used- mentalflare? I'm amazed more people don't get killed with it. Oh yeah, no I'm not, because half of us don't use it.
As far as the other affects, yes, we do get some super cool ones. But I think we should probably deserve them, 'cus we have to put up with more crap than you little races. Notwisthstanding, Dak's constant chant that we should be n***ed. o_o


Fine, you want something for Kalchi? How about this then. While their wings are flared they regenerate faster, their mentalflare does the same as it does, with a lower health loss. While their wings -aren't- flared, they do less with mentalflare, take more damage from it, and slowly cool down (akin to the Vampire blood meter) until they start taking XX% of their total health in damage from being to cold. How's that? *shrug* I'm sure I could do better, but I'd need more time.
"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."


I like and dislike some of what Daklore said, I know me like something Daklores said - I go in for the MRI at 3. I like the regen and mentalflare with a lower health loss while wings are flared, but think we should make it can nt mentalflare at all w/o them flared I also like the "cool down" idea, but instead of lossing health maybe once you cool down to a certian point you take a hit to stats - Say -5 to -10 points in Str, Dex, and Agi - And must spend time with your wings flared, possibly even have to be outside w/ them flared, to replenish this "Heat Meter" and get stats back.

Just throwing my 3.2 cents in.
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one.


The stat loss would have to be pretty drastic, as buff spells would probably cover the loss... not to mention customs. Health would be a more effective manner, as in vampires, it gives them a reason to get their blood back ... not to mention the loss of GM status with spells/skills.... But yeah, a continious loss of health would urge them to re-ignite their wings, instead of permanently staying flared down while questing or what have you. The cooling down should be quick compared to warm up.

Say, every tick A Kalchi will lose 3+1(number of ticks passed) in heat from the time they stop flaring wings.

Once they start flaring, they regain it at... say... 1+0.5(number of ticks passed/2) rounded down.

Logic: Laws of thermodynamics, or whatever. It takes longer for a body to warm up, than cool down. At least, last time I checked anyway. Take the Earth for example. It takes till 1 or so in the afternoon to reach peak temperature. That's say.... five or six hours of daylight. Once the sun goes down, it takes maybe two or three for it to cool right down. *shrug* >P

"Okay, who let Odin out of his cage?"
*A blue bouncy ball bounces by*
"That's it, I'm outta here."